The virus has blocked the antivirus, what should I do? We solve the problem with blocking pages by Avast antivirus

In our age of new technologies, an antivirus for a computer can be compared to a virus vaccination for a person. If your antivirus works poorly, then most likely your PC will not live long. But it also happens that after installing an antivirus you cannot access the Internet. This situation often occurs in Avast antivirus.

Avast blocks the Internet

Users may have encountered a situation where Avast blocks Internet access. It does not allow you to open any page in any browser. Avast antivirus blocks all network connections.

This situation can be caused by many reasons. Therefore, the problem will have to be solved accordingly to each of them.

Important! Most often, blocking occurs on a PC with Windows XP.

We are looking for a way out of the situation

You can do what most users do and just with. You can say goodbye to Avast at any time, so let's first figure out how to solve the problem and leave the antivirus (read about removing Avast antivirus).

First of all, you need to understand two things - why Avast blocks all sites and why Avast blocks the Internet. If the program blocks only one site, then perhaps it really is infected with a virus (you can read how to add a site to Avast exceptions).

But if, when you launch all browsers, a notification appears about blocking malicious screens, then you should act differently:

After you do everything according to the instructions, the problem with connecting to the Internet will be resolved. Now you can solve the problem yourself: “Why is Avast blocking the browser?”

It happens differently

In cases where even these steps did not help fix the problem, the conclusion arises that your computer has caught a virus. In this case, it is better to show it to a specialist and not worry about how to correct the situation. Why? Because if you are not an expert, you can do even worse (for example, delete important system files). Therefore, do not immediately believe everything you find on the global network.

Be attentive to alerts on your computer screen and listen to advice.

I hope you found this information helpful. Good luck everyone!


Try using Dr. Web Cure It. It does not require installation, and scanning the system begins immediately after launching the exe file. Download this program by visiting Restart your computer and start the operating system in safe mode. To do this, press and hold the F8 key after starting boot from the hard drive.

Run the downloaded exe file and wait until the program finishes scanning system files. This process can take quite a long time. Be sure to follow the progress of the process. You will be asked to delete certain files yourself or choose another option to deal with them.

If you know which files need to be deleted, then try doing it yourself. If the system does not allow you to completely remove some components of the virus software, then try the “recycle bin” removal method.

If, when you try to delete a file, a window appears with a message stating that this file is occupied by another process, then start the system again in safe mode. If after this you were unable to remove the virus file, then press the key combination Ctrl, Del and Alt.

After opening the task manager, one by one, disable all processes that are not system ones. Never disable a process unless you are sure of its purpose. This may cause the operating system to crash. Try deleting the file again after stopping unnecessary processes and services.

Try performing a system restore procedure. Use a checkpoint that was created before problems occurred or malicious files appeared. This method will help remove virus software if it was installed together with any program.


  • the virus prevents you from installing antivirus

Sooner or later, all Internet users are faced with the problem of virus infection. Even an installed antivirus program with the latest signatures cannot always help, and some malicious programs still leak onto the computer.

You will need

  • To treat your computer from viruses, it is convenient to use the free anti-virus program “dr.Web Cure It”.


Reboot in Safe. To do this, when the system boots, press the F1 key and select “Safe Mode” in the boot options menu. If, after booting, Windows prompts you to use the System Restore utility, refuse the offer.

Launch "dr.Web Cure It". Select the enhanced operating mode. In this mode, the computer will not be able to run other programs in parallel, but this will help block the possible activity of viruses.

After launching and selecting the operating mode, the program will automatically perform a quick check. However, it is better to interrupt its execution and configure the program to fully scan the computer. Click Settings, Change Settings. Open the Actions tab. Uncheck the "Request Confirmation" checkbox. Otherwise, if viruses are detected, the scan will be stopped until you decide what to do with this file.

In the main window, select “Full scan”. Click Start. The scan will take a long time, but after it is completed, you can say with a high degree of confidence that your computer is free of viruses and Trojans.

