History of the development of computer and video games. When did computer games appear? Creator of the first computer game

The history of the development of video games goes back over 60 years. The first games were primitive, but they set the vector for the development of the entire gaming industry.

The evolution of video games is directly related to progress in the field of gaming hardware. Moreover, at the initial stage this concerned, first of all, game consoles, because PCs became available to most users much later. Let's take a look together at where it all began and what a long way video games have come to become what they are now.

Origins: 1947-1970

The creation of the first video games was preceded by some developments and inventions, thanks to which the “progenitors” of modern games were born. This included a patent for the use of a CRT (cathode ray tube) for gaming purposes (1947), the creation of a chess game algorithm for a computer (1948), and then the writing of the first such program called “TUROCHAMP” (computers capable of running it at that time was not) in 1950-1951.

Officially, the first video game is considered to be “OXO” - the famous “tic-tac-toe”, which was transferred from paper to the computer screen by A.S. Douglas in 1952.

Douglas was writing his dissertation, and used the game as visual material for the dissertation. "OXO" existed in a single copy.

In fact, the first video game was a simulation of the launch of enemy missiles, which was created in 1947 on the basis of military equipment (the game was launched on a radar monitor).

In 1958, scientist William Higinbotham created the first tennis simulator called Tennis for Two. Two people could play it: they controlled movable platforms with which they hit the ball.

In 1962, Steve Russell and a group of his students from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created “SpaceWar” - the first independent computer game (the previous ones were a kind of “port” of existing board games).

MIT began making the first games back in the period 1959-1961: Mouse in the Maze, HAX and Tic-Tac-Toe were created here. However, this has not been documented in any way: scientists, apparently, were too lazy to even just photograph them.

The beginning of success: 1971-1977

In September 1971, the first slot machine was created with the Galaxy game, which was an updated version of the aforementioned Spacewar. In November of the same year, the game goes through another rebirth: it receives the name “Computer Space” and becomes the first video game in the world intended for the masses (1,500 slot machines were released, although only a third were sold).

On May 24, 1972, the first gaming console, the Magnavox Odyssey, was released for home use.

In the same year, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney (creators of Computer Space) founded their own company, Atari, and released an improved version of the game “Tennis for Two” called “Pong”. 19,000 slot machines were sold: Pong became the first commercially successful game.

In 1972, the first SpaceWar esports tournament was held at Stanford University. This date can be considered the starting point for the emergence of E-sports.

In 1973, John Dalesk created the first online game, Empire, a turn-based strategy game in which 8 players controlled a space empire, trying to take a dominant position.

In 1974, Maze War was created - the first game with a first-person view, in which gamers fought each other while wandering through a pseudo-3D labyrinth. In the same year, the company “Kee Games” created the prototype of the legendary “tanks” - the video game “Tank”. Immediately after its release, Atari absorbed the Kee Games company.

In 1975, the first text-based role-playing game, Dungeon, was created. In the same year, “Colossal Cave Adventure” appeared, the game that marked the beginning of the “adventure” genre.

In 1976, "Breakout" was released, the world's first Arkanoid, as well as "Death Race" - the first game that was banned due to the violence and cruelty that were used in its gameplay.

The Video Entertainment System (later changed its name to Channel F) was also created - the first game console with replaceable cartridges. Before this, such devices came with “factory” pre-installed games, the set of which could not be changed in any way.

Second generation of game consoles: 1977-1981

In 1977, the Atari 2600, a second-generation game console, went on sale, which marked the transition of video games to a whole new level. Over 5 years, 40 million devices were sold, which was a record figure for that time.

In 1978, the legendary game “Space Invaders” was created, which users liked so much that slot machines with it were installed on every corner in the USA and Japan. They started writing about games in newspapers, making films - this industry was rapidly spinning the flywheel of its popularity.

The year 1979 was marked by the appearance on the market of the Asteroids slot machine from Atari. In addition, the first handheld gaming console, Microvision, was released.

In 1980, a new game genre, Rogue-like (named after the original Rogue game), appeared, where the player had to navigate dungeons and fight monsters.

On May 22 of the same year, slot machines with PacMan on board went on sale. The game received rave reviews and became a symbol of the arcade genre and video games in general, even to this day.

The development of pocket consoles with batteries and LCD screens continues. Nintendo releases Game&Watch, and then in the USSR they create copies of them under the name “IM electronics” (the famous “Well, wait a minute,” for example).

3rd generation of consoles vs PC: the beginning of the confrontation of 1981-1986

In 1981, sales of the first PC from IBM began, and the following year users had the opportunity to purchase 8-bit Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum computers, which could already boast of color images. Due to competitive pricing, home PCs are beginning to displace second-generation gaming consoles from the market.

As a result, in 1983, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), known to us as Dendy, appeared on the market. Following the NES, other consoles appeared to compete with desktop PCs.

On June 6, 1984, the world saw the legendary game "Tetris", developed by Soviet programmer Alexei Pajitnov.

The year 1985 was extremely rich in masterpiece games that had a significant impact on the industry. “Super Mario Bros.”, “Battle City”, as well as “Habitat” - an online game that became the prototype of the modern Sims series.

In 1986, the legendary adventure game “The Legend of Zelda” was released, which is considered one of the three best game series of all time. At the same time, an interesting genre was emerging - “Japanese role-playing games” (jRPG), which are radically different from Western RPGs. The first jRPG is Dragon Quest.

4th generation consoles and the further evolution of computer hardware: 1987-1993

In 1987, computer video cards began to support the new VGA standard (256 colors), which made video games colorful and increasingly similar to modern ones. At the same time, the first computer sound card “AdLib” was created, which is another qualitative step towards the evolution of games.

