How to stick a protective film on your phone without having to redo it? Rules for sticking a protective film on a smartphone screen What can you use to make a film for your phone?

If you take care of your things and make sure they don't get scratched, then you should know how to extend their life. Today every person has a mobile phone. The latest versions have begun to be released with touch screens, which tend to get scratched without a protective cover. You can make your own protective film for your mobile phone screen and change it every time the film becomes unusable. If you don’t want to spend a certain amount of money on film in a store, then let’s make it yourself.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make your own film for a mobile phone.

To work we will need:
- scotch;
- scissors
- needle;
- cotton swab;
- cologne.

We need to degrease the surface of the mobile phone. To do this, wipe the screen with cologne or any alcohol-containing liquid. There should be no dust or lint left on the screen.

Now, with a sharp movement, peel off the tape and cut it off. It is important that there are no white stripes left on the tape; it must be completely transparent.

Now slowly stick the tape onto the phone screen. Large bubbles should not be allowed. When sticking, make slow smoothing movements across the phone screen.

We need to trim off the excess with a needle. Work carefully to avoid scratching the screen.

Then remove all excess tape. Remove the tape from the buttons gradually and carefully, do not allow sudden movements, otherwise a sticky layer may remain on the case.

The phone film is ready, you can test it. If there are small bubbles, they will evaporate the next day.

The larger the cell phone screen, the higher the chance of damage. Scratches, grease stains, dust are constant companions of large diagonal screens. Protective film will help extend the life of your cell phone or tablet display and preserve its appearance. It is not difficult to glue it with your own hands, even without experience.

Preparing your phone

Remove unnecessary objects from the table, move away the table lamp and other potential sources of dust. Turn off the phone, remove the battery if possible, and replace the back cover. Wipe the screen and body of the phone with a dry cloth; paper napkins leave cellulose particles. Use a mild soap solution to remove grease stains and remaining dust from the phone screen. Place the phone on the table.

Method using tape

Remove the film from the packaging. Without removing the protective layers, apply it to the phone screen. Align exactly with the speaker holes and buttons. Using wide tape, glue one side of the film to the side of the phone body. It is better to choose the right side, it has fewer buttons. As a result, the film should open like a book cover.

Check again that the film matches the contours of the screen and buttons accurately. Check that there is no dust on your phone's display. Peel off the bottom layer of the protective film and place it on the screen, as in the photo.

Using a bank card, remove air bubbles by smoothing towards the edge of the screen. If you find dust particles under the film, take the stickers that came with the film. Glue one to the corner of the protective film, this will make it possible to carefully separate the film from the screen. Second, use the adhesive part to remove particles from the screen. Gently press the film. Remove air bubbles if necessary. Remove the top layer of protective film.

Soap solution method

For this method you will need any spray bottle. A bottle of eau de toilette or perfume will do. Dilute a weak solution of dishwashing detergent in a pre-washed bottle. With the phone on the table, spray the screen with soapy water, avoiding any liquid getting into the speaker. Wipe the screen dry with a cloth. Make sure there is no dust on the display.

Reapply a thin layer of soap solution. Remove the bottom layer of the protective film and apply it to the screen. Align the holes for the speaker, camera, and buttons. Using a business card or bank card, gradually squeeze out the soap solution from under the protective film, holding it with your hand.

If dust gets under the film, peel it off the screen, remove the dust, apply a little soap solution again, and squeeze it out to the edges of the screen. The squeezed-out soap solution must be promptly removed with a dry cloth. After making sure that the film is installed correctly, remove its top layer.

Sticker according to instructions

The method described in the instructions for the protective film suggests cleaning the phone screen. Make sure that the film matches its model by placing the film on the screen. Next, you need to separate part of the bottom layer of the protective film. Align it with the edge of the screen, and gradually separating the bottom layer, press the film against the screen. Use a business card to squeeze out any air bubbles. Remove top layer.

To glue the film in this way with your own hands, you need to have sufficient experience. It won't work the first time.

