Wi-Fi disappears on the phone, how to fix it. Wi-Fi is unstable

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Smartphones may lose mobile and wi-fi networks. In case of loss of the cellular operator's network, the reason may be unreliable operation of the network in a certain mode. Most operators support 3G network mode, but the signal from such a network is not reliable everywhere. Due to the weak 3G signal in some regions, the network mode changes automatically and in this case, signal loss is inevitable. To set a weaker but stable signal, you need to enter the menu and then select - Menu -> Settings -> Wireless networks -> Mobile network -> Network mode -> “GSM only”.

Network loss can also be affected by:

Auto detection function

Some phones do not have the auto-network detection feature enabled by default. If one available network disappears, the connection disappears along with it, and you need to restart the phone. To activate automatic network detection, you need to enable this function in the settings.

Incorrect network connection

If your device allows you to select a network standard (4G/3G/2G), try switching to another standard. To do this, you need to go to your phone settings and select the desired network manually and restart your phone.

SIM card wear

The cause of network loss may be poor contact with the SIM card. You can check if the card is working properly by inserting the SIM card into another smartphone. “Perhaps you have an old SIM card, or the card has failed for one reason or another, or you may have cut it crookedly. The simplest thing you can do is change the card. Sometimes it can help to simply pull out and insert the card back, suddenly it has become a little decentralized. If you changed your card, got a new one, it’s free by the way, and still the problem continues, but on other phones of the same operator in the same place where you are, everything is fine, then the problem is in the mobile device. In this case, you need to contact a service center or change your phone,” says gadget expert Ilya Korneychuk.

Poor antenna reception

Inside the smartphone there are the main antenna elements. Over time, they may fail due to oxidation, deformation or lack of springy antenna connection contacts, as well as breaks in the thin antenna cable. If the cable breaks, you need to contact a cell phone repair service center.

What to do if your smartphone loses wi-fi?

Often the reason for network loss lies in the router. To check its operation, you should find a free access point and connect to it. If the connection is stable, then the problem is in the router.

Settings failed

You need to look at the router settings and check if the DHCP server is enabled. If this function is turned off, then your device simply will not be able to receive the address and connect. In the router settings, go to the “LAN” section and enable DHCP by checking the appropriate box or selecting “Allow”.

Router freezing

The smartphone may lose the network due to a banal freezing of the router. This can be easily checked by rebooting it. If this does not help, then the problem lies in its firmware. In this case, download the updated version of the software for your access point from the official website and install it.

“As for the loss of the wi-fi network, the problem is most likely in the router. You should reboot it. By the way, I strongly recommend installing the latest firmware with the latest security patches on your router. For routers from normal companies, such firmware is regularly released. The router needs to be protected regularly to increase security so that you don't get hacked. Well, of course, you should set a strong password. This is already beyond the scope of signal loss. It also happens that the phone and the router are completely working, but they periodically lose each other. In this case, you should turn on and off the wi-fi network on your phone and turn on and off the router itself,” says Korneychuk.

Software glitch

Sometimes the problem with connecting to a wireless network occurs due to a software malfunction after updating it. In this case, the first thing you should try is a general data reset. Enter your smartphone settings. In the “Accounts” tab, find the “Backup and reset” item. It is worth considering that after performing the reset, all data will be deleted, so you must first save it to your computer.

The Wi-Fi module in a tablet or phone running the Android operating system is one of the most important components today. Wireless networks surround not only homes, but also at work, in your favorite coffee shops and even on public transport. Wi-Fi on Android usually doesn't turn on at the most inopportune times. Why might this happen? There are several options:

  • the password is entered incorrectly;
  • the network connection or system settings are lost;
  • there was a failure in the operating system;
  • the wrong firmware was installed;
  • The Wi-Fi module itself has failed.

Most often the problem turns out to be in the settings. Of course, if a smartphone falls into water, there is a possibility that something is wrong with the module. But if nothing happened, and the network suddenly disappeared, the error is most likely a software one.

If Wi-Fi on Android does not start, first of all you should:

Often the reason for Wi-Fi not working is very simple. But it doesn’t always involve an incorrect password or the wrong time. If after all the steps the Wi-Fi icon is still gray, it’s time to move on to something more decisive.

Restoring settings

The simplest solutions for restoring Wi-Fi involve setting the correct date and time. If airplane mode is not active and the date and time are correct, you can try resetting the device to factory settings. Having previously saved the data in cloud storage or on another device.

Android users have encountered the problem of forever loading when trying to update or install applications through the Play Market. This also affected the performance of the network. If this is your case, try clearing the Play Market cache and deleting temporary files.

Router settings

Do you go to additional settings and get the error “mac address not available”? Turn off Wi-Fi on the device, as well as the router itself. After some time, connect back and try to access the network again. If this does not help, the encryption settings on the router itself may have been changed. Some Android devices simply do not see encryption channels higher than 11. Change the router settings and connect again.