The game "Maniac Mansion" appeared - the first adventure where a computer mouse (point-and-click interface) was used for control, and not text commands as before.

The first “Final Fantasy” was created, which became the progenitor of the series of one of the most popular jRPGs in the world.

1988 - the beginning of sales of the Sega Mega Drive, a 4th generation gaming console that supported 16-bit graphics and sound, which corresponded to the achievements of the latest PCs of that time.

In 1989, the popular Gameboy console and the first city-planning simulator “SimCity” from the famous Sid Meier were released.

The year 1991 was marked by the appearance of the legendary “Sonic the Hedgehog”, which became a symbol of the Sega platform. A new genre has also appeared - “global strategies”, pioneered by the famous Civilization.

The next significant milestone in the evolution of video games was the three-dimensional first-person shooter “Wolfenstein 3D”, released in 1992. The standard of fighting games “Mortal Kombat” appeared, as well as the first real-time strategy (RTS) “Dune 2” and the first horror game “ Alone in the Dark."

In 1993, Wolfenstein 3D was continued by the cult shooter Doom, which became a trendsetter among games of a similar genre.

Fifth generation of consoles and Voodoo 1: 1994-2000

In 1994, fifth-generation consoles appeared, the best of which was the Sony PlayStation. At the same time, Blizzard created its first masterpiece, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, an RTS that became one of the leaders of the genre.

1995 was also rich in new products: the popular turn-based strategy “Heroes of Might and Magic”, the racing series “Need for Speed” appeared, and the legendary quest “Myst” was released on PC.

Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods featured the first use of motion capture technology, previously only used in films.

1996 Voodoo I was released, the first graphics card to support 3D acceleration, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of 3D games such as Duke Nukem 3D, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Diablo."

1997 The first truly massive and successful multiplayer online game, Ultima Online, is gaining popularity (the milestone of 100,000 players was reached the following year). It was 1997 that can be considered the starting point in the popularization of online games. At the same time, the cult RPG Fallout was released.

1998 "Half-Life" is the first game in which the plot was presented directly within the gameplay without video inserts and text. Starcraft and Grand Theft Auto (GTA) were also released this year.

Sixth generation of consoles: 2000-2005

year 2000. The Sony Playstation 2 gaming console is conquering the world.

year 2001. Microsoft releases the Xbox gaming console. Fierce competition in this area begins between Sony and Microsoft (victory, in the end, remains with Sony PS).

2002 The third part of the cult RPG series called “The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind” is being released, setting new standards for role-playing games: a huge open world, a well-developed character leveling system, an interesting storyline. Dota, a game that represents a modification of one of the Warcraft III maps, is beginning to gain popularity.

Later, this map became a separate game, and in 2013 it received a continuation and became a popular e-sports discipline called “Dota 2.”

2003 In connection with the release of the Nokia N-Gage smartphone, “tailored” for games, phones are beginning to take on the appearance of gaming platforms, although the quality of such content is much inferior to computer video games.

2004 At this time, Far Cry was created - the founder of the legendary series of first-person shooters in the open world with excellent graphics and some unique gameplay features, as well as the most popular MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Seventh generation of consoles: 2005-2013

2005 year. The Xbox 360 game console was released. Programmers created “PhysX” - a module (it did not gain immediate popularity) and software that made it possible to increase the performance of video cards in games, which significantly increased the quality and realism of the latter.

“Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy” was released - a masterpiece game, which is an interactive film with many endings and options for the development of events.

At this time, sales of games in digital form (Steam service) begin to gain popularity. Developers have begun to pay great attention to the cross-platform nature of games: exclusive projects continue to be released, but in much smaller volumes.

2006 Sony Playstation 3 went on sale, and a little later - Nintendo Wii. The latest console came with the revolutionary Wii Remote controller, which made gameplay fluid.

Computer games originated in the distant past; their history lasts more than 50 years. The first games appeared not as entertainment, but rather for scientific purposes, since the first computers were huge, expensive, and mainly appeared in educational and scientific institutions. Computer games went to the masses with the advent of consoles and the first PCs, when they became more accessible to most people. Only after the popularization of computer games did they become commercial. And now companies are making a fortune from developing games.
Let's take a closer look at the history of the development of computer games and note the important games that to a certain extent influenced the development of the gaming industry. The world first saw the first semblance of a computer game in 1942. This event happened thanks to two people - Thomas Goldsmith the Younger and East Ri People, they created a rocket simulator. Since that time, the era of computers and video games began.
The main stage in the development of the first computer games occurred in the 50-60 years. Last century. These games were not intended for entertainment, but as scientific research. The game OXO (an analogue of cross-toe) was awarded a doctoral dissertation by A. S. Douglas. But despite this, games have become very popular among students and visitors to educational institutions. For example, such a game is “Tennis for Two” (analogous to ping pong for two players), created in 1958 by William Higinbotham. The games of those times were designed specifically for each computer and looked a little like modern ones. Text terminals and vector graphic displays were used as screens.
The next period is 1961 - 1970s. It is noteworthy that the SpaceWar game was created for PDP-1 computers and the first prototype of a computer mouse was created. It was created by Douglas Engelbart and called it: X-Y Display System on a Monitor. This was a big step in the development of computers, and as a result, the evolution of computer games followed.
1971-1980 - in this decade, humanity made a huge step in the development of computers, and, in addition, people realized that game development was a huge source of income. At this time, personal computers and game consoles appeared, a prototype of a local network appeared, and the Internet appeared. Players can now play in groups by joining groups using the network. The main events:
1971 - the first commercial game Galaxy (modified SpaceWar) appeared, as well as computer space (another version of SpaceWar) - the first computer game released to the general public in the amount of 1,500 arcade machines. 1972 - Atari was founded, releasing the world's first arcade game Pong, which was a great success. In the same year, the world saw the first game console - Odyssey from Magnavox.

