Set up automatic computer shutdown. Why does my computer turn off on its own?

Processing large amounts of data on a computer requires time, which a busy person does not have in abundance. Some operations, such as video rendering, antivirus scanning of the system, downloading files from the Internet, are performed without user intervention, but not all programs can offer the function of disabling the system automatically.

Many ordinary users are wondering: how to automatically turn off a computer, similar to the shutdown timer on household appliances (washing machine, microwave oven, etc.)? Our article will discuss the main options for activating this mode using standard tools and using third-party software in Windows 7 and 10.

The ability to automatically turn off the computer was provided in advance in the earliest Windows operating systems. This method involves working with the main interface of the system – the command line. It is universal for any version of Windows and is the easiest to use.

To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the menu “Start/Programs/Accessories” and select the program "Command line" or enter the name in the search bar.
  1. Enter the command in the console "shutdown". Help appears on the screen indicating the parameters and their corresponding arguments.

To shut down the computer normally, we will use two arguments:

  • "/s"‒ shutdown the PC;
  • "/t"‒ time of the countdown timer until the task is completed (indicated in seconds).
  1. For example, you need the computer to shut down in half an hour. Without leaving the console, enter the command “shutdown -s -t 1800” and press “Enter”.

Attention! The command must be without quotes.

Immediately after activating the computer's auto shutdown, an indication of the remaining time appears in the Windows Control Panel.

  1. To cancel this action, enter through the command line « shutdown -a".

There is a more simplified way to activate this mode, without having to enter characters into the console. To do this, in the search menu bar "Start" we register "shutdown -s -t (time in seconds)" and confirm the action with the key « Enter".

Disabling automatic computer shutdown on Windows is done in a similar way.

Using the Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler is a standard Windows tool that can be useful if you have scheduled your computer to shut down at a specific time and date. It is also used for interval (regularly repeated) actions. For example, you want your computer to shut down on its own every day at 17:00 or reboot every 12 hours.

As an example, we will show how to set the computer to automatically turn off at 17:00 every day.

To use the scheduler, you need:

  1. Go to “Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools” or “Programs/Standard/Service” and run "Task Scheduler". It’s even easier to write this name in the search bar in Start.

In the window that opens, create a simple task by clicking on the button of the same name.

  1. The task creation wizard will open, which consists of several steps. First, you need to come up with a name. We will write "Auto shutdown". Then click "Further".

  1. In the “Trigger” item, you must specify the interval for starting the task. We choose "Daily".

There you also need to indicate the time and date of the trigger.

  1. On the menu "Action" the user specifies the process that should occur after the trigger is enabled. We need a parameter "Run the program".

  1. The name of the program - « shutdown". In the argument field we write «- s—f"(separated by a space without quotes).

In the last window we can double-check the conditions and parameters we specified and click the button "Ready".

The computer will automatically turn off at a specified time, regardless of the operation being performed, workload or other conditions. This method is useful as a safety net (if a person forgot to turn off the PC at work) or parental control (limit the time children spend in front of the monitor).

AnvideLabs shutdown timer

After standard Windows tools, we move on to a review of the small and easiest-to-manage Shutdown Timer utility from the domestic developer AnvideLabs. It is characterized by its minimalism, practicality and unification with all Windows, including seven and ten. The software is freely available and in Russian.

To start using the program:

  1. Enter the address of the developer's website in the browser line and download the program.

  1. In the window of the running program, the user can select an action, ranging from simply turning off the PC to disconnecting the mouse, keyboard, and even the Internet connection. Below is the condition for the program to operate. At the bottom there is a timer for entering the exact time to start the action. Here you can activate the countdown.

  1. Like last time, we will configure the computer to automatically turn off at 17:00. Enter the time and press the green button. The countdown has begun.

When you click on the cross in the upper right corner, the utility is minimized to tray and does not interfere with your work.


  • Russian-language interface and minimalistic style.
  • Several actions available.
  • Completely free.
  • The timer is locked with a password at the discretion of the administrator.
  • Suitable for Win 7 and 10.


  • It is not possible to schedule auto shutdown by date or set its interval.

