World of Tanks won't launch, won't work, won't install. World of Tanks does not start after update Error after update

Dear tankers!

Today, World of Tanks servers are inaccessible to most players. It writes to some tankers that the session is not over and therefore does not allow them to enter the tanks, while others are put in a queue for connection, the length of which is measured in hours. Users who purchased a premium account simply cannot use it due to problems with the developers from Wargaming.

Let's figure it out, and when will there be an opportunity to play? We will answer this and other pressing questions on the topic of the inability to enter the game in more detail.

I can't get into the tanks

The problem is due to the fact that the server equipment used by Wargaming to operate the World of Tanks project today could not withstand the load and crashed. To find out why this happened, the best were sent developers to restore a crashed WOT server. For now access to tanks restored on 80% of equipment.

Session not finished

This problem is always relevant. Those players who frequently enter and exit the game may encounter the problem of an unfinished session in tanks and the inability to log in again. To solve this problem, just visit your personal account and reset all active sessions. However, according to World of Tanks technical support, this option does not always help.

In any case, the session will end sooner or later. Typically, the duration of a session before it is forced to end does not exceed 24 hours. After this, you will be able to freely enter the hangar.

World of Tanks doesn't work

Main reason for wot tanks not working lies in the insufficient bandwidth of the organizer’s server equipment. According to our data, some of the servers were transferred to the supertest of the next update, and therefore the load on the main clusters has increased many times and does not allow players to log in normally.

Queue in World of Tanks

Due to the large number of players and the small number of available clusters, a large queue of players formed at the entrance to the World of Tanks tanks. But in order to enter the tanks, you not only need to stand in line for a certain time, but also have time to take the vacant seat.

Don't forget that the tankers in the game also know about the problem with the entrance and are not going to give up their place to you. Therefore, the vast majority of users strive to use the maximum possible amount of playing time in tanks. As soon as one of the players leaves, his place is immediately taken by the one who is listed first in the queue to connect.

The game World of Tanks does not start: we consider the main reasons and solve problems

Absolutely every user can play World of Tanks, since the game is distributed completely free of charge. True, this does not exclude the possibility of problems that prevent the launch of World of Tanks. If World of Tanks does not start, then you should not immediately worry and blame everything you can. The fact is that the source of this unpleasant moment can be completely different problems.

It is enough to carefully understand the system requirements of the game and the main errors, and then take steps to eliminate these problems. And to make it easier for you to navigate in this direction, we have collected all the most popular problems that prevent World of Tanks from starting and have written instructions that will help you deal with them. At the moment, the sources can be standard and individual problems.

Standard problems

After the release of the game, many users encountered unpleasant moments that prevented them from fully enjoying tank battles. The standard reason why World of Tanks does not start is trivial system requirements. At the moment, the minimum requirements are the following:

  • Operating system: minimum Windows XP SP
  • Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1024x768.
  • Main processor: any model with a 2-core base.
  • RAM: preferably 2 GB.
  • Video card: it is advisable to have at least GeForce
  • Video memory: 256 MB.
  • Game weight: 25 GB.
  • Internet speed should not be less than 256 Kbps.

First, compare your computer equipment with these requirements and if they meet, then you should move on to the next problem. And if they are not suitable, then the right solution would be to improve computer components: RAM or buy a new video card.

The second standard reason is outdated versions of programs or their complete absence. First, you should check for updates for your video card, and to do this, follow these steps:

  1. Launch a special software application for your video card.
  2. Run a driver scan.
  3. If an update appears, be sure to install it.
  4. Restart your computer and launch the game.

If updating hardware drivers does not help you, you should install the latest packages of the following programs:

  1. DirectX.
  2. Visual C++ 2015.
  3. NET Framework version 4.0.

You can download and install these programs using the official World of Tanks website. Just go to the software item and download the necessary program options. If, after completing these steps, World of Tanks still does not work for you, then it is worth considering individual cases.

Individual problems

Errors that appear when starting a game are not such a common occurrence, but nevertheless they can interfere with the stable operation of the game. You may experience a critical error where the update cannot be installed. To resolve this, we recommend doing the following:

  1. You should go to the game directory at the following address: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp.
  2. We look for a folder called Updates and delete it.
  3. Restart the game launcher and set port 6881 in the settings, setting permission to use the torrent session.

If World of Tanks does not open and the gear icon is constantly spinning, then you should do the following:

  1. First, you should update the Java and Adobe Flash software; to do this, just use the official websites of the developers of this software, where you can download the latest versions.
  2. Uninstall Internet Explorer and then install it again.
  3. Restart your computer and launch the games.