Universal film

It is not always possible to find a protective film for a specific phone or tablet model on sale. In this case, a universal film is suitable, from which you can cut the required size with your own hands. You will need:

    scissors or stationery knife;




    cutting board or other hard surface.

Cut out a mock-up of the future film from a piece of cardboard. Pay attention to the coincidence of the corners of the screen, speakers, and buttons. Using a pencil, transfer the outlines onto the top layer of the protective film. Place the film on a hard surface. Using a ruler and a utility knife, carefully cut the film along the outline. Check if it matches your phone screen. You can glue using one of the above methods.


Ideally, a protective film for the screen of a phone or tablet should be purchased along with the device and applied before the first use. The film is selected for a specific model, which will ensure an accurate fit to the buttons and speaker hole.

Film protruding beyond the edges of the screen will collect dust and spoil the appearance. Buying a universal film results in crookedly cut corners, loss of appearance, and its rapid replacement. The budget option when it comes to protective film does not justify itself. A high-quality protective film always has three layers; it comes with a napkin and, in some cases, stickers to remove specks and dust from the screen.

If the description of how to apply a protective film does not seem detailed enough to you, you can watch a video on how to apply the film to your phone.

Does the film protect the screen from scratches and other damage or does it simply create the appearance of such a guarantee? In this article, we will shed light on how to stick a film on your phone and answer the question of whether it protects a modern device from damage.

Screen protectors gained popularity in the late 2000s when touchscreen phones went on sale. Currently, some doubt the need for such a film, but generally experts argue that there is a point in this type of device protection.

Many experts emphasize that grains of sand cause damage to any device, so when going to the beach or on a hike, it is recommended to apply a protective film to prevent the possibility of scratches, and then put the phone in a case.

If the film makes it difficult to use the device, you can remove it after returning home.

Screen film is almost invisible visually and tactilely, since it is made from thin plastic. Previously, there was a need to cut the film for a specific model, now it is made for any phone with cutouts in the shape of the display, holes for the camera, speaker, buttons on the front panel.

But for some devices (this applies mainly to cheap Chinese phones), it is extremely difficult to find a “native” protective film, so people are puzzled by questions about how to make it themselves and how to stick the film on the phone.

There are 2 main types of protective films for phones: matte and glossy.

  1. It is more difficult to detect fingerprints on a matte film; it absorbs glare from the sun; the picture looks grainier. This film is thicker than glossy film, fingers glide pleasantly over it, and it provides better protection.
  2. With glossy film, the image is transmitted almost without distortion (although on some models it may appear blurry and darker), the brightness is 1% lower than usual; its thickness is less than that of matte. There may be glare from the sun and fingerprints are visible, so the screen needs to be cleaned regularly. It is more common on sale.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the mirror protective film. It is denser and more flexible, suitable for girls who often like to study their own reflection, but it can distort the picture. When the phone is turned on, the film is not visible. When the screen is turned off, the protection becomes a convenient mirror.

Another alternative option for protecting the screen, comparable in effectiveness to a case, is glass film, which protects from mechanical damage by approximately 80%. In this case, the sensitivity changes slightly, since the thickness of the film is comparable to plastic.

It is also possible to stick a film on the back of the phone, which will be an excellent alternative to a case and will protect it from scratches if dropped. To ensure more serious protection, we still recommend purchasing an additional cover.

How to stick a film on a phone: detailed instructions

If you purchased a film without an adhesive layer, it is first recommended to wash your hands and remove the old film, if it is on the device, by prying it off with a squeegee or some other tool. You also need to prepare the room so that there is a minimum amount of dust in it.

In the “wet” method, the speed of gluing is important, it significantly saves time, and during its implementation the amount of dust in the room does not matter. If you do not have experience in procedures of this kind, then there is a threat to the phone, especially if it does not have an IP68 or IP67 certificate.

In the “dry” method, high speed of operations and safety are important, but its implementation requires certain skill and a clean, dust-free room.