1973 - The world's first first-person shooter Mazewar appears, with the ability to play online.

1975 - The adventure genre is born thanks to the game Colossal Cave Adventure.

1976 - Death Race movie Death Race 2000 angers people because of their cruelty, so it is banned in many places.

1977 - The first graphical games were released with the advent of the Apple II.

1979 - The first multiplayer MUD (Multi User Dungeon) game was created, in which players went out, explored the world and communicated through the first analogues of chat. Such games are becoming very popular.

1980 - the game Pac-Man appears, which later entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular game in the world. An RPG game in the RPG genre is created, which gives rise to a new type of game: roguelike games. Bagels (from Rogue) are text-based games that display symbols, symbols, artifacts, and enemies with symbols.

Between 1981 and 1990, consoles experience a crisis as personal computers become affordable due to low prices. Text and games with character graphics are slowly dying. These are being replaced by more graphically complex games as the first graphics cards appear, thereby taking the CPU off graphics processing. Games and series that later became famous appeared for the first time, for example, Metroid, Adventure Island, Space Quest, etc. Significant dates: 1983 - the beginning of the era of 8-bit consoles. According to some experts, this year marks the beginning of the modern era of electronic entertainment. There are such famous consoles as Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System, PC Engine, Atari 7800. There are many two-dimensional games with side views. The first Final Fantasy game appeared, the sequel of which is still played today.

1984 - the first space simulator with trading elements appeared - the game Elite. The game King's Quest was also released - the world's first animated quest.

1985 - the famous game "Tetris", created by Alexey Pajitnov, was released. Commodore creates the Amiga personal computer. This year the world welcomes the Mario Bros.

1986 - The release of Dragon Quest gave birth to the JRPG genre. The company Ubisoft Entertainment (its original name was Ubi Soft) was organized.

1987 - the appearance of such cult arcade games as Street Fighter and Double Dragon. The Amiga 500 personal computer appears. Thanks to the development of the VGA standard, graphics with 256 colors are displayed on the PC.

1988 - Game Developers Conference - the world's first game developers conference, held in San Jose.

1989 - Intel 486 processors appeared, thanks to which personal computers switched to a graphical interface. Such well-known games as SimCity, Prince of Persia, Solitaire Klondike were released, which became available in all versions of Windows, starting with V3. Nintendo's first handheld console, the Game Boy, arrives.

1991 - 2003 - this decade saw a revolution in computer games, thanks to the development of computer technology. You can now create 3D worlds using sophisticated multimedia tools. ID Software released the legendary game Doom, which remains popular to this day. This game became unique, it was not like all previous games: a new first-person player control system, a three-dimensional world, network play (in a team or every man for himself). Later, the equally famous game Quake was developed on the Doom engine. At this time, for the first time, gaming clans began to be created, as well as such a concept as e-sports. At this time, Half Life appeared in the game - the first multiplayer game that allowed the creation of modifications - modifications. Players can now themselves change the surrounding game world and the hero himself. The gaming industry is beginning to generate huge income, which has become comparable to the income of the film industry. Key dates:

1991 - famous games released: Lemmings and Sonic the Hedgehog. The blue hedgehog later becomes Sega's symbol.

1992 - the bloody action movie Mortal Kombat appeared for the first time, creating a whole series of not only games, but also films and cartoons. Underima Ultima: Stygian Abyss is the world's first 3D first-person role-playing game. Alone in the Dark launched the Survival Horror gaming genre. Dune II became the template for real-time gaming.

1993 - Id Software releases the cult game Doom - the world's first 3D shooter. The turn-based combat concept in X-COM: UFO Defense, released earlier this year, continues to this day. Atari Corp. I released the first 64-bit Jaguar.

1995 - release of the first parts of the famous games Need for Speed ​​and Heroes of Might and Magic. BioWare founded. The first exhibition of the computer and video game industry - Ei Media and Business Summit - took place.

1996 - 3dfx Interactive releases the world's first 3D-accelerated graphics adapter (Voodoo I), which revolutionizes the gaming industry. In the same year, the game Quake comes with a completely three-dimensional world. Release of the first parts of the popular games Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Diablo. The world's first MMORPG appears - Meridian 59.

1998 - the release of the famous game Half-life, on the engine of which many more games were developed. The Unreal game celebrates the development of the popular Unreal Engine. There is a game called StarCraft from Blizzard, championships that are still held today. Aliens Online was the origin of the MMOFPS genre. The cult game Wangery is released from the Russian company KD LAB, which attracted the attention of the West.

1999 - Intel releases the Pentium III processor with 3D graphics and media streaming capabilities. Unreal Tournament is released - a new hit on the gaming market and one of the first shooters for electronic sports. 2000 - elements of artificial intelligence appear in game engines.

2003 - the first world championship in electronic sports took place with the participation of about 150 thousand players from all over the world.

With the advent of 2004, the world passed the next step in the development of computers and video games. This time can be considered the beginning of the emergence of modern games. Due to the widespread use of the Internet, there are a huge number of MMORPGs and MMOFPS. Far Cry is coming out this year - the first game to support 64-bit systems. The most popular (even today) portable Nintendo DS hits the market.

In subsequent years and to this day, there are a huge number of computer and video game releases of various genres and for any platform. The development of computer technology also does not stand still.