Timer-alarm clock TimePC

The next program in the review is TimePC, developed by the administration of the site This solution compares favorably with the previous one due to the presence of a scheduler and the ability to not only turn off, but also turn on the PC at a given time. The program is extremely simple and functional at the same time. It can be called the “golden mean” between multifunctional combines and miniature “plugs”.

In order to acquire the TimePC program, do the following:

  1. We go to the website and find an article with its description and a download link. Download and install the software on your PC.

  1. TimePC signals the launch with an audible greeting and immediately takes us to the settings menu.

  1. We are primarily interested in the point "Off/On PC". Here you can choose between entering or exiting hibernation mode. The trigger is set by time and date.

  1. The built-in scheduler is of greatest interest. In it you can specify an action for each day of the week. The frustrating thing is that you can’t set the interval here—it’s either absent or infinite.

  1. In the window "Running programs" It is possible to associate a specific action with turning on the computer. For example, you can add auto-start programs or ringtones as an alarm clock.


  • Wide functionality.
  • There is an action planner.
  • You can put the system into and out of hibernation mode.
  • Binding a trigger for launching programs or files.
  • Russian-language interface.
  • Completely free software.


  • The system requirements do not list Windows 10 (however, it works on it).
  • The structure of the utility is decentralized - there is no single main window.

Switch Off

The multifunctional Switch Off program from Airytec has a large number of settings and provides a lot of options for controlling your computer. This manager is an excellent alternative to standard Windows tools. The program is free, has convenient controls and clear descriptions of the buttons.

To work with the program you need:

  1. Download the full version of the Switch Off distribution from and install it on your PC.

  1. The running program is minimized to tray. A custom task is managed by clicking on the program icon with the left mouse button. The schedule item is responsible for the PC auto-shutdown condition and can be used at any intervals (daily, weekly, once, etc.).

The action item allows you to select one of the available functions. Of great interest is the parameter "Predefined Commands", where you can specify any command and link it to a time or event.

  1. The task management menu opens by right-clicking and contains the same commands, but with parameters preset by the developers.

The screenshot above shows the variety of conditions implemented in Switch Off for just one task from the list.


  • Complete freedom in managing the system: launching any task at any time with any number of repetitions.
  • Possibility of planned disconnection from the Internet.
  • Very simple program structure.
  • The interface is entirely in Russian.
  • There is a command editor.
  • Free software.
  • Supports 32 and 64-bit systems.


  • The interface is entirely implemented in the form of context menus on the taskbar, which is not very informative.
  • Doesn't officially support Windows 10 (but works).

What to use?

Today we told you about how to configure automatic shutdown of your computer using Windows and using utilities downloaded from the Internet. This function is relevant for everyone, without exception, in the office and at home. The only question is how to do it.

In our article we have given many ways to implement auto-shutdown of a PC. All of them are good, but some may be more or less suitable for a particular person.

If the user has experience working with Windows and knows how to configure it, then it would be preferable for him to manage auto-shutdown through the standard CMD console and task scheduler. The advantage of this solution is that there is no need to download and install third-party programs, as well as the wide functionality of the Windows scheduler.

For inexperienced and unpretentious people, we recommend choosing “Shutdown Timer” and TimePC. The small functionality is compensated by the presence of a clear description and fairly convenient controls.

For everyone else who doesn't want to delve into control panels, but needs to fine-tune their system, we recommend using Switch Off. A large list of pre-installed tasks, a new task constructor and a command editor make this unprepossessing utility a professional manager.

Such a timer can be set using standard tools in Windows 7, 8.1 and Windows 10 and, in my opinion, this option is suitable for most users. However, if you wish, you can use special programs to turn off your computer, some free options of which I will also demonstrate. There is also a video below on how to set a Windows shutdown timer. Additional Information: .

There are a great many different free programs for Windows that implement computer shutdown timer functions. Many of these programs do not have an official website. And even where it exists, antivirus programs issue warnings for some timer programs. I tried to list only proven and harmless programs (and give appropriate explanations for each), but I recommend that you also check your downloaded programs on

Wise Auto Shutdown Timer

After one of the updates to the current review, the comments drew my attention to the free computer shutdown timer Wise Auto Shutdown. I looked at it and must agree that the program is really good, and in Russian and at the time of testing it was completely free of offers to install any additional software.