Preparing the premises

If there is a lot of dust in the room, then bumps will appear on the screen after gluing the film. Microparticles of debris will stick to the surface, and bubbles will form, which will be almost impossible to get out from under the film. Therefore, before the procedure, you should consider that:

  • in the bedroom, nursery or living room there is a lot of furniture, textile materials and other things that attract dust, so gluing cannot be done in them. It is best to carry out this process in the kitchen or bathroom; you just need to temporarily remove all rugs, towels and tablecloths from there;
  • In dry air, dust particles are everywhere, so it is better to treat the room with a spray bottle. Dust will become heavier when wet and then settle on the floor;
  • It is necessary to wipe horizontal surfaces with a wet cloth and wash the floor. After these procedures, the room will be free of dust in the air, you can begin the procedure;
  • It is recommended to take care of lighting; ideally, work well on a desk with a table lamp.

Preparing tools

Place the tools on the prepared surface:

  • the device itself;
  • an unnecessary magazine or book (to protect the surface from cuts from a knife or razor blade);
  • protective film;
  • screen cleaning liquid, antistatic spray or alcohol solution;
  • plastic card (for example, credit);
  • stationery knife or razor blade;
  • protractor;
  • a ruler up to 25 cm long (preferably made of plastic or metal, not wood);
  • microfiber cloth (or any other lint-free cloth);
  • tweezers (necessary to avoid leaving fingerprints when touching the display);
  • medical gloves;
  • scotch.

Before work, you should remove your hair (wearing a shower cap or scarf), wash your hands with soap, minimizing the risk of dust in the air.

If the film is designed for your phone model, skip the next step. If you purchased a universal film, determine the contours of the device as follows.

  1. If you have a film that previously covered the device (from the manufacturer), you should stick it on top of the marking grid and cut it along the contour.
  2. You can make a photocopy of your smartphone, and a life-size picture will help you adjust the film to the perfect shape, or place a sheet of paper with the film under the gadget and outline the contours with a marker.
  3. Cut the film at a distance of 1 millimeter from the edge of the display. This will help place the coating on the device accurately.
  4. If you have curved cutouts, take the arc of a protractor and use it to trim.
  5. After you have shaped the film, make holes for the speaker and buttons.

Surface degreasing

Clean your smartphone screen using screen cleaner, alcohol, or antistatic spray. Make sure that liquid does not get into the cracks and openings of the housing. Use a microfiber cloth to remove fine dust. After this, do not touch the display or touch the edges of your clothing.

Pasting the film

The protective film consists of 3 layers, and on the top and bottom there are labels with the numbers 1 (red) and 2 (blue) and the inscription “Please peel of this mask after application.”

The 1st layer is removed to paste the film onto the smartphone, the 2nd layer is removed to reveal the final coating (matte or glossy), the middle layer is a liquid crystal film.

  1. You should turn the film, placing side 1 down, and then apply it to the phone display and check how accurately each bend matches the film and the holes that are cut in it.
  2. Then you need to take a deep breath, with confident movements (it is important that your hands do not shake) separate the 1st layer of film. From now on, do not touch it and hold the edges with tweezers.
  3. Using careful movements, glue the protective film to the display, starting from one of the edges (wide or narrow), while helping with the edge of the card.
  4. Carefully place the film on the display, and use a plastic card to push out any air bubbles that form at the same time to the periphery from the center. Since all necessary preventive measures have been taken to remove dust from the room in which work is carried out, bubbles that cannot be removed due to dust should not form.
  5. After completing the procedure, remove the 2nd layer of film.

If dust does get on the display, you need to remove it using 2 strips of tape. Using the 1st piece of adhesive layer of tape, you should lift the film, and with the 2nd you need to carefully remove the unfortunate speck of dust that appears. Then you need to put the protective film in place and level it using a plastic card.

The operation is completed successfully, you have completed the task correctly if there are no bubbles on the screen! From now on, you can safely take your smartphone with you to the beach or on a long hike: from now on, nothing threatens the touchscreen.

How to stick a film on a phone without bubbles

  1. If you cannot get rid of small dust particles floating in the air, use a room with high humidity, for example, a bathroom, to solve the problem.
  2. If you are unable to carefully stick the film the first time or if dust gets in and bubbles form, do not despair - remove it and rinse thoroughly under running water, dry it and stick it again.
  3. Do not glue the film if it is not dry enough. Droplets of water may penetrate the phone and damage it.