Android engineering menu settings

If your device is powered by a MediaTek processor (most devices with a Qualcomm processor do not have this option), you can go to the engineering menu and set the Wi-Fi settings directly through it. You can open it using the command “*#*#3646633#*#*” entered in the dial pad. For some tablets that do not have this panel, you can install special utilities to enter engineering mode. The settings are checked and set in the "connection" tab.

You should only configure something through the engineering mode if you are an advanced user of the Android platform. This is a mode for developers; any changes at random can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Wi-Fi settings on Android TV-box

The TV Box, which also runs on Android, like smartphones and tablets, is also not without connection problems. To work with it, it is recommended to use an external Wi-Fi adapter or connect a cable, but this will only help improve the speed. And if there is no Wi-Fi connection at all, then it is recommended:

  1. Go to the file manager.
  2. Find the WIFI folder and the wpa_supplicant.conf file in it.
  3. Delete a file.
  4. Wait a while and start searching for Wi-Fi on the set-top box.
  5. The device will automatically find a connection.

Did not help? Time to check the software.

Software glitches

Wi-Fi may not work or randomly turn off due to recently installed applications. Go to the application manager on your mobile device and see which one receives the most activity during the flight. Such an application usually also mercilessly eats up the battery, so the smartphone or tablet “dies” faster. It will be enough to delete the application or install another version with which the error was not observed.

It is recommended to check whether you have any applications that restrict Internet access. So, you can set restrictions through a number of firewalls even without root rights. There are also special utilities for checking software, thanks to which you can see which application is causing the network to generate an error. Additionally, it is recommended to check the device for viruses - some of them may create problems with the network connection via Wi-Fi.

Installing the wrong firmware

The cause of problems with the operation of the Wi-Fi module may be custom firmware that blocks the connection. Manufacturers recommend installing only official versions of the firmware: custom versions are not always reliable. If problems arise after flashing, you should roll back the device to factory default or flash it again. Only now on the official one.

With the development of information technology, it has become difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without the Internet and, in particular, a wireless network, thanks to which he always stays in touch and has the ability to quickly resolve all sorts of issues. This is why a sudden connection loss makes the user nervous and stressed in fear of missing something important. This article will look at all the possible reasons why the Wi-Fi connection on your phone turns off and will provide ways to solve them.

Causes of problems

In most cases, problems with connecting to a wireless network can be caused by the following reasons:

  • errors in Wi-Fi network settings;
  • router malfunction;
  • third-party programs downloaded to the phone;
  • low quality software.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the source of its occurrence. In many cases, this can be done independently, without the help of specialists. You can troubleshoot problems using the recommendations below, which are given for any phone operating system. Sometimes the Internet may work slowly and poorly due to network congestion, as too many devices are connected.

Errors in router settings

The first step is to check for errors in the router settings. To do this, you need to log into the control panel by opening it through a browser. The address for entering the settings, as well as the necessary password and login, are usually indicated on the body of the router itself. By default, the local address of the router is “”, the username and password are the same: “admin”.

After gaining access to the settings parameters, you need to check them:

  • the inclusion of a DHCP server, which is responsible for automatically obtaining an IP address;
  • channel width (shaping) is set automatically, can be from 5 to 40 MHz;
  • channel selection is also performed automatically;
  • the data transfer rate should be set to the maximum of the presented values;
  • The choice of region is rarely the source of the problem, so it is better not to change it;
  • Security Settings.

You can download the file with the software on the official website of the device manufacturer. To reflash the router, you need to go to the “System Tools” section and to the “Firmware Update” category. After that, you will need to specify the path to the firmware file and update it.

Router malfunction

If the router settings did not help determine why Wi-Fi stopped working, you need to check the device itself for problems.

The correct operation of the router is shown by light indicators:

  • The power indicator indicates that the router is connected to the electrical network. Should always be on. The backlight color may vary depending on the router model.
  • The system indicator displays information about the correct operation of the device. Should blink constantly.
  • The WAN indicator shows Internet access via cable.
  • The WLAN indicator indicates that the Wi-Fi network is active.
  • LAN connection indicators show local connections to the router that do not affect Wi-Fi operation.

Router operation

If the WLAN indicator is not lit or blinking, you should check whether the wireless network distribution is disabled: many routers have a button to limit the methods used to connect to the Internet.

The problem may also be directly in the connection of the router to the Internet - the WAN indicator does not light up. These may be problems on the provider's side, which can be easily checked by connecting the network cable to the computer. If the indicator does not light up even when the cable is connected, then most likely the WAN port of the router or the cable itself is broken, and you should contact a specialist.

In situations where the Internet connection is poor, you can reboot the router using the power button or disconnect from the network. A technical breakdown of the device is also possible, in which case you need to contact a repair service or buy a new one.

Availability of third party programs

Another reason why the wireless network on the phone disappears is that the device is infected with viruses. To eliminate it, you need to install an antivirus and, if present, eliminate malware. It is worth understanding that anti-virus software is also external and can interfere with the normal operation of Wi-Fi.