Turning on the timer in the program is simple:

In my opinion, this is a very convenient and simple version of the shutdown timer, one of the main advantages of which is the absence of anything malicious in the opinion of VirusTotal (and this is rare for this kind of program) and a developer with a generally normal reputation.

You can download the Wise Auto Shutdown program for free from the official website

Airytec Switch Off

I would probably put the Airytec Switch Off computer automatic shutdown timer program in first place: this is the only one of the listed timer programs for which a working official website is clearly known, and VirusTotal and SmartScreen recognize the website and the program file itself as clean. Plus, this Windows shutdown timer is in Russian and is available for download as a portable application, which means it definitely won’t install anything additional on your computer.

After launch, Switch Off adds its icon to the Windows notification area (text notifications of the program are supported for Windows 10 and 8).

By simply clicking on this icon you can configure the “Task”, i.e. set a timer with the following parameters for automatically turning off the computer:

  • Countdown to shutdown, shutdown “once” at a certain time, when the user is inactive.
  • In addition to shutdown, you can set other actions - reboot, log out, disconnect all network connections.
  • You can add a warning that your computer will shut down soon (so you can save your data or cancel the task).

By right-clicking the program icon, you can manually launch any of the actions or go to its settings (Options or Properties). This may be useful if the Switch Off interface is in English when you first launch it.

Additionally, the program supports remote shutdown of the computer, but I have not tested this function (installation is required, and I used the portable version of Switch Off).

You can download the switch off timer Switch Off in Russian for free from the official page (at the time of writing, everything is clean there, but just in case, still check the program before installation).

sleep timer

The program with the simple name “Shutdown Timer” has a laconic design, settings for automatic startup with Windows (as well as activation of the timer at startup), naturally, in Russian and, in general, is not bad. Among the shortcomings - in the sources I found, the program tries to install additional software (which you can refuse) and uses forced closing of all programs (which it honestly warns you about) - this means that if you are working on something at the time of shutdown, you will not have time to save it. The official website of the program was also found, but it itself and the downloadable timer file are mercilessly blocked by Windows SmartScreen filters and Windows Defender. At the same time, if you check the program in VirusTotal, everything is clean. So at your own peril and risk. You can download the Shutdown Timer program from the official page


The PowerOff program is a kind of “harvester” that has functions not only as a timer. I don't know if you'll use any of its other features, but turning off your computer works fine. The program does not require installation, but is an archive with an executable program file.

After launch, in the main window in the “Standard timer” section, you can configure the shutdown time:

  • Trigger at a specified time on the system clock
  • Countdown
  • Shutdown after a certain period of system inactivity

In addition to shutting down, you can set another action: for example, starting a program, going into sleep mode, or locking the computer.

And everything would be fine in this program, but when closing it does not notify you in any way that you should not close it, and the timer stops working (that is, it needs to be minimized). Update: I was told that there is no problem - just check the box in the program settings Minimize the program to the system tray when closing. The official website of the program could not be found, only on sites - collections of various software. Apparently, a blank copy is here check anyway).

Auto Power OFF

The Auto PowerOFF timer program from Alexey Erofeev is also an excellent option for turning off a laptop or computer with Windows. I couldn’t find the official website of the program, but all popular torrent trackers have the author’s distribution of this program, and the downloaded file is clean when checked (but still be careful).

After starting the program, all you need to do is set the timer by time and date (you can also make the shutdown weekly) or at any time interval, set the system action (to turn off the computer it is “Shut down”) and press the “Shutdown” button Start".

SM Timer

SM Timer is another simple free program that allows you to shut down your computer (or log out) either at a specified time or after a certain period of time.

The program even has an official website, but still be careful when downloading on it: some of the download options appear to be loaded with Adware (download the SM Timer installer, not Smart TurnOff). The program's website is blocked by Dr. antivirus. Web, judging by the information of other antiviruses, everything is clean.