Another error is: “An unhandled exception is occurred. The application will be restarted", you can solve it as follows:

  1. Remove "Microsoft Visual C++".
  2. Then download new versions of the libraries from the official website of the program.
  3. And as soon as you are ready to install them, you should do it in the following order:
    1. First install the 2010 version.
    2. This is followed by the 2008 x64 version.

That's all the situations that users have encountered. It’s enough just to get to know them and use our instructions, which will allow you to get rid of problems and play World of Tanks. Don't worry, these instructions will always be available on our website. If new errors suddenly appear, we will definitely update our article and attach instructions for solving them. Don't forget to visit our resource to keep abreast of all updates.

World of Tanks is a popular computer game. Like any other program, errors can occur. The article will discuss the main problems of users and answer the question: “Why don’t Tanks launch?”

Standard Methods

If you encounter problems, first check if your PC meets the system requirements. The developers assume stable operation on a system with 1.5 GB of RAM, a processor that supports SSE2 instructions and a frequency of at least 2.2 GHz. The video card must work with DirectX version no lower than 9.0, and its memory capacity must be 256 MB or more.

Among other things, if “Tanks” does not start, it is worth installing the latest versions of video card drivers, updating the DirectX, Net Framework and Visual C++ libraries. All these components can be downloaded from the Microsoft website absolutely free of charge. Drivers are easy to find on the manufacturer's website.

An unhandled exception is occured

If “Tanks” does not start, and a critical error appears on the screen with the inscription “An unhandled exception is occurring”, it is worth checking your computer with an antivirus program.

The game developers recommend using Cureit or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Both utilities are absolutely free. To scan, use only the latest versions of programs and do not refuse to update virus records the first time you run them.

Checking system files

If anti-virus tools did not help, and Tanki still does not start, try checking the files for integrity.

To perform this procedure:

  • Open the Start menu
  • Select "Run"
  • Type "cmd" into the input line and click on the "OK" button
  • It will open. You need to enter “sfc /scannow” and click on “ENTER”
  • Be sure to wait until the program finishes, do not close the window or turn off the computer during the scanning process.

Reinstalling the browser

The previous points did not help and World of Tank does not start? Often, launcher errors arise as a result of errors. Often, a banal reinstallation of this application helps.

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Click on "Programs and Features".
  • Find the link on the left side of the window that opens and click on it.
  • A list will be displayed on the screen in which you need to uncheck the box next to the name “Internet Explorer”.
  • Now you should click on the "OK" button and restart the computer.
  • After the reboot, download the Internet Explorer browser installer from the official Microsoft website and install it.

Error after update

It happens that after downloading the next update, the message “unpacking error” appears on the screen. And at the same time, World of Tank does not start. At the first stage of solving the problem, it is worth checking how much free space is on the partition in which the game is installed. If this value is less than several gigabytes, it is logical that the update will have nowhere to copy new documents. An excellent option in this case would be to delete the "Update" directory from the game directory. It stores all previous developer patches that will not be needed after they are applied.

Why don't "Tanks" start, displaying the same message on the screen when there is more than enough space on the hard drive? The problem may be caused by file system errors. To eliminate such “bugs”, you should check the FS.

  • Press "Windows+R" on your keyboard.
  • In the window that opens, type “cmd” and click “OK”
  • Now type “chkdsk X: /f /r” in the command line and press “ENTER” (instead of the letter “X” you must enter the letter of the partition you are checking).
  • Scanning may not always be performed while the operating system is running. In this case, the user will be prompted to check after reboot. If you receive such a message, click on the "Y" button.
  • It is not recommended to interrupt the file system check before it is completed. Be sure to wait for it to complete.

If none of the tips listed above helped, it is impossible to determine why “Tanks” do not start without additional research. In this case, to solve the problem, try reinstalling the game or contacting customer support.

At release, almost all current games are teeming with bugs. Therefore, the fact that World of Tanks does not launch is not surprising. Despite many years of work by the developers to optimize the game, errors do occur in the tanks. WoT does not start for many reasons: from an incorrectly installed client to fraud with mods.

Launcher problems

Unsuccessful update
Sometimes it happens that while updating the game, you may see such a message

If this happens, you need to take the following actions:

Infinite Gear

If you see a black screen in place of the launcher with a disconnected gear in the middle, and at the bottom it says “update paused,” then you need to do the following:

  1. Download the archive from the official website:
  2. Unpack it and run the .bat file.
  3. Reboot the system and re-enable the launcher.

Unable to display web page

When you see the message “the web page could not be displayed,” you need to try resetting IE (Internet explorer) settings:

Can't click "play"

This post-apocalyptic picture looks like this:

There are three options to solve the problem:

  1. Reinstalling IE.
  2. Adobe Flash Player Update
  3. Java update.

All of the above can be downloaded from the official websites of Mircosoft, Adobe and Java. Just follow the instructions.