What trend in the development of games can be predicted for the future, knowing how things are with the game and the computer industry? Reduction or complete disappearance of games on PC platforms due to piracy. More video games have been released, and services such as OnLive have been launched in the Americas since June 17, 2010. With its advent, users will no longer need to have powerful personal computers at home. It is only necessary to have high-speed Internet because it will stream the rendered graphics from the remote server that the user will be connected to to play. What I also want to say about this is that developers and publishers forget about themselves and want to extract as much money from players' wallets as possible by making additions to games. Price reductions are not expected in the near future for the provision of gaming services.

Computer and video games have developed so quickly, and the trend of their evolution does not stop. Perhaps in the near future we will be able to completely immerse ourselves in the game world, which will be more than realistic.

The concept of the term slang.

The concept of slang is beginning to attract the attention of modern philology. Currently, there are quite a few definitions of slang, often contradicting each other. These contradictions primarily concern the scope of application of the concept of “slang”: a dispute, in particular, about whether slang includes only expressive, ironic words that are synonymous with literary equivalents, or all non-standard terms, the use of which is condemned among educated people .

Slang is not a harmful formation of language that vulgarizes the spoken language, but is an organic and to some extent an essential part of this system. Slang develops and changes very quickly; it can either easily form or disappear. These changes occur to make spoken language easier and easier to understand.

Slang is a very living and dynamic entity. It is used in various areas of public life. Therefore, we believe that studying the etymology of the term “slang” and considering modern approaches to its vision is relevant at this stage.

It is not known when the word "slang" first appeared in spoken English. It was first recorded in written form in England in the 18th century. Back then it meant “insult.” Around 1850, the term began to be used more widely as a designation for "illegal" general speech. At the same time, there are synonyms for slang-linguo, used mainly in the lower strata of society, and argots, preferred by the colored population.

The scope of the slang concept itself is described later by its descriptive definitions, such as "dirty language" or poetic "dithyrambic" descriptions of slang as "mint tongue" (D. Galsworthy); Or “slang is a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits in its palms and starts working” K. Sandberg), it is “the poetry of the common man,” etc. It is clear that in the scientific sense the meaning of such definitions is small, although it is still obvious that slang is considered the language of the common people and the basis for the creation of a national dictionary.

Khomyakov V.A. One of his books stated that terminological slang was used for the first time in 1756 with the meaning “language of the low vulgar type” (language of the low or vulgar type); Since 1802, the term has been understood as "the jargon of a particular class or period", and since 1818, slang has come to be understood as "a language of a high colloquial type, less than the level of a standard enlightened language, with new words or words which are used in a particular sense."

In general, the problem of studying slang was studied by the following scientists: E. Partridge, S.B. Flexner, V. Freeman, M.M. Makovsky, A. Barrere, C. Leland, I.R. Galperin, V.J. Burke (Burk), V.A. Khomyakov, I.V. Arnold, T.A. Solovyov and others.

E. Cartridge, in particular, points out that from about the second half of the last century the term slang became a general meaning for colloquial speech ("colloquial speech"), while before 1850 the term was used to designate all varieties of "Vulgar speech".

Domestic researcher I.V. Arnold points out that slang includes only colloquial words and expressions with a rude or playful emotional color (not accepted) in literary language.

I.R. Halperin proposes to understand by slang - that layer of vocabulary and phraseology that manifests itself in the sphere of living spoken language as colloquial neologisms that easily pass into the layer of generally accepted oral literary dictionary.

His argument is based on a study of lexicographical dung: the same word in different dictionaries is given as slang, "folk" or without any markings, which seems to indicate a literary norm. Therefore I.R. Halperin does not allow the existence of slang as a separate independent category, proposing to use the term “slang” as a synonym for the English word “jargon”.

Argumentation by I.R. Halperin does not seem too convincing due to the insufficiently developed system of lexicographic marking: the difference in this case can be explained not so much by the peculiarities of style, but by the peculiarities of each lexicographer's approach to this problem.

The gypsy etymology of the term slang lasted almost until the end of the 19th century, it is given in the famous Toltten dictionary, where synonyms of slang are given as gibberish - gypsy jargon, flash language - low vulgar language. At the end of the 19th century, slang began to be seen as a borrowing from the Scandinavian languages. Beginning with the etymological dictionary Sket, this interpretation of the origin of the term has found its way into some authoritative English dictionaries. The Scandinavian origin of the term has been accepted by scholars such as Bradney, Weekley and Wilde.

In the 20th century, the question of the origin of the term slang continues to be of interest to researchers. New hypotheses have emerged. The most reliable is Partridge's hypothesis, which believes that the word "slang" refers to the sling verb - to pronounce, which indicates the existence of such

His argument is based on the study of lexicographic marks: the same word in different dictionaries with the marks “slang”, “vernacular” or without any marks, which seems to indicate the usefulness of the literary norm. Therefore I.R. Halperin does not allow the existence of slang as a separate independent category, proposing to use the term “slang” as a synonym for the English word “jargon”.

Argumentation by I.R. Halperin does not seem too convincing due to the insufficient development of the system of lexicographic marks: the diversity in this case can be explained not so much by the peculiarities, but by the peculiarities of each lexicographer to this problem.

The gypsy etymology of the term slang lasted almost until the end of the 19th century; it is given in a certain order They want, where such synonyms of slang as gibberish - gypsy jargon, flash language - low vulgar language are given. At the end of the 19th century, slang began to be seen as a borrowing from the Scandinavian languages. Starting with Skeat's Etymological Dictionary, which states that in some authoritative dictionaries of the English language. Weekley and Wilde. A Scandinavian incident in which explorers such as Bradney, Weekley and Wilde took part.