Additional Information

In my opinion, using the free programs described in the previous section is not particularly useful: if you just need to turn off the computer at a certain time, the shutdown command in Windows will do, and if you want to limit the time someone can use the computer, these programs are not the best solution (since they stop working after simply closing them) and you should use more serious products.

And lastly: many programs that require a long period of operations (converters, archivers, and others) have the ability to configure the computer to automatically turn off after the procedure is completed. So, if the shutdown timer interests you in this context, look into the program settings: perhaps there is what you need there.

The idea of ​​setting up a computer so that it automatically turns on at a given time comes to mind for many people. Some want to use their PC as an alarm clock, others need to start downloading torrents at the most advantageous time according to the tariff plan, others want to schedule the installation of updates, virus scanning or other similar tasks. How these desires can be realized will be discussed further.

There are several ways you can configure your computer to turn on automatically. This can be done using the tools available in the computer hardware, methods provided in the operating system, or special programs from third-party manufacturers. Let's look at these methods in more detail.

Method 1: BIOS and UEFI

Probably everyone who is at least a little familiar with the principles of computer operation has heard about the existence of BIOS (Basic Input-Output System). It is responsible for testing and regularly turning on all PC hardware components, and then transfers control of them to the operating system. The BIOS contains many different settings, including the ability to turn on the computer in automatic mode. Let’s make a reservation right away that this function is not present in all BIOS, but only in more or less modern versions of it.

To schedule your PC to start automatically via BIOS, you need to do the following:

Currently, the BIOS interface is considered outdated. In modern computers it has been replaced by UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). Its main purpose is the same as that of the BIOS, but the possibilities are much wider. It is much easier for the user to work with UEFI thanks to mouse support and Russian language in the interface.

Configuring your computer to turn on automatically using UEFI is as follows:

Setting automatic startup using BIOS or UEFI is the only way that allows you to perform this operation on a completely turned off computer. In all other cases, we are not talking about turning on, but about waking up the PC from hibernation or sleep mode.

It goes without saying that in order for auto-on to work, the computer's power cord must remain plugged into the outlet or UPS.

Method 2: Task Scheduler

You can also configure your computer to turn on automatically using Windows system tools. A task scheduler is used for this. Let's look at how this is done using Windows 7 as an example.

First, you need to allow the system to automatically turn on/off the computer. To do this, you need to open the section in the control panel "System and safety" and in the section "Power supply" follow the link "Setting sleep mode".

Then in the window that opens, follow the link "Change advanced power settings".

After that, find in the list of additional parameters "Dream" and there set the permission for wakeup timers to the state "Turn on".

Now you can configure a schedule for automatically turning on your computer. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open your planner. The easiest way to do this is through the menu "Start", where there is a special field for searching for programs and files.

    Start typing the word “scheduler” in this field so that a link to open the utility appears in the top line.

    To open the scheduler, just left-click on it. It can also be launched via the menu “Start” - “Standard” - “Service”, or through the window “Run” (Win+R) by entering the taskschd.msc command there.
  2. In the scheduler window, go to the section "Task Scheduler Library".

  3. On the right side of the window, select "Create task".

  4. Come up with a name and description for the new task, for example, “Turn on your computer automatically.” In the same window, you can configure the parameters with which the computer will wake up: the user under whom you will log in and the level of his rights. As a third step, be sure to specify the operating system to which the action of this task will be applied, in other words, the version of your Windows.

  5. Go to the tab "Triggers" and click on the button "Create".

  6. Set the frequency and time for the computer to automatically turn on, for example, every day at 7.30 am.

  7. Go to the tab "Actions" and create a new action similar to the previous paragraph. Here you can configure what should happen when the task is completed. Let's make sure that some message is displayed on the screen.

    If desired, you can configure another action, for example, playing an audio file, launching a torrent or another program.
  8. Go to the tab "Conditions" and check the checkbox "Wake up the computer to perform a task". Add other marks if necessary.

    This point is key when creating our task.
  9. Complete the process by pressing the key "OK". If the general settings specified logging in as a specific user, the scheduler will ask you to specify his name and password.