Pasting the film is an important step to protect your irreplaceable smartphone assistant from chips, scratches, abrasions and cracks during use. We hope that this article and the accompanying video cleared up all your doubts and you were able to properly stick the film on your phone.

If you used these tips and placed it correctly, then the phone’s display will serve you faithfully for at least 1 year, after which you can replace the film with a new one.

A smartphone is a necessary thing. A modern person practically cannot do without this gadget, and since this pleasure is still not the cheapest, you have to handle these devices with care and precision. Fortunately, manufacturers are also interested in the safety of smartphones, and produce special accessories for this purpose that prevent scratches and abrasions from damaging the surface of gadgets.

And if no one has any problems with how to put on the iPhone 5 case, then difficulties arise with protective films for smartphones. Unevenness, bubbles and similar defects appear on the screen. Yes, there are expensive films in which they can be removed with a simple movement of a finger, but we are talking about the most common protective coatings available to everyone.

Before you can fix the problem, you need to find out the cause. And the reason for the formation of bubbles on the film is that dust particles have entered these places. Therefore, to avoid bubbles, dust must be excluded. How to do it? There are several simple ways:

  • It is advisable to glue the film in a room with high humidity - for example, in the bathroom. Although there is no fanaticism here - it’s definitely not worth getting into a steam room just for these purposes, and a smartphone is unlikely to react well to such conditions;
  • The smartphone screen should be wiped well with a clean, slightly damp cloth without using any detergents. Just wipe the surface well to keep it clean;
  • To collect all the microscopic dust particles from the screen, you need to take a wide piece of tape and cover the surface of the phone with it. Then tear off this tape. All the dust will remain on it;
  • Now you can and should start gluing protective films; at first it is better to do this using a plastic card. These actions require extreme accuracy and concentration. When the film is completely pasted, it needs to be smoothed out so as not to get on the expensive one.

Is the technology of applying protective film so complicated?

If the procedure is still unsuccessful the first time, there is no need to be upset. You just need to repeat all the steps from the very beginning. And if it doesn’t work again, it means that dust has already collected on the protective film itself. Therefore, you need to go over it with tape.

In the daily battle for the beauty of the skin, the film mask is a proven, effective and reliable ally. It just seems that it is enough to use toners to wipe your face and apply nourishing cream depending on the time of day. Cosmetic products contain components that clog pores and interfere with the normal functioning of cells. From time to time they need to be radically cleaned. And in this case, a film mask for cleaning pores is an indispensable assistant.

Effective, effective, and restoring the skin's ability to breathe, it is easy to prepare at home, and the varieties offered stimulate creativity. A facial film mask at home is a procedure that always brings a noticeable beneficial effect.

A film mask for cleaning pores will help in many cases:

  • For tired skin and bags under the eyes.
  • With alarming swelling and puffiness of the face.
  • For blackheads in the pores of the skin formed from pollution, despite daily procedures.
  • In cases where expression lines have become localized and visible due to fatigue.
  • It will simply nourish and improve normal skin.
  • Will outline the lower contour of the face more clearly.

The cleansing mask will become a pleasant preventive assistant, an effective savior of problem skin. And when you look in the mirror at the results, your mood will definitely improve and your self-esteem will increase. Cleansing is a procedure necessary for any person, especially when using cosmetics daily. A homemade film mask contains only natural ingredients, each of which can become a skin care product.

Some caveats for use

It should be remembered that the procedure for cleansing pores is carried out subject to certain conditions:

  1. It is not recommended for very thin and sensitive skin;
  2. may have a negative effect when capillaries are located superficially;
  3. is strictly contraindicated in the presence of any tumors on the face;
  4. Open wounds may become inflamed under the influence of the film mask.

In all other cases, a cleansing face mask will have a beneficial and beneficial effect.