In the 20th century, the question of slang terms continues to interest researchers. New hypotheses arise. The most reliable is Partridge's hypothesis, which believes that the word slang correlates with the verb to the word - to express, which indicates the existence of such a phrase as a phrase since the time of Chaucer, as well as later slang compounds with the same verb: sling language - speak; Sling language - speak a foreign language (speak a foreign language); Slink yarn - tell a story, lie; Slang (person) slang - to insult, to scold hopelessly; In the last expression, the slang is impertinence, abuse (meaning used since 1825).

The slang of each historical era reflected the features of the time. The slang of the 60s was the result of increased interest in drugs, popular music, and constant euphoria.

The slang of the 70s contained a large number of epithets that concerned losers. The slang of the 80s was dominated by words that related to money and work.

There is still no single and comprehensive definition of slang. Repeated attempts to distinguish between slang and general vocabulary, slang and obscene language have not yielded any results.

The slang definitions they try to create in scientific discussions often turn out to be wrong. Thus, in different dictionaries and manuals we can find many definitions for slang, such as “obscene language”, “the language of illiterate and depraved people”, “the poetry of the common man”.

V. Chekhovsky calls slang “a language game that helps an individual express himself in his own microsociety and at the same time part with it from the rest of society.”

From a linguist's point of view, slang is a style of language that occurs in an official language that is too formal. Slang is at the very end of the possible means of linguistic communication and includes various forms of speech through which people can identify themselves with certain social groups, from children, young businessmen and hackers to criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts.

Jargon occupies an important place in the culture of speech; they can be included in lexical-stylistic formations. Such words are inherent in the colloquial speech of people connected by a certain community of interests. Slang is characteristic of various groups of people and plays an important role in human life.

Slang neoplasms can be stylistically neutral or stylistically reduced. It is on these concepts that the connection between speech culture and slang vocabulary is based. Stylistically neutral slang new formations do not clog speech, but stylistically lower ones are considered a negative phenomenon.

In the vast majority of cases, when it comes to youth slang, people turn to those lexical units that are stylistically abbreviated. Because of this, a misunderstanding of youth slang arises, its denial, which simultaneously provokes the use of not only these lexemes, but also a transition to obscene language.

Thus, the etymology of the term slang remains fully revealed to this day and represents one of the secrets of lexicography.

The term slang in English means:

1. the language of a socially or professionally separated group, as opposed to a literary language;

2. A variant of the spoken language (including expressively colored elements of the language) that do not coincide with the norm of the literary language.

Slang consists of words and phraseological units (constant turns), which arose and were first used only in certain social groups, which reflected the life orientation of these groups. Having become general, such words usually retain an emotional and evaluative character. Consequently, at first slang was used only in certain social groups, and then it became widely used.

Slangisms are common to all social groups of a particular linguistic society. This term is ambiguous. It belongs to the vocabulary of limited use: it has an informal character and emotional color. Restricted vocabulary also includes professionalism, jargon, argot, vulgarism (the term slang has been used more and more recently).

Nowadays slang is popular, which is most common among young people, especially among schoolchildren and students.

The ways and means of forming slang are very diverse, but they all boil down to adapting the English word to our reality and making it suitable for constant use. Here are the main methods for forming slang:

1) Calculation. This teaching method includes borrowings that are not grammatically studied in the Russian language. In this case, the word is borrowed completely, including its pronunciation, writing and meaning. Such borrowings are subject to assimilation. Each sound in a borrowed word is replaced by the corresponding sound in the Russian language in accordance with phonetic laws.

2) Semukalka. When this term is translated from English into Russian, the latter adapts the resulting word to the norms of not only its phonetics, but also its grammar. In grammatical development, an English term is placed at the disposal of Russian grammar, subject to its rules.

3) Translation. Very often, slang vocabulary is formed by translating an English professional term. During the translation process, the mechanism of associative thinking works. Emerging associations or metaphors can be very different: in the form of an object or device (disk - damn).

4) Phonetic facial expressions. This method is the most interesting from the point of view of lexicology. It is based on the coincidence of semantically dissimilar common words and English terms. The word, which becomes slang, takes on a completely new meaning, no. Not related to the general. This phenomenon also includes cases of onomatopoeia without any similarities to words from the standard vocabulary. These words are a kind of game sounds. They are formed by subtracting, adding, moving some sounds in the original English language.

There are four types of slang expressions:

1) Emotional words and expressions. These include, first of all, lexemes such as damn, ellipala, used in speech only as emotional exclamations: bark (crusts, crusts), casing, steep, flying, plague. The same group includes the phrases: “full atas”, “full paragraph”, which also perform emotional and interlingual functions in speech. The peculiarity of such words and expressions is that they convey emotional content in the most general form and are therefore ambiguous. Depending on the situation, these emotions can express a wide variety of emotions: to the opposite emotions: disappointment, irritation, admiration, surprise or joy.

2) Words with an emotional component of meaning. These emotions have a certain value and emotional component, which conveys the emotional attitude of the speaker to the listener. Among the units in this category, vocabulary predominates, which can be characterized as familiar. At the same time, familiarity means an emotional connotation that occupies the first step in a series of emotions: familiarity - contempt - contempt - humiliation. The words of this lexical layer do not have any noticeable value, but the use of these emotions in speech demonstrates the speaker’s familiarity with the subject of speech, expressed in the desire to reduce its (the subject of speech) social significance.

3) Words and expressions with emotional meaning. These emotions are characterized by the fact that, acting in speech, they not only express the emotional state of the speaker, but also cause the emotions experienced by him. This includes, first of all, verbs such as baldet, kayfovat, trudge, stick, swell, phraseological combinations for treason, precipitation and others (interpretation of words, see Appendix). It should be noted that, as in the previous case, emotions are not expressed specifically, but in the most general form, as a state of psychological comfort or, conversely, discomfort.

