Russian language for joomla 3.7 0. Joomla Russification update

Today I updated Joomla to version 3.7 and discovered in it a very useful thing that I had been waiting for a very long time - custom fields tied to the material. That is, in addition to the standard fields “date of publication”, “author”, “category”, etc. finally there is an opportunity to create fields “price”, “genre”, “age category” and in general everything you can think of.

Without hesitation, I decided to experiment with one of the sites, which contained a small catalog of products with prices. Prices were indicated directly in the body of the article. It looked something like this:

The main inconvenience is that if you want to change the design of the price block, you will need to edit all pages of the catalog. If there are few goods, it can still be endured, but if there are hundreds and thousands of them, then it will be a quiet nightmare! That is why I was delighted with the new opportunity and decided to display the price of the product in a separate field.

This is done as follows, here are step-by-step instructions.

1. Create a group of fields

Before creating fields, you need to create a group, which will subsequently be associated with one or another category of materials (or all categories). That is, you can create as many groups of fields as you like: for films - “genre, director, duration, age rating”, for goods - “wholesale price, retail price, dimensions, weight”, etc. - and all this within one site.

Go to the materials manager and select the item in the right column Field Group. It is empty for now, but there is a “Create” button, with which we create a group. In fact, you only need to enter her name; there is no need to change any other settings. Let this group be called "Prices".

2. Create fields in the group

Let's go to the section Fields and create fields. In the settings of the field being created, you need to specify its name and select the type. The default is a text field, but other data types can be selected. Their set is quite extensive - from simple integers to form elements, pictures and entire galleries. Let’s focus on a regular text field for now, since the price should be indicated not as a simple number, but in the format “from ***** rubles.”

Don’t forget to indicate the binding of this field to the group - it is marked in red in the picture. In the same dialog, you can specify the binding of this field to all content categories, or only to selected ones. For now, let's leave the link to all categories.

3. Open the article for editing

In the same Material Manager, go to the “Materials” section and open any article for editing. At the same time, we will have a new tab in the editor - “Prices”. This is exactly the same group of fields that we created in step 1

After that, we go to the site and see that under the title of the article a line with data from the field has appeared. But its default design is not very interesting - it looks like regular text.

To highlight information from a custom field, we need to set CSS properties for the classes .field-label And .field-value. To do this, go to “Extensions” - “Template Manager”, find our template in the list and click on the link in the RIGHT column. The template file editor opens. We need to find the main CSS file. In the case of the Protostar template (as well as other templates created based on it), this file is located at CSS\template.css

In the code on the right you need to add lines that describe the style of the elements, for example these:

Field-value (font-size: 1.5em; color: #D13D0F;)
.field-label (font-size: 1.5em; color: #000;)

You can insert lines anywhere. Pasted and saved. Now we go to the site and see that the field has become more visible.

Thus, we killed two birds with one stone - we implemented a uniform design of the block with prices throughout the site, and also provided ourselves with convenience when adding new products to the catalog.

Pros and cons of custom fields

To be honest, I haven’t studied the new option enough to give a comprehensive answer to this question, but the obvious advantage of custom fields is that you can finally organize a product catalog on the site without resorting to the help of third-party extensions, for example, K2. I have nothing against K2, but I’m not a fan of overloading the site with extensions, since it slows down the site at least a little, while consuming additional memory and CPU time, and is also a potential source of vulnerabilities.

So far there has been only one drawback - it is impossible to make signatures after the field. For example, the line “from 3,000,000 rubles” cannot be divided into a string and a numeric component, in order to then filter products by price as a number, and not as a string. You can, of course, indicate the price as an integer, but such an inscription will look too machine-like - Price, rub: 3000000. I would like to hope that someday it will be possible to format the presentation of fields at your discretion.