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Helpful advice

Regularly check your computer for viruses.

Tip 3: How to scan your entire computer for viruses

If you suspect that viruses may have appeared on your computer, you need to perform an anti-virus scan. There comes a time when you can see a sign on the desktop of your computer that says that your computer is infected and you will need to download a good antivirus. An inexperienced personal computer user, of course, agrees. But a good antivirus does not want to treat for free and requires sending an SMS message to a specific number, which, as a rule, leads to debiting a large amount from the user’s phone. Read on to find out how to deal with this.

You will need

  • Scan your hard drive with specialized anti-virus programs.


The whole problem is that previously installed antiviruses, which you did not get, cannot catch such an “infection” on the fly. Other free utilities designed to clean up all sorts of threats that the usual one cannot cope with can come to your aid. An example is the free utility from Dr.Web - Cure It! Installing and running this program will not cause you any difficulties. If there are no viruses when scanning with this product, reboot and enter the mode. Most viruses can block virus scans.

There is also a possibility that a virus has entered the kernel of your operating system. In this case, the antivirus will not be able to find such a virus. In this case, you need to check your hard drive on another computer, which will be clean (pre-checked by antivirus).

Sometimes it is enough to use special boot disks. These disks load at system startup and check the most vulnerable areas of your shell for the presence of dangerous elements. Such disks can be found from most modern antivirus manufacturers.

Related article


  • how to check for viruses on your computer

Tip 4: How to check your computer for a virus

Reliable PC protection against malware is a prerequisite for reliable and smooth operation of your computer. Which method of protection to choose is the question. You can protect your PC in two ways: use an online service, or install an antivirus on your computer.

You will need

  • In order to protect your PC from viruses, you will need avast antivirus!


Go to the website of the development company, fill out the very simple registration form and click on the “Submit Form” option.

After registration, go to your email inbox - you will receive a notification letter with the subject avast! Registration. In this letter you will see your license key for anti virus.

Return to the avast! website, go to the “Download” section and follow the link “Download avast! 4 Home Edition".

Click on the “Run” option or save the installation file to your computer - do what is more convenient for you. Installing the program is very simple.

After installation, restart your computer. After this, you will see the avast welcome window on your monitor screen!

Enter the license key in the line. To do this, right-click on the avast! icon, select “About avast!”, click on the “License Key” button and insert the key that was sent to you by email. Antivirus has started protecting your PC.

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When the registration key expires, you can easily get a new key and extend the antivirus for another 14 months.

Helpful advice

To scan your computer for viruses and other malware, you can choose any method: full scan, express scan, scan of removable media and others.


  • Help Service, website
  • How to check your computer for viruses 3 effective free methods

Nowadays, computer viruses no longer cause us such inconvenience as ten years ago, for example. And even if your antivirus software cannot recognize and cure your virus, you certainly will not be left without a computer. Based on some signs, you can detect the virus yourself and seek help from a specialist.

You will need

  • Computer
  • Observation


Discover viruses It also helps when your computer constantly redirects you to sites that you did not intend to visit. Or if you get strange results from search engine queries. Be sure to contact a specialist so that he can diagnose your iron friend if you notice something like this.

The most reliable step for detecting viruses (and necessary for subsequent treatment of viruses) is to install anti-virus software. The functions of such programs directly include searching, detecting and restoring infected files. Many manufacturers offer a variety of antiviruses. And any computer user can download and install both free antivirus programs (AVG Free, Avast!, Avira AntiVir Personal and others) and, for additional reliability, paid, proven antiviruses (for example, NOD 32, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Dr.Web and so on.)

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Helpful advice

Modern hackers strive to ensure that the virus that has picked up your computer works as unnoticed as possible, so that you do not suspect anything and continue to use your computer as if nothing had happened. Then they will be able to steal any passwords you enter, bank card numbers, or send spam from your email account.