4) Computer slang, in my opinion, should be separated into a separate group, since when working with computer slang we are dealing with some synthesis of four other groups:

Firstly, these words are used to communicate between people of the same profession - programmers or simply people who use a computer for some purpose. Secondly, computer slang is distinguished by its “fixation” of the reality of the computer world. The slang names in question refer only to this world, thus separating it from everything else and often incomprehensible to the ignorant. And thirdly, in the amount of this vocabulary, vulgar words are also quite vulgar. Thus, these three observations do not allow us to classify computer slang for any particular group of non-literary words and force us to consider it as a phenomenon with the characteristics of each of them.

Slang can be classified on different grounds. For example, according to stylistic features, slang words can be divided into ordinary, that is, neutral and obscene words.

An important factor in the creation of slang tokens is the similarity of interests of people who form the form of this abnormal formation. Based on this, the lexical units of slang can be divided into those that are used:

Among people who work with computers.

In this circle, the most frequently used slang words are those of English origin. This is due, first of all, to the fact that English is the language of computer technology. In the process of working with computer equipment, some words passed into colloquial vocabulary. So, in this area you can hear the words: upgrade (improvement, modernization of the computer), loaves (keys), masd (extreme degree of dissatisfaction), CD (disk and CD-ROM), user (user).

People who are interested in cars have their own slang formations.

The most common lexemes in this group are the names of various automobile parts and other equipment: steering wheel (wheel), wheelbarrow (car), rubber, ramps (tires), etc.

Among teenagers who admire music, they often use words such as CD-player, soundtrack (the melody that accompanies a video), syn (a CD with fewer songs than an album, concert).

Own slang - book lovers, journalists, athletes, etc. In addition, subgroups can be distinguished within each of these groups. For example, sports slang is divided into the slang of football players, hockey players, and swimmers.

Thus, we can conclude that almost every group of people sharing common interests has its own special type of speech, which is realized in slang formations and is unique to this group. This means that slang is not a complete system. Slang is not the same according to communication. Each of these environments has its own differences, and slang articulates the realities of life in this environment.

For example, in the student environment there are the following lexical units: common grave (dormitory), vanity (scholarship), etc.

In the slang of schoolchildren's speech there are words that reflect school everyday phenomena and problems: tail (debt), spur, crib, swimming (do not know the material well), go out with spurs (cheat), fall asleep (fail exams).

A separate type of slang dictionary is criminal slang, which is used in the corresponding environment, although it is gaining ground in the colloquial speech of other social strata. Here we often find lexemes such as: tusk (mentally retarded person), uncle (head of the prison), doc (knowledgeable person), sour (drink alcohol), rolling (massive person), garbage (policeman).

However, if the above slang is used only in a certain environment, words belonging to interhargon are common. Such lexemes include: homeless, malacholny (abnormal), lemon (million monetary units), go (go crazy), shoot (ask).

Consequently, as we see, slang is a very common phenomenon that can be classified according to certain criteria.

The most successful definition of slang, in my opinion, is this: “Slang is a kind of speech used primarily in oral communication with a separate, relatively stable social group that unites people on the basis of profession or age.” From this definition it follows that slang is a kind of non-literary speech.

Literary speech includes: book words, standard colloquial words, neutral words. Non-literary vocabulary is divided into: professionalism, vulgarism, jargon, vocabulary of informal youth associations and youth, often called slang.

However, there are two points of view on what slang is. Some scientists combine in this concept the entire non-literary vocabulary (except for swearing), that is, professionalism, vulgarism, jargon and the vocabulary of young people. We can agree with this point of view, since all these varieties of non-literary speech distinguish one layer of society from another.

Professionalism are words used by groups of people united by a particular profession. For example, the phrase “remove the tail” in newspaper parlance means “a requirement to shorten material on a newspaper page.”

Vulgarisms are rude, common words not usually used by educated people. For example, a mother turns to her child: “Lift your face off the plate.” How do you eat this?! ".

Jargons are words used by certain groups of people that have no meaning to everyone. An example is the arch of thieves, or fenya, as this speech is called in a criminal environment. Worrying with a hairdresser means speaking in thieves' language. Initially, this expression had the form: on the side of the conversation, that is, speaking in the language of offices - small traders. Offices had their own conventional language, which they used to deceive customers or in dangerous situations when it was necessary to hide their intentions and actions.

What is slang? If slaves are called upon to help hide their thoughts and intentions, general slang is not needed at all.

1. Slang makes speech shorter and more emotionally expressive. (Let's compare two expressions: in a book, in literary language: I feel a strong pleasant feeling from this song.) In slang: I just trudge through this song!).

2. Slang serves as an identifying sign that this person belongs to a certain social environment. Its slang is rockers, punks, hippies, football fans - fans, etc. The most striking example of original slang is perhaps the so-called "Elvish" language developed by Tolkienists - admirers of the work of JRR. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. The moon, for example, is called itil in their language. I must say that it is extremely difficult to identify one or another type of slang in its pure form, and sometimes it is simply impossible. It's clear why. It is easy to borrow words from one social group from another group. For example, the word "party" is used in the press as a typical youth word, but in fact it comes from his criminal past as a "gathering of thieves." Therefore, it seems to me that we can talk about school slang simply by indicating where this or that word came from.

In the course of studying the literature on this topic, the following functions of slang were identified:

Identification function. “Using your own language allows group members to feel more united and gives a vivid experience of unity and mutual understanding.”

Communication function. Slang is the language of intra-group communication.

Emotional-expressive function. With the help of slang, the speaker can freely and fully express experienced feelings and emotions.