A new version of Joomla has been released. Current version of Joomla! 3.7.0. Afterwards, it was necessary to update the Russian localization file Joomla. How to understand that a new version of the package with Joomla translation into Russian has been released and how to install the package with Joomla translation updates into Russian will be shown below. It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your site before installing any updates. But who makes it? =)

The first sign that an update needs to be rolled out is the appearance of a notification about this when logging into the Joomla admin panel:

Here you can use the button “ Update now”, but they don’t always get around to it. Therefore, there is another place on the main Joomla admin page, where there is also a beacon about the need to update extensions. This is the left menu section " SERVICE", where "" is also clearly indicated. This message is a link (like the " Update now" in the picture above) to start installing updates:

In general, sooner or later it becomes so curious what it is that needs updating, that by clicking on the link you can see that . In order to install it, you need to mark it in the checkbox, and then click on the “ Update", located in the top row of control buttons " Extension Manager" section " Updates»:

After pressing the treasured button " Update"The process of updating the selected package will begin. And after it installs successfully, overwriting the old package, that is, the changes are irreversible , Joomla will display a cheerful message "":

As practice shows, translation is never complete. But at least the main posts and messages on the site pages will be in Russian. And this is always useful, since it will not scare off users who see inscriptions in an exotic (English) language in incomprehensible Latin letters. =)

The official release of Joomla 3.7 is scheduled for April 25, 2017, but my hands tend to itch, so I tested one site on the new engine. The test build is available earlier, so I decided to take a look at the differences in Joomla in the real version.

What can I say after half an hour of testing and rollback? Saw, Shura, saw - they are golden. There are changes, I didn’t touch everything with my hands, but I tested a few things and came to the conclusion that I will wait for the Stabile version.

What's changed in 3.7

I repeat, I haven’t tasted all the changes, so I can’t convey the whole bouquet. First, I’ll give a list of new products from the developers, and then I’ll tell you what I’ve gotten to. The following changes have been officially made:

  1. Added custom Fields fields,
  2. The menu manager has been updated,
  3. There is now the possibility of multilingual association of components,
  4. Updated TinyMCE editor,
  5. Changed engine maintenance by administrator.

New TinyMSE editor

Custom fields are not a bad idea in theory, but I didn’t delve into the correctness of their output - I’ll do that after the release of the Stabile version. I didn’t appreciate the menu manager and the multilingual association of components, but I used the new editor for about 10 minutes. It has new items for inserting menu items and contacts into the page. The component settings offer three editor options:

  1. Minimum,
  2. Advanced,
  3. Maximum.

The first has only a couple of buttons for editing the page, the second has a little more, but there is no ecstasy, but the maximum TinyMCE has additional features. I liked the editor, but it was the reason I rolled back to the old version 3.6.5. Cause? The trial material did not want to be saved, and it was impossible to cancel the creation.

The opt-out and save buttons looked nice in the admin panel, but didn’t work. The problem is in the editor, because without it everything works. They'll finish it. For now, I’m setting 5 to the ability to add menu items and contacts to the page when editing.

In version 3.7, the admin interface has changed slightly, the fields for tags and categories when creating material have become smaller, and the font has also been adjusted.


There are still no global changes in the form of a new router (this router is already promised to last 99 years, but things are still going on between Vorkuta and Norilsk), they say a lot of good things about custom fields, but they need to be tested, and useful updates have appeared in the editor, but TinyMCE itself requires saws and chisels.

It is necessary to update to the stable version 3.7, since, in addition to these changes, it contains patches for some security holes, but checking the test version did not allow me to fill the world with beauty and harmony. From Joomla 3.7 for now (April 19, 2017) I left the database schema version 3.7.0-2017-04-10, the rest is waiting for the end of April or May when stability appears in practice.

And the updated editor is okay, inserting menu items and contacts into the material without hemorrhoids is a good thing.

My first attempt to update the site to Joomla 3.7 resulted in the PLG_QUICKICON_PHPVERSIONCHECK error. Why this happened and how to upgrade to Joomla 3.7 without errors in this article.

Let me remind you. You will see a message about the need to update the system if you have the “Icon Bar - Notification of new Joomla versions!” plugin enabled, ID=437.


On the one hand, everything is simple. This error means that I am using an unsupported version of PHP on the hosting server.

