How to make friends on VKontakte. Cheating friends on VKontakte Groups add as friends

Have you ever seen a VK user with several thousand friends? You will be surprised, but achieving a similar result is not that difficult. The main thing is not to violate the rules of use of the VKontakte social network.

Why is this necessary?

Indeed, why add (read: make) friends? There may be several reasons. Here are the simplest examples:

  • This way you can popularize your page.
  • Boast to your real friends that you have added a huge number of friends to VK.
  • Play games that require a large number of users. Do you still remember the well-known game “Happy Farmer”, where you could go to your friends and help them grow vegetables?
  • The most important reason is the opportunity to start making money on your page.

Using the instructions, you can understand how to get not only friends, but also subscribers to your page (in some cases).

Adding friends using communities

This is the simplest and most effective method at the moment. The point is this: VK has a large number of communities in which users are looking for friends (or subscribers).

Finding a community is easy: type the phrase “add as friend” in the search, select the “Communities” subsection and you will see a list of groups.

Which community is worth using is up to you to decide. You can use several groups at once. The main thing is not to forget about the limits: you cannot add more than 50 friends to knocks.

We go to the group, add ourselves if we wish and write a message. For example, “I’m adding everyone as friends!” In some cases, you can add a comment to existing messages. It doesn't matter. The main thing is to leave a request.

We are waiting for friend requests to start coming in.

Adding as a friend

The second option is much more complicated. The point is that you yourself add a person as a friend. The only question is whether he will reciprocate your feelings.

To do this, go to the user’s page and click on the “Add as a friend” button.

It would seem, what could be simpler? The problem is that today many users use the “Subscribe” button, which our site already talks about.

In this case, the user you subscribe to may not see the notification, and therefore will ignore the request, leaving you as a subscriber.

Adding friends for games

If you're playing a game that requires friends to help you, find a community dedicated to that very game. There you simply leave a request to add friends.

What methods should you not use?

Of course, first of all it is spam. If you write a personal message to a user like “Let’s be friends,” rest assured that the page will soon be frozen for suspicious activity.

As for all kinds of programs and services for getting friends and subscribers, you need to use them extremely carefully. Why? VK has an excellent security system that will certainly detect cheating. What will happen in this case is anyone's guess. Perhaps the fake subscribers will simply be removed from the list, or perhaps the page will be frozen. In any case, we would recommend using the simpler methods listed above, but the decision, of course, is up to you.

P.S. The friend limit on VKontakte is limited to 10,000 users, including submitted applications.

It is always nice to have many VKontakte friends. When the number of your contacts exceeds 1000 or even 10,000 people, your profile acquires a special status. For example, popular VK pages are higher than others in search results; they end up in Yandex and Google, where they are easy to find with a regular search.

Having a lot of VK friends will also not hurt if you are engaged in any advertising activities. For example, promote your group - the VKontakte community, if you want to increase the popularity of your site or just show off to your friends. But how to make many VK friends? This is what our next step-by-step instructions will be about.

At the same time, we will use only permitted methods of recruiting friends. That is, we will not cheat anything for money, we will not pay anyone to add us as friends. You can easily do all this work yourself and get a lot of VK friends completely free of charge. In addition, refusing automatic services and programs ensures your safety.

IMPORTANT: if you use automatic programs for adding fake friends, if you increase your friend counters, most likely your page will be blocked by the VKontakte administration. After all, such actions are prohibited by the rules of the system!

We will consider entirely legal methods.

How to make many friends on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

First, let's enter our office.

Step #2

In the second step, we need to find one of the special groups created for mutual acquaintances, quickly adding friends, reposting and liking. Finding such a group is easy using a search.

Simply enter the word “FRIENDS” in the search bar and go to any of the groups found.

Step #3

So we moved to a group called “Add as friends!” ( What do we see here? A huge number of friendship offers on the wall!

Step #4

In order not to lose this group, we join it. Often, communities where you can get many VK friends are open. Anyone can join them. Likewise, anyone can leave a message on the wall. And there can be a dozen, a hundred, several hundred such messages!