Evaluation function. The use of a slang dictionary, among other things, is aimed at expressing the speaker’s attitude towards objects and phenomena of reality, as well as (most often) towards the people around him. This assessment can vary from friendly ironic to contemptuously humiliating. In a more general sense, evaluative expressions, as emotional-expressive expressions, generally fall into positive and generally negative.

Manipulation function. It manifests itself in such incentive offers that have the meaning of an expression of will addressed to the interlocutor, and are used to influence him, to encourage him to do something. However, many of them do not imply immediate compliance by the addressee with the will of the speaker, especially since from a logical point of view this would be absurd. They are more likely to demonstrate the speaker's irritation to the interlocutor and, as a rule, a desire to stop communicating with him.

Creative function. This manifests itself in cases where people have a need to express something that does not have a suitable equivalent in the literary language. The words and expressions created as a result of this need are a kind of “creation” of slang.

In this article I will tell you, as you understand from the title, the history of the emergence, formation, and development of computer video games from and to, from 1947, when a patent for the use of a cathode ray tube was registered, to the present. Let's capture the history of the creation of the first most popular gaming consoles, the first mega-games of all times. Young people aged 25-35 will be especially interested in plunging into such a recent childhood. And if you want to get a sea of ​​positivity from your favorite games along with this article, you can click.

1947 - The first patent was filed for the use of a cathode ray tube (oscilloscope, the first type of computer display) for gaming purposes. The patent was filed by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Astle Ray Mann on January 25, 1947, and received on December 14, 1948. The patent described the idea of ​​a controller controlling the position of luminous dots on a screen.

1948 - A computer chess algorithm was created. The authors of the algorithm are Alan Turing and his colleague D. G. Champernow. (An algorithm is not quite a program code, but just a logical verbal description of actions, divided into separate lines).

1952 - The first logical computer game “OXO” was created - a computer implementation of “tic-tac-toe” (a field of three by three cells, the user made his move, after which the computer made a counter move). The game was created by A.S. Douglas during his doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge (UK). Douglas wrote his dissertation on the topic of human-computer interaction, and used the game as a visual illustration. The game existed in a single copy on a large computer - the EDSAC mainframe.

1958 - The first tennis simulator was created. The creator is William Higinbotham, one of the scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York, USA). The game was called "Tennis for Two". In this game, two people controlled moving platforms to hit a ball. The computer did not participate in the game, but only displayed the results of the players’ actions on an oscilloscope in real time. This game existed in one single copy.

1962 - In April 1962, DEC began selling the relatively small PDP-1 computers. The basic package of these computers included the game “SpaceWar!” as a test program. Thus "SpaceWar!" became the first game to be released into circulation.

1966 - Ralph Baer, ​​having learned that his idea of ​​interactive television, voiced in 1951, was already being implemented in the form of computer games, began developing new game prototypes. He created 7 experimental games.

1968 - Ralph Baer develops his experimental console called “Box Brown”. It was possible to play all the games he invented. There were also simple arcade games - “Chase Game”: two squares chasing each other on the screen; and a completely new type of “Target Shooting games”: you had to shoot at the screen with a light gun.

1970 - The computer mouse is invented. Douglas Engelbart received a patent for “a system for indicating X-Y positions on a monitor.” This system looked like a square wooden mouse with large wheels. But the mouse began to be used in computer games much later.

1977 - The Atari 2600 game console goes on sale. It was thanks to this console that the popularization of computer and video games moved to a completely new level. The Atari 2600 was sold from 1977 to 1983, and during this time more than 40,000,000 copies of this console were sold!

On July 5, the first home computer, the Apple II, goes on sale. Along with computers intended for the masses, computer games are also spreading significantly.

1981 - IBM begins selling its first personal computer.

1982 - The Internet (global network) was created. More precisely, a unified network data transfer protocol has been created - TCP/IP. This standardization made it possible to unite disparate local networks into a single global network - the Internet. (The very idea of ​​a single TCP/IP protocol appeared back in 1974).

1983 - The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console was created. (In the USSR this prefix is ​​known as “Dendy”). In Japan, and then throughout the rest of the world, a new console boom began. Following the NES, other third-generation consoles began to appear.

1985 - the legendary game “Super Mario Bros.” was created. The game was released on the NES console, created by Shigeru Miyamoto. The main character of the game, Mario, becomes the official symbol of Nintendo. Although Mario as a character had previously appeared in two more games (Donkey Kong 1981, Mario Bros. 1983), real fame came to him only in the third game Super Mario Bros. Games about the plumber Mario have become the most popular game series over time.

1985 - The game “Battle City” (better known as “Tanks”) was created.

1989 - The GameBoy pocket game console from Nintendo is released. One of the most famous games on this console is Tetris. It was thanks to GameBoy that the Russian game Tetris gained worldwide fame and fame. “GameBoy” sold a huge number of copies around the world – more than 120,000,000 copies of the console were sold.

1994 - Sony releases its first, but very successful gaming console, PlayStation. It became the best console of the 5th generation. Games for this console were distributed on CDs. Most games on the PlayStation had 3D graphics. Console sales exceeded 102,000,000 units.
The strategy “Warcraft: Orcs and Humans” from the company “Blizzard” has been created. The Warcraft series of games has become a leader in the real-time strategy genre over time.

1995 - The first specialized exhibition of the computer video game industry was held - Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).

1998 - The game “Half-Life” is released. Despite the fact that the game was made in the 3D-Action genre, it had a full-fledged plot that developed as the game progressed. The game was filled to the brim with plot events and colorful secondary characters. Before the advent of Half-Life, the plot existed only in quest and role-playing games, where it was most often presented in the form of text. With the advent of Half-Life, games have become much closer in content to movies. This game created a precedent, after which more and more large games began to be created with a plot.