Expensive salon or inexpensive home

Any matter should be entrusted to a professional. The mask in the beauty salon will be carried out correctly and in compliance with all necessary conditions. But if, due to some circumstances, the salon is currently unavailable, a film mask is recommended - the procedure is simple, easy to prepare and absolutely accessible to everyone. Gelatin, egg and activated carbon are products that can be purchased everywhere at a reasonable price.

Gelatin will supply the skin with natural collagen and stimulate the production of this component in the cells, activated carbon will cleanse the pores and add elasticity, tone and smoothness, the egg will supply nutritional components and moisturize, give the dermis a rest and eliminate irritation.

If desired, various fruits are added to the gelatin mask, but their effect in this case is secondary, and the main components in any case remain the three listed above.

Cooking technology

A gelatin face film mask is very easy to make. How to prepare gelatin can be read on the packaging, then the components are crushed, mixed with gelatin and warmly applied to the face from the chin to the forehead and left for 20 minutes, and after this time is removed in the same direction. You can get creative with the question of how to make a mask by adding additional ingredients.

The film can be prepared as follows:

  • Egg film mask. The egg is beaten in a blender and mixed with lemon juice, and then applied to the face.
  • A film mask against blackheads is prepared from an activated carbon tablet and a teaspoon of gelatin. The tablet is first crushed into powder.
  • Strawberry film is prepared from strawberries, mashed into pulp, wheat flour and milk. Be sure to add almond oil, just a few drops.
  • An orange mask is prepared with the addition of dried and powdered orange peel. You can add honey or aloe juice to it.
  • For a mask of fruits or vegetables, use lemon, tomato, grapefruit or currant juice, which is boiled after mixing with gelatin until the latter is completely dissolved, and then cooled and kept in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • The rejuvenating mask includes brewed and infused green tea, mixed with chamomile infusion and gelatin, and then kept on fire until completely dissolved. Cucumber juice and aloe juice are poured into the cooled mixture. After half an hour, the mask is ready for use.

Several directional film mask recipes

  • Cucumber juice mixed with green tea and chamomile infusion will help with blackheads, enlarged pores and oily shine. Application time is 20 minutes, the effect is amazing.
  • White clay in combination with gelatin and warm water is good for narrowing pores. It will only take a quarter of an hour to prepare and time for contrast washing.
  • When wrinkles and sagging appear, a simple gelatin film with an added teaspoon of oil will help. Half an hour, and the face looks completely different.
  • And even with inflammation, poor complexion and problematic rashes, you can make a film mask from linden and chamomile decoction with gelatin mixed in equal proportions, the preparation of which will take about 15 minutes. All ingredients must be whipped until smooth before use and applied in an even layer. You should wash your face with water after the mask.

The right choice is the key to success

It is not easy to choose the procedure that is necessary at the present moment. Having sensibly assessed the availability of the necessary ingredients, you also need to meticulously study the condition and parameters of your skin and decide what effect is currently needed. A real woman believes that there is no limit to perfection, but you still shouldn’t abuse procedures.

  • The egg mask film is recommended for double application; it will take a little longer, but will give the best result in removing blackheads. It is removed quite easily and the effect is noticeable.
  • A gelatin face mask is recommended in case of tired skin or the need to urgently tidy it up before an important event after a rather tiring day at work. It is indispensable if you need to look irresistible and fresh, while preparing, making and removing it is quite easy.
  • A fruit and vegetable mask with gelatin can be dictated by the presence of a particular fruit or vegetable in the refrigerator. The choice you make will bring tangible results immediately after the procedure, because the mask is not without reason called rejuvenating.
  • The use of activated carbon is justified in cases where the cleansing procedure has not been carried out for a long time, and can even be recommended as a prelude to fruit and vegetable film to enhance the effect of the latter. When properly prepared and applied, any mask should be fairly easy to remove.

A few daily commandments:

  1. a mask is not a panacea or a universal remedy for keeping the skin in order;
  2. facial care begins with proper nutrition, adherence to a routine and the absence of bad habits;
  3. to maintain a good appearance, it is necessary to avoid stress and unnecessary worries;
  4. A weekly cleansing procedure requires daily care.

Taking care of your health is the main component of blooming skin!


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