Step #5

After joining the group, in order to get many friends on VK, you can send invitations to those people who leave requests on the community wall. To do this, open their pages in new browser tabs (you need to right-click on the name), send applications to everyone in order.

Step #6

We will not be able to get many VKontakte friends at one time, since the number of available applications is limited. You cannot send more than 40 friend requests in one day. And this limit cannot be exceeded.

Step #7

As soon as all your applications are completed, you can either postpone the procedure until the next day (when applications are added) or write on the community wall. If you want to get many VK friends in one day, don’t stop writing suggestions on the group wall, and new people will be added to you.

Step #8

Since a lot of friends also means a lot of rejections, don't be discouraged if someone doesn't accept your request or rejects your friendship after a day. You can check friendship refusals through the menu:

“Friends” - “Friend requests” - “Outbox”.

Cancel any applications for which you will not be accepted, rejected or ignored.

In addition, keep your friends list clean and remove “dogs” from there.

Just like that, you will get a lot of VK friends within a week, and in a completely legal way. Absolutely free. Just remember to keep your profile clean and respond to messages and suggestions from your new friends.

If you realize that a certain VK group has already exhausted itself, that the same people are sitting there, follow all the steps of the instructions from the very beginning and find another similar group.

IMPORTANT: Since these operations carry a certain risk, take care of the security of your profile, set a complex password, register a phone number and email address. If VK suddenly blocks your profile, you can restore it by phone or by mail.

As you already know, within the VKontakte social network, you can make friends with other users. These people will appear in your list of the same name, and you will receive some features that are only available to friends. They, in turn, too.

Quite a large number of users ask the question, how to make friends on VK? Now I will show you how you can do this.

What is it for

Some users believe that the more friends, the better.

Another option is when you are promoting a product, service or brand through social networks. In this case, the more friends you have, the wider the audience available for advertising campaigns. Such people very often have to resort to making friends to speed up the process.

Sending invitations to increase the number of friends

Let's start with the simplest option. How does the process of “friendship” take place within VK? One person sends another a friend request. He, in turn, confirms or rejects it. If confirmed, these two people are now friends on VKontakte.

This leads to a simple conclusion. To increase the number of your friends, you need to send out a large number of relevant offers.

This is done extremely simply. Go to the page of the selected user, and under his profile photo, click the button "Add as Friend".

Keep in mind that you have a limit of no more than 40 invitations per day (see).

It is worth choosing people who are connected to you. Perhaps you have one city of residence. Or the school where you studied. Not all users are willing to add everyone as friends. Therefore, to increase this probability, there must be a reason.

How to make friends on VK using groups

VKontakte has a large number of groups where users provide mutual assistance to each other. I suggest you use them to make friends on VK.

Go to the “My Groups” section. Click on the link.

And in the search bar we write "Add to friends".

All these groups are needed to help make friends. Choose any one. I opened the first one on the list.

Then there are two ways. You can send an application yourself to those who want to make friends. Everything here is mutual - if you send a request to a person, he will definitely accept it. This way you will increase the number of your friends.

Look on the group wall - here every minute people post requests for additions.

All you have to do is go to the user’s page and send him a request.

But remember - you have a limit of 40 applications. Once your daily limit is reached, you can move on to the second step. Start posting requests for additions yourself.

People who join this group will see your comment and send you a friend request. All you have to do is confirm your application.

If you want to make a large number of friends on VK, you need to periodically publish such requests to the maximum number of groups.

We use services to make friends on VK

I'll show you two services through which you can make friends.


Here you will see a large number of promotion offers. Among them is an increase in the number of VKontakte friends. This feature is available for free. All you have to do is press the button in the menu "Add your friends for free".

A pop-up window will open with the user's page. Add him as a friend in the usual way - and in a couple of seconds he will accept the request. Agree, quite a simple method.

Do the same action the required number of times.

You can also order paid promotion. To do this, top up your account.