The strategy game StarCraft from Blizzard has been created. The game was made so well that it continues to be played to this day. StarCraft has hosted many global e-sports competitions.

The game "Grand Theft Auto" (GTA) is released. The game created an entire living city with a top view, where people walked peacefully and traffic flowed through the streets. The player had complete freedom of action, but the main story missions were related to stealing cars and working for bandits, because of this, the game received angry criticism from society.

The game “Unreal” is released in the 3D-Action genre. A little later, in 1999, the game “Unreal Tournament” was released, focused on multiplayer battles between players.

2000 - The PlayStation 2 console is released. The console has the ability to play online and connect to the Internet. To date, this console remains the most popular in the world. “PlayStation 2” sold 140,000,000 copies worldwide.

2005 - The new 7th generation console, Xbox 360, was released.

2007 - The most popular Russian-language game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” is released from the Ukrainian company "GSC Game World". The game tells about the life of adventurers in the Chernobyl radioactive zone. The game has an open world and many factions fighting among themselves.
Revival of the classics

2008 - The role-playing game “Fallout 3” is released. The great role-playing game series is being reincarnated, but now in three-dimensional form. (After this resounding success, developers from other companies are starting to revive many old forgotten game series and characters).

Also coming out this year is Grand Theft Auto IV. The imitation of a game city reaches a new qualitative level.

Of course, several volumes can be written about the modern gaming industry - this is the emergence of the latest games, and the creation of XBOX-One, and PS4, and much, much more. But these are modern realities, and what I wanted to talk about, to reveal the history of all this, it seems that I brought it to you.

Hello friends. Today there will be an interesting fact about the first computer game in the world. Who invented it and what it was.

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What was the first computer game

Let's begin. The very first computer game in the world was called Spacewar, and it consisted of two spaceships fighting a duel. It is worth clarifying right away that we are talking about a game that has become widespread.

It was created by two programmers (Steve Russell and Martin Graetz), who knew each other since university days and were both fond of science fiction.

In what year was the first computer game released?

In January 1962, a simple program was written that was intended for the newest and fastest computer of that time, the PDP-1. It performed 100 thousand operations per minute and had 9 kilobytes of RAM. Of course, when compared with a modern computer, which performs up to two billion operations, this is not enough, but it was still 1962.

The location of the fighting was shown on the round cathode display. This is the night sky of Cambridge and rivals could fight using a keyboard or a gaming joystick.

The game involved opponents moving their shuttles and shooting at each other. Ammunition and fuel could run out, and to avoid being hit, you had to make a so-called hyperjump, after which you could appear anywhere on the playing field or next to the central star.

It was the first commercial game that didn't have many fans. But in 1971, its arcade version was released. And a few months earlier, they installed a slot machine in the Stanford student council, with another modification of Spacewar - Galaxy Game.

Unfortunately, the creators did not earn much money from this game, but it was still popular for 6 years and they managed to recoup the $60,000 invested in it.

The games and entertainments of modern man are very diverse, and many of them most likely came from antiquity. And here one cannot help but be interested in the question of how the very first game in the world appeared. If we go deeper into history, we can say that one of the first games is called Senet.

Archaeologists excavating ancient Egyptian burials witnessed such finds as peculiar boards on which lines and various designs were carved. Such objects were even placed in the tombs of great people - pharaohs and princesses.

Studies of ancient civilizations have confirmed the hypotheses of the scientific world that people from the distant past played board games. This allowed them to develop their thinking and create a special strategy, to find a way out of the situation not only in the game, but also in reality.

The Book of the Dead mentions a game called Senet. This word translated means passing. Not only noble people, but even the poor were fond of the board game Senet. On the walls of pharaonic tombs one could find an image of this board game, the working field of which was made of ebony and elephant bone, and the dice were made of colored glaze or faience.

The Senet playing field consisted of thirty squares, as well as a dice that helped determine the player's move. There is another version of the board game with twenty squares. Among the boards that are found during excavations, there are also those that have different versions of the game on both sides.

There is another ancient game that is still popular today: mancala, which originated in Africa. Also, some archaeological excavations have become proof that Mancala was also known in Jordan, where a limestone slab with a field with holes suitable for playing was found in one of the houses.

Some scientists are confident that mancala is much older than the ancient senet. To play a game of the game, you need to take a handful of pebbles or seeds, which are laid out in the recesses of the field. The winner is the one who captures as many of his opponent's chips as possible.

Tafl, which became the prototype of modern chess, was very popular among the Vikings. Pieces were placed on the playing field, among which was the king. The goal of the game was to bring the main piece to the opposite edge of the board, while other figurines were supposed to prevent this.

Among the games of antiquity, one can highlight the mill, the game boards of which were in Sri Lanka in one thousand four hundred and forty BC. They were made of stones, but in Ireland and Troy such boards were made of bronze. On the playing field, each participant had three chips, from which they had to build a line. If this was possible, then the opponent lost one chip, and the game was over when the participant could not build a mill due to the inability to make a move due to the lack of a game coin on the field.

One of the oldest games is also the royal cheers, in which the rules have been preserved in the original to this day. Very old play sets were found in Iraq in 1920, and were similar to Senet. The essence of the game was to throw dice and move the game pieces to the finish line. For a long time, this entertainment was considered the prototype of today's backgammon.

Among the ancient games, one can also highlight chaturanga, which was played by both Koreans, Indians and Thais. According to its rules, it is very similar to chess. The game Mansion of Happiness, which was invented in Great Britain as a way to teach Christians virtues, has also gained great popularity.


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