This completes setting up the computer to automatically turn on using the scheduler. Evidence of the correctness of the actions taken will be the appearance of a new task in the scheduler task list.

The result of its execution will be to wake up the computer every day at 7.30 am and display the message “Good morning!” on the screen.

Method 3: Third Party Programs

You can also create a computer operating schedule using programs created by third-party developers. To some extent, they all duplicate the functions of the system task scheduler. Some have significantly reduced functionality in comparison with it, but compensate for this with ease of setup and a more convenient interface. However, there are not many software products that can wake a computer from sleep mode. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

A small free program with nothing superfluous. After installation, it minimizes to tray. By calling it from there, you can set up a schedule for turning on/off your computer.

Thus, turning on/off the computer will be scheduled regardless of the date.

Auto Power-on & Shut-down

Another program with which you can turn on your computer automatically. The program does not have a Russian-language interface by default, but you can find a localizer for it on the Internet. The program is paid, a 30-day trial version is offered for review.


The interface of this program has functionality typical of all alarm clocks and reminders. The program is paid, the trial version is provided for 15 days. Its disadvantages include the long absence of updates. In Windows 7 it was possible to run it only in Windows 2000 compatibility mode with administrative rights.

This concludes our consideration of ways to automatically turn on a computer on a schedule. The information provided is sufficient to orient the reader to the possibilities for solving this problem. And which method to choose is up to him to decide.

It's no secret that nowadays a computer makes life a lot easier. It's easy to use and really helps save a lot of time searching for information. It is also often used for entertainment. Many people watch TV series, movies or play games. It often happens like this: you watch a movie on your computer, and after the final credits roll, you don’t want to get up and turn it off. Knowing special commands, you can avoid these operations. The computer can be set to auto-shutdown. via the command line will make watching movies more comfortable. This will explain the procedure, as well as a shortcut that acts as a shutdown button.

Shutting down the computer via the command line

Absolutely any user can do this. The shutdown computer command will help you with this. First, you need to enter the control line itself. To do this, click "Start", hover over "All Programs" and try to find "Accessories" there. When you click on it, the Windows menu will open in front of you, which can make your work easier. One of these programs - Open it, a black window will appear in front of you. This is what we are looking for. You can use it to control your computer. You can also turn off your PC or set it on a timer. In order to set it for a certain time, just enter the command “Turn off the computer” through the command line. You need to write the text shutdown in English letters. In English this translates as “close”. However, entering just this command is not enough. You need to additionally put "-" and the English letter "s". The entire code looks like this: "shutdown-s". Once you press Enter, the computer's shutdown button will work.

How to set your computer to auto shutdown via the command line?

Now we will talk about how to make your PC more convenient. It would be nice to do it yourself after some period of time. This can also be done via the command line. You need to enter it through “Start” / “All Programs” / “Accessories” / “Command Prompt”. Next, in the open black window, you enter the same command as for shutdown - “shutdown-s”. But you need to add an entry to it that the computer should be turned off not now, but after some time, that is, add “-t” separated by a space. This will let the computer know that it should turn off after a certain time. Next, you should specify the time in seconds after which your computer should shut down. Let's say that by writing "shutdown -s -t 10", wait for it to shut down in ten seconds. If you write shutdown -s -t 6000, the computer will be turned off after 100 minutes. We would like to remind you that 10 minutes before the end of work, a window with the remaining time will appear on the screen. If you wish to cancel the shutdown, you can do so. You can see how to carry out this action below in the article.

How to cancel turning off your computer?

If you needed to put your PC on a timer, but then you changed your mind and do not need this action, you need to enter the code “shutdown -a” at the command line. After this, the previous operation will be canceled and you can continue working.

Computer shutdown shortcut

Agree, it is convenient if you can turn off the computer from the icon on the desktop. You don't need to go into "start-up-shutdown" every time. Simply clicking on the icon will trigger shutdown. You can do this yourself and it won't take much of your time.

How to create a shutdown shortcut?