Protecting your computer from viruses, Trojans, spyware and other malware is very important. Sometimes the lack of proper protection leads to the fact that valuable information, both personal and official, can be lost or stolen. If for some reason you cannot install an antivirus on your PC, use an online scanner. Let's look at how this can be done using the Panda online scanner as an example.

You will need

  • You will need internet access.


So, go to the company's website and go to the online scanning section at On this page you will see a lot of useful information about what pros and benefits Panda offers its users, as well as two oblong bright blue buttons “Check PC” and “Buy protection”. Today we are interested in the first button “Check PC” - click on it.

You will be taken to the page of the free online antivirus Panda ActiveScan 2.0.
What is this product? ActiveScan 2.0 is a new generation online scanner. Its work is based on the principle of collective intelligence (scanning "in the clouds"). This antivirus can detect malware that traditional security solutions cannot detect.

On the online antivirus page, you will see a large green button that says “Scan.” There are also several “submenu” buttons: “Quick scan”, “Full scan”, “Custom scans”. Select the type of scan you need and click on the green “Scan” button.

The program will prompt you to download the ActiveX controls component - you only need to do this for the first scan and the download procedure will only take a minute. After that, click on the “Scan” button again. The process will begin and after a while you will be able to see the result.

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Panda ActiveScan 2.0 detects hidden threats: rootkits, banking Trojans and malware specifically designed to steal your personal data, as well as all traditional and new viruses, spyware and so on.

Helpful advice

The “Full Scan” can take quite a lot of time, but it will be very thorough.


  • Panda security

It is best to entrust the search for viruses to software specially designed for this purpose - antivirus programs. Finding an antivirus on the Internet is not difficult - the virus problem is not new and very relevant, so sellers of this type of program are very active. Due to great competition, each manufacturer is willing to provide you with a free trial period, which allows you to install and scan your computer with almost any of them.

You will need

  • Antivirus program


The virus scanning procedure has some differences when using different antiviruses, but there are also common methods, since all of them have to be built into the same operating system. For example, each of them places a command to run a virus scan in the Windows Explorer context menu. To use it, launch the file by double-clicking the “My” shortcut on the desktop or pressing the keyboard shortcut CTRL + E.

Then select the drives that need to be checked for viruses and right-click everything selected. A context menu will appear, which will now contain the command to run an anti-virus scan. Each manufacturer formulates it differently, but the meaning is the same for everyone. For example, if you have installed Avira, then this menu bar will contain the text “Scan selected files with AntiVir”. Clicking it will launch the antivirus utility to scan your computer's media. The duration of this process depends on the total number of files that the program will have to check, as well as on the degree of detail specified in its settings for examining all suspicious signs.

If the program detects something potentially dangerous, it will notify you about it either during the process or at the end of it, and offer a choice of options for actions with the found objects. The degree of independence of the antivirus can also be adjusted for almost all manufacturers. Once the scan is complete, the program will show a report, regardless of whether viruses were found.

Another method common to all antiviruses to start a scan requires opening its control panel. This can be done by double-clicking the icon of this program in the desktop tray. The control panel will definitely contain a command to immediately start scanning the entire system. For example, in Avira such a link with the text “Check system” is placed on the very first page of the control panel that opens. Next to it is the date of the previous full scan of the computer media.

Video on the topic


  • where to find the virus

Many people have encountered the problem of uninstalling antiviruses. The old antivirus is outdated, the license key has expired, or the user simply finds a new program that suits him better. In this case, the question arises of how to get rid of the antivirus installed on the computer.


There are usually no difficulties when using antivirus software. In this case, the software is usually supplied with the Uninstall utility, which painlessly removes from your . If for some reason you don’t have it, try using standard Windows tools to get rid of the antivirus.