On the other hand, not everything is clear. I have PHP 5.4.26 on my server. Before the update, this version of PHP suited “everyone”, but for Joomla 3.7, it turns out that a newer version of PHP is needed?

To understand the problem, go to the “Technical requirements for installing Joomla” page (

This page was updated on March 20, 2017. The information on the page has not changed; Joomla, including Joomla 3.7, requires a minimum version of PHP 5.3, and PHP 5.6 or PHP 7 is recommended.

Apparently, the cause of the PLG_QUICKICON_PHPVERSIONCHECK error is an insufficient PHP version. It remains to change the version of PHP 5.4.26. on the server and after restoring the site from a backup, update again.

Update via FTP

For the experiment, I will update without changing the PHP version via FTP. For this:

  • I download it here ( Joomla! 3.7.0 Upgrade Package (.zip);
  • I unpack the downloaded archive;
  • I check the CHMOD rights for the system configuration.php file, they must be at least 644;
  • I download the update archive over the old one, via FTP in the “Replace with newer” mode.
  • I look at the result, as expected, the update failed.


Note: On another server, the updates took place without complications, automatically. Let me remind you how to do this:

Automatic Joomla update

  • Clear the site cache;
  • Make a backup copy of the site;
  • If you are using unverified extensions from little-known authors, disable them on the Extensions>>>Manage tab;
  • Go to the update tab (Components>>>Joomla Update!);
  • Update the system in automatic update mode with the entry “Directly”;
  • The system will indicate a successful update with a green bar;

When checking extension versions, enable them one at a time. This is useful if any extension will conflict with the new version of the system.

Another mistake

After the update, the “traditional error” popped up: Fatal error: Call to a member function getTag() on a non-object in /libraries/cms/application/site.php on line 456. This error is expressed by a white screen after writing a new article or editing an old one. It does not appear everywhere, it is corrected this way.

Good afternoon, dear readers! After installing joomla 3, the first thing you need to do is download and install “Language Packs”, thereby Russifying joomla 3. I will show you how to do this in today’s article.

Joomla is one of the most popular website builders; this engine is used in dozens of countries around the world. In order not to burden the site with unnecessary language packs, the standard package is in English.

The required language is installed separately, in our case Russian. So, let's start Russifying Joomla 3, and first of all, we need to download Russian language packs.

Download Russian language packs

You can download packages for Russification on the official website, scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and find the heading “RUSSIAN TRANSLATION”, then click on the link under the item “Download Language Pack”.

On the page that opens, click on the language pack link, after which the archive will be downloaded to your computer.

After downloading the archive, do not forget to unpack it into a separate folder. I wrote about how to unpack and create a WinRAR archive. As a result, the folder should contain a crack for the admin panel and for the site itself, and we will install them.

Russification jomla 3

Now that we have downloaded the archive with Russian language packs, it’s time to start Russification itself. What needs to be done for this.

1. Log in to the Joomla 3 administrative panel by entering your username and password.

2. In the admin menu, select the "Extension" menu item, and in the drop-down list, click on the "Extension Manager" sub-item.

3. On the page that opens, click on the “Select file” button.

4. In the window that opens, find the admin panel Russification file on your computer that we downloaded, select it and click the “Open” button.

5. After we have opened the file, we need to click on the "Upload & Install" button to install it.

6. When the installation is complete, the message “Installing language was successful” should appear on a green background. This means that the language installation was successful.

7. We have just installed a language pack for the admin panel, now, in the same way, install a second language pack for the site.

8. When both crackers are installed, we need to enable them. To do this, in the joomla 3 admin panel, click on the "Extension" button, and select "Language Manager" from the drop-down list.

9. On the page that opens, on the left side, click on the line “Installed - Site”, meaning “Site language packs”. Afterwards, click on the star in the line “Russian” (on the right side of the page). When the star turns orange, the default language on your site will be Russian.

10. Now click on the line"Installed - Administrator" and also click on the asterisk in the line"Russian", thereby Russifying the administrative panel, making Russian the default language.

Attention!If your admin panel or website is not Russified, clear your browser cache, close it and open it again. Afterwards, log back into the Joomla 3 admin area.


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