If you decide to create a shortcut to turn off your computer, there are a few steps you need to follow. You will succeed if you follow the instructions. To do this, on an empty space on the desktop, right-click to open it and select “Create”. Next, click on “shortcut”. A simple icon will be created on your desktop. After its formation, a window will pop up with the question “For which element do you need to create a shortcut?” It will have an input line called “specify the location of the object.” In it you need to write text similar to the control words for turning off the computer via the command line. But it will be a little different. The command will look like this: Shutdown.exe -s -t 00. After entering the command, press Enter. Next you have to name the folder. You can call it “turning off the computer” or something else - whatever is convenient or whatever you like. Click the "Finish" button and the folder is created. You can also change the icon for this shortcut. Right-click on it, then select "Properties". Go to the "Shortcut" section and at the bottom you will see "Change Icon". Click, select the one you like, click “Save” and “Done”. Place this symbol separately from the others so that you don’t accidentally turn off your PC later. We hope this article helped you understand what the shutdown command is and how to create a shortcut for it.

Turning off a computer using a timer is a very typical task that many users face. However, not everyone knows how this problem can be solved. In this article we will talk about how to turn off your computer using a timer in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. To solve this problem we will use the command line, task scheduler and third-party programs.

Turn off the computer using a timer using the command line

The easiest and fastest way to shut down your computer using a timer is to use the “shutdown” command, which works equally well in Windows 7 and other versions of Windows. This command can be executed from the command line or using the Run menu.

The shutdown command has many parameters that allow you to fine-tune the process of shutting down your computer. Below we will look at the most basic of them:

  • /s – Shut down the computer;
  • /h – Switch to hibernation mode;
  • /f – Forces termination of all open programs without warning the user;
  • /t – Set the timer in seconds.

In order to shut down the computer using a timer using the shutdown command, we need to use the /s (shutdown the computer) and /t (set the timer) parameters. Thus, the command to turn off the computer will look like this:

  • Shutdown /s /t 60

After executing such a command through the Command Prompt or Run menu, the computer will shut down after 60 seconds.

If you want to reboot the computer using a timer, then instead of the /s parameter, you need to use the /r parameter. The same thing with hibernation mode. We use /h instead of /s and the computer, instead of turning on, will go into hibernation mode. You can also add the /f parameter. In this case, shutdown (reboot, hibernation) will begin immediately, and all running programs will be closed without warning the user.

The disadvantage of this method of shutting down the computer is that the shutdown task is created only for one time. If you need to turn off your computer on a timer daily, then you need to use Task Scheduler or third-party programs.

We use the scheduler to turn off the computer using a timer

Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP operating systems have a very powerful tool available called Task Scheduler. You can use it to turn off your computer using a timer. To open Task Scheduler, launch the Start menu (or Start screen tiles if you're using Windows 8) and search for "Task Scheduler." You can also launch the Task Scheduler using the “taskschd.msc” command.

After starting the task scheduler, click on the “Create a simple task” button. This button is on the right side of the window.

Then we are asked to indicate when we want to complete this task. You can select "Once" if you want to timer off your computer only once. If you need to turn off your computer using a timer daily or in another mode, then you can choose another option that is more suitable for you.

At the next stage, you need to specify the triggering of this task.

After this, we need to enter the shutdown command as well as startup parameters. How the launch parameters of this command are used has already been discussed above.

That's it, the task to turn off the computer using a timer has been created. You can view it in the Assignment Library.

From the context menu (right mouse click) you can manage the created task.

You can run, complete, disable, delete, or open the job properties.

Programs for turning off the computer using a timer

If the described methods for turning off a computer using a timer do not suit you or seem too complicated, then you can turn off the computer using programs from third-party developers. Below we will look at several such programs.

A powerful free program to turn off your computer using a timer. Using the PowerOff program you can configure almost any little thing. On the other hand, due to the huge number of functions, the interface of this program is too overloaded. Which can be very difficult to figure out.

A small program to turn off your computer. The Switch Off program is equipped with a small number of functions and has an easy and intuitive interface. The program is equipped with a built-in web server that allows you to turn off your computer via a local network or via the Internet.

The developer of this program for turning off the computer using a timer claims to support only Windows 7, 8 and XP. Although it should work on Windows 10 without problems.


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