Go to the control panel (Start - Control Panel - Installation and Programs) and uninstall your antivirus program. Sometimes this is enough, but most often it is written much deeper on your hard drive, and when removed using this method, a lot of “garbage” remains, which can subsequently interfere with the normal operation of the computer.

Disable all services that your antivirus runs. In the command line (Start - Run), enter the command Services.msc, in the window that opens, disable services that are at least somewhat similar to the antivirus that you are trying to get rid of. They are usually located at the top of the list.

You also need to clean the registry. To do this, type regedit on the command line and in the registry editor that opens, use the “search” function to find and delete the remaining files of the uninstalled program (be sure to create a backup copy of the registry before this action).

After that, go to Start again, run Search, and in the field that opens, enter the name of the remote antivirus. If there are any files left, simply delete them.

You can use separate antivirus removal utilities that most well-known antivirus software manufacturers create for their programs. Information about these products can usually be found on the official websites of these companies; as a rule, these utilities are absolutely free.

Video on the topic


  • How to get rid of a virus that blocks access to some

Testing antivirus applications using virus programs is usually performed by developers in special laboratories. However, such a check can also be carried out at home using a specially created pseudo-virus that is not capable of causing harm to the computer.

You will need

  • - EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File


Open the page in your browser to log in to the Virus Bulletin website.

Fill out the fields required to register and wait until you receive a message asking you to confirm your registration by email.

Go to: virus test file.htm to open the page of The European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research and download the test virus created by the company’s specialists. This pseudo-virus does not contain any program code and cannot harm the computer, but is identified by the vast majority of anti-virus programs as a malicious application. In fact, it is a completely valid DOS program, the result of which will be the appearance of the message

Please take into account the fact that the results of test studies on the effectiveness of antivirus programs may differ quite significantly from the accepted classification. For example, the top ten antiviruses in 2011 are as follows: - Shield Deluxe 2011;
- Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus 2011;
- Norton Antivirus 2011;
- Panda Antivirus Pro 2011;
- ZoneAlarm Anti-Virus 2010;
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus;
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011;
- Zone Alarm;
- McAfee Antivirus Plus 2011;
- Computer Associates Antivirus 2011.

Compare the above list with the seven best free antivirus apps of 2011:- Avast Free Antivirus;
- Avira AntiVir Personal Free Antivirus;
- AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011;
- Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0;
- Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0;
- Comodo Internet Security Premium 5.0;
- PC tools Antivirus Free Edition.

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  • Intended use EICAR

The Windows operating system, with all its undoubted advantages, has one significant drawback. Namely, it is vulnerable to viruses and Trojans. And although antiviruses and firewalls significantly reduce the risk of infection, the user is sometimes faced with the need to find a virus that has settled on his computer.


All destructive programs can be divided into two types. Some of them make themselves known very clearly: for example, they destroy information, display various messages on the screen, and cause disruptions in the operation of the computer. Others, usually Trojan programs, try to hide their presence.

When you encounter the presence of programs of the first type, try to find the program file and autorun key. Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and see if there are any processes with suspicious names that are not typical for your system. If there is one, write down its name, then “kill” the process by selecting it with the mouse and clicking the “End Process” button.

If the process was successfully completed and the problems with the computer have disappeared - which means that you have completed the process of the destructive program - open the registry editor. To do this, click: “Start - Run” and enter the command regedit, then click “OK”. The Registry Editor window will appear. Open the search: “Edit – Find” and enter the name of the completed process without extension. Delete all autorun keys found.

If a virus hides its presence in the Task Manager, use the Spyware Process Detector program, it can be found on the Internet. It allows you to detect hidden program processes and terminate them. With its help, you can also remove autorun keys from the system registry.

Open Command Prompt: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt. Type the command netstat –aon, press Enter. You will see a list of active network connections. In the “Local Address” column you will see the open ones currently in use. The “Status” column will reflect the status of these ports.

The ESTABLISHED value indicates that there is currently a connection to the Internet on this port. The LISTENING state indicates that the port is open and the program using it is waiting for a connection. Such a program could be a backdoor - a program that allows you to control your computer.