It often happens that there are programs installed on your phone that block the Wi-Fi connection. One of these is a special program that allows you to save battery power. The principle of its operation is to automatically turn off unused modules, but sometimes there are failures and the Wi-Fi adapter turns off even when using the Internet. This problem may be indicated by the fact that Wi-Fi on the phone constantly crashes. To solve it, you need to disable or uninstall the mentioned program.

Low quality software

Some users are faced with the fact that their phone stops seeing possible Wi-Fi networks for connecting. The problem may be due to unlicensed software installed or a change in factory settings. In such a situation, you need to reset the current settings or reinstall the software.

On phones whose manufacturers are more responsible for the quality of software and, as a result, for the brand image, this rarely happens. That is why you should pay special attention to choosing the brand of smartphone.

Problems with your phone and the networks connected to it can often be resolved on your own. However, you should not try to figure out internal problems without experience, since physical intervention can lead to damage to the device. If the information presented in this article does not help, you should contact specialists at diagnostic centers.

Quite often, one unpleasant thing happens with tablet computers and mobile phones. On a seemingly working device, the network or Internet suddenly disappears, and the phone or tablet loses connection. Why does the network disappear? Today there are quite a few manufacturers of mobile gadgets: ASUS, Acer, Alcatel, Dell, Digma, Explay, HTC, Huawei, LG, Lenovo, Nokia (Nokia), Philips (Philips), Prestigio (Prestigio), Samsung (Samsung) or Sony (Sony). We dare to assure you that problems with the Internet and network can occur with devices from any manufacturer. If for no apparent reason the Internet connection or mobile network disappears on your tablet or phone, then our publication may help you understand the cause of the problem.

It's no secret that modern phones can have three types of communication: 2G digital cellular communication, 3G broadband digital cellular communication and the ability to connect the phone via Wi-Fi. Tablets are also not too far behind and most models have a way to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and many manufacturers offer tablet computers with the ability to connect to a mobile operator’s 3G network. Since we do not know which technology and connection method you are having problems with, in this article we will touch on both networks and look at the reasons why 2G/3G cellular communications and WiFi networks may disappear on smartphones and tablets.

If your tablet or phone loses 2G/3G network and connection to the mobile Internet

If your phone (smartphone) or tablet computer loses the 3G network, then there may be several reasons for the problem. The first reason why 3G Internet disappears is an insufficient signal. The tablet or phone may not be in the best place to receive the signal, as a result of which there will be poor reception over 2G/3G. If you are outside the city, or among tall concrete structures (such as skyscrapers), this may affect the reception. In principle, this problem can occur with any operator, with no exception Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Skylink, Rostelecom, Kyivstar, Djuice and others.

On the website of each cellular operator that provides access to the 3G network there is a network coverage map. Unfortunately, such maps are very relative and may not coincide with reality. But we still recommend that you familiarize yourself with the coverage map of your mobile operator. Perhaps the reason for the loss of connection is precisely insufficient signal. Sometimes the problem when a tablet or phone loses connection on a regular 2G network can be associated with the enabled 3G network, which is unstable. This is due to the fact that when the 3G network is poor, the device switches to a regular 2G cellular network, which takes some time. During this time period, communication breakdowns may occur.

If you do not need a 3G network at a particular time, and the connection when talking on the phone is poor, then it makes sense to disable 3G in the settings. We have already written how to disable 3G on an Android phone or tablet. Basically, change the network range in the settings of your gadget. However, let's clarify this for a few other manufacturers.

  • On Nokia phones you need to go to “Settings”, then to “Phone”, then to “Network” and to “GSM”.
  • On Samsung, go to “Settings”, then in “Network Settings” click on “Select Band” and find yourself in “GSM 900/1800”.
  • In Sony smartphones, you need to go to “Options”, select “Communication”, find the “Cellular networks” menu item, then “GSM/3G networks” and set the mode to “GSM only”.
  • It's even easier on the iPhone. Go to “Settings”, select the “General” menu item, enter “Network” and use the “Disable/enable 3G” option.

In addition to a bad signal and loss of its source, there are a couple of other probable reasons why a tablet or phone loses 3G Internet. The problem may be with the old SIM card. Over time, everything wears out. Of course, this is not the case when the device does not see the SIM card. But the problem with the card should not be written off. It is also possible that the Internet disappears due to a hardware malfunction of the GSM module or receiving antenna. If your gadget catches the network very poorly or doesn’t catch the network at all, then a hardware problem is very likely. You can rule out a SIM card malfunction by checking the card on another device. But only a specialist can check the GSM module or problematic antenna. Sometimes in such cases, wiping the contacts of the antenna and module cables helps. Let's finish with the cellular network and mobile Internet and move on to WiFi.

WiFi internet disappears on your phone or tablet

If the Internet periodically disappears on your device connected to Wi-Fi, there may be three reasons. The first reason is poor quality services