Errors while starting the game

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the system requirements. Although WoT is quite loyal to old computers, the hardware must still meet the following parameters:

Are you sure your PC is compatible? Then we move on to the next point - updating the video card drivers. To do this, you need to go to the manufacturer’s website (AMD, NVIDIA, Intel), find your graphics processor there and download the latest version of the drivers.

If you experience problems with sound, update your sound card drivers.

The required version of DirectX may not be installed. It can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. You need DirectX 9.0c, no lower.
World of Tanks also does not launch without the Microsoft Visual C++ and Net Framework libraries. Both are also available on the Microsoft resource.

Bugs can be caused by mods

There are a large number (hundreds of units) of mods for WoT. From the famous “Deer Messenger” to various packs of modified textures. All of them can cause incorrect operation of both the launcher and the client. This especially often happens when a new version of the game is released, but the mods remain from the old one. To avoid this, you must follow these rules:

  1. Always remove mods before updating the game
  2. Mods must match your version of World of Tanks
  3. Do not download unverified utilities from suspicious sites

If the game does not start and the listed methods do not help, then there are probably mods involved. The most reliable (albeit time-consuming) way to solve the problem is to completely remove and install the client from scratch, which our guide on how will help you with.

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The game from Wargaming is the best online shooter dedicated to realistic tank battles from the Second World War. There is probably not a gamer in the CIS who has not at least once tried this game or heard about it. But the problem is that World of Tanks is very addictive and you don’t even notice how you spend dozens of hours downloading the next branch. But what if the game suddenly stops working?

Hello to all tankers. Today I will tell you several ways that will help you start your tanks again. Let's begin.

Everything from scratch

Full update– the best way to get rid of most errors and remove viruses that have settled in the sources. This is the easiest way, which only requires you to find the folder and press Shift + Delete.

I warn you, this is not a panacea and the likelihood that you will get rid of the error is not 100%, so you can first try other recovery methods.

Brutal defense

Very often, antivirus programs on computers perceive game files as a Trojan and delete it or put it in quarantine. In such situations, two errors may occur:

  1. The launcher does not launch on startup. In this case, try launching the game itself. Go to the WOT folder and find the WorldOfTanks.exe file. If the game starts, then simply add the launcher file to the exceptions of your antivirus program so that it does not react to it.
  2. I get an error: the WorldOfTanks.exe file is missing. Your protection is 100% effective here. Go to quarantine or the deletion log in your antivirus program and restore the lost file. Be sure to add it to the exceptions so this doesn't happen again.

You can restore deleted items using the function integrated into the launcher. If you see an update window open, go to Settings/Support/Verification. This way you trigger a forced recovery of all missing files. If something has been deleted, the launcher will automatically download it from the Internet.

Even if the antivirus program is not to blame for your error, I still recommend playing it safe in advance and adding the WOT folder to the exclusion list to avoid similar problems in the future.

Common problems

In addition to major errors, there may be minor flaws that ruin a player’s life and prevent WOT from starting. Often these are errors related to mods, updates, or the inattention of the gamer himself. But, let's take it in order.

Mods– additional files installed in the root of the game and significantly improving the gameplay. But often, in search of interesting modifications, players run into buggy or virus programs that ruin the entire game. To get rid of this problem, simply delete all additionally installed files that are located in World of Tanks/res mods.

The problem may be outdated drivers on your computer. Update the video driver and try running the project again.

The latest version is required to run DirectX and Visual C++ 2015 and .NET Framework version 4.0. If these programs are missing, there is a chance that the tanks will not start. Perhaps the programs were removed during cleaning or a system failure, then find and download them freely available on the Internet.

Check for compliance with system requirements. The game is regularly updated and each patch brings not only nerfs and upgrades to cars, but also new textures, graphics and everything else. Therefore, system requirements can grow very quickly. Even if tanks ran yesterday, today they may simply refuse to work on an old computer.

Error D3DX9_43.DLL, XC000007B, 0x00000003, etc.

Error related to your computer. This often means corrupted operating system files or DirectX not working correctly.

The problem is resolved by reinstalling WOT, the program or checking the OS for viruses using a good antivirus program.

Remember– if a problem occurs, check the antivirus quarantine, disable protection, remove mods and update drivers. If all this does not help, reinstall the game. In 90% of cases, this sequence of actions helps to get rid of the error. The problem will not go away if it arose due to system problems or problems with Wargaming servers. In the second case, everything will be resolved by itself, in the first, either check with an antivirus program or interrupt Windows.

Didn't find the answer to your question? Contact Wargaming technical support, they will help you resolve the issue.

I hope my advice will help solve your problem. Subscribe to the blog so you don't miss updates. See you soon, dear friends.


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