Remember the PID (identifier) ​​of this program, it is indicated in the last column. Type tasklist in the command line, you will see a list of processes. In the PID column, find the required identifier and see which process it corresponds to. You can immediately “kill” this process with the command taskkill /pid 1234, where instead of “1234” you specify the PID of the process to be killed.

Ports 135 and 445 in Windows are open by the operating system itself. It is recommended to close them with the “wwdc.exe” utility. Always keep track of which programs are opening ports on your computer. Don't work without a firewall. Always enable display of file extensions. Update your anti-virus databases in a timely manner.

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Even if it seems that there are no viruses on the computer, this does not mean that the system is clean and free of malicious code. Most computer-harmful programs do not manifest themselves until certain conditions are met. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to run a disk scan for viruses, even if at first glance it seems that there are none in the system.


Download an antivirus program. There is a huge selection of anti-virus software, and therefore when choosing a particular utility, be guided by the goals and reviews of users, the frequency of updates and the number of viruses that are included in the database. The more frequent the updates, the more likely it is that the program is able to cope with the malware and it completely protects the system from the penetration of even the newest viruses.

But no viruses. No internet - no problem

On December 5-6, many users of the AVAST antivirus encountered the following problem: for no apparent reason, the connection to the Internet and local network was lost. This was preceded by his discovery of a certain rootkit Win32:Malware-gen, after the removal of which these misadventures for users begin. The file turned out to be a "virus" tcpip.sys which is responsible for network connections on the computer. This false alarm led to catastrophic consequences: the activities of many thousands of users were paralyzed, provider phones overheated to the red from calls from dissatisfied customers, service departments and system administrators were knocked off their feet without lunch, sleep or rest, eliminating the consequences of this collapse.

The first thing to do was, of course, ignore this warning and add the tcpip.sys file to the exclusion list.

But if you are reading these lines, then most likely you or someone you know has already fallen for this bait and now has there is no network activity: sites do not open, there is no local network, returns the result “Configuring the IP protocol for Windows. An internal error occurred: This request is not supported. Contact Microsoft Product Support for further assistance. Additional information: Failed to query hostname." Team ping returns the result “Unable to access the IP driver. Error code 2."

In the System Event Log we see the following warning: "The DHCP Client service is dependent on the TCP/IP Protocol Driver service, which could not be started due to an error..."

The DNS Client and DHCP Client services do not work for the same reason.

How to restore the Internet and network?

Options for solving this problem, after a long reluctance to admit the problem, appeared on the official website of the Avast company.

For “non-advanced” users (and for those who are too lazy to understand), the user “Obramko” ( created a couple of programs that automatically solve this problem:

  1. Download the file for your version of Windows, transfer it to a flash drive or other storage medium.
  2. Disable your antivirus (Manage screens - disable everything permanently).
  3. Launch the file.
  4. Reboot your computer.
  5. Update your antivirus and turn it back on (Manage screens - turn on all). After the update, it no longer blocks the Internet and the network and you can continue to use it successfully.


On the Internet you can pick up many dangerous viruses that harm the system and files, and antiviruses, in turn, actively protect the OS from such attacks. It is clear that an antivirus may not always be right, because its tools end at searching for signatures and heuristic analysis. And when your protection begins to block and delete a downloaded file that you are sure of, you should resort to disabling your antivirus program and/or adding the file to the whitelist. Each application is different, so the settings for each are different.

The protection provided by modern antiviruses against malware is quite high, but they can all make mistakes and block harmless objects. If the user is sure that everything is safe, he can resort to some measures.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus





Microsoft Security Essentials

360 Total Security

Antivirus add-ons

Many antivirus programs, along with other protection components, install their own browser add-ons, with the user's permission. These plugins are designed to notify the user about dangerous sites and files; some may even block access to suspected threats.


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