Here you will need to indicate the number of friends you need to make. And put a link to your page. Next, press the button “I agree with the rules. Order".

This is already a paid service. But the quality will be better. Fewer friends will move away.

Here you will see the entire price list. Choose a tariff plan that suits you.

Hello, today I will tell you what you need to do to quickly gain 10,000 friends and acquire several hundred subscribers. I'll tell you about all the methods I used to add many friends to contact.

Someone may ask why you need to have ? For you, I have prepared a small list of benefits that such friends can provide.

  • You can become popular on VKontakte if you interest your friends in something. And the news about you will spread throughout the contacts.
  • Increase the number of people joining your group.
  • Show off to your friends.
  • Start making money on your page with advertising.
  • You can play any game that requires a large number of friends.
  • and much more.

Let's return to the methods of recruiting these 10 thousand friends.

How to get a lot of friends?

Let's return to the methods of recruiting these 10 thousand friends. The first method I will talk about is spam.


Since we have 40 people available for recruitment per day, we must force other users add us as friends. With help, this can be done quickly, but I advise you not to spam in well-known and popular groups, otherwise you will be banned very quickly. I think with this point everything is clear: leaving a message like “Add as a friend” anywhere.

Fake page

If you have not yet created a page that you will promote. And also if you need the page for material gain, and not for communication. I advise you to create a female fake, it is statistically confirmed that girls are more actively added as friends. :) But try to find a photo of a sweet, simple girl (erotica is not suitable), copy personal information from someone and go for it.

Add groups as friends

There are many groups that can be found by searching for “friends”, “add as friends”, etc. You need to join them and start on the wall and in the notes. The advantages of such groups:

  1. You won't be banned.
  2. People like you have gathered in groups.
  3. The effect is palpable.

Applications and games

As many of you know on VKontakte, there are many games that require a large number of playing friends to complete effectively. For example, the game "Street Racing". You are required to install the game, join a group dedicated to this game and get hundreds of friends in a short time. For me it's the most effective way.

I want to make another gift under this article I allow spam and invite people to be friends. I won't ban! :)

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Some users strive for as much as possible add friends on VK. For what? It's simple. It's no secret that today it is possible, but for this you need to have friends.

And the more friends you have, the higher your earnings. You can also make VK friends just out of interest.

But why then subscribers? And subscribers are necessary to increase rankings in search results. The more subscribers you have, the higher you are in search.

In this article you will learn how to gain thousands of friends and subscribers for free without programs in a short time.

There are 2 ways to make friends:

  • Manual addition;
  • Adding using a special promotion service;

How to add many friends on VKontakte

The first method is the simplest, but not very convenient:

1. From your page, go to the section "Groups" , open the tab"Search for communities" and write a search query "Add to friends".

2. We go to any community (or several) and, if the wall is open, write something like "I'll add everyone! No subscribers!".

  • Or copy the URL of the picture and paste it on the wall;

  • In a couple of moments you will see new friend requests;

You can also add users as friends who write the same thing on the wall (remember that you can send messages per day).

Just make sure that they have few subscribers - this is a guarantee that they will add you.

Publish entries in similar communities, add people like you as friends. And soon you will see quick results.

How to make friends on VK (subscribers)

The second method is more convenient and advanced. There are special services with which you can make friends on VK And subscribers.

But in In 2019, they began to block users who use low-quality, free services (for suspicious activity).

Therefore, we will consider the best service for VKontakte advertising that will promote your page high quality and fast.

Real people (no fakes or bots);

From 75 kopecks for 1 active subscriber (friend);

Targeting settings: city, age, gender, number of friends;

After payment for the order, people will subscribe to your page interested users. You can add them as friends or keep them as subscribers.

Cheating VKontakte on this service the highest quality, so don’t worry about anything: all new users may even be active on your page (like/repost/comment on posts, etc.).

That's all. As you can see, it's not difficult at all make friends on VK or subscribers. Follow these instructions and you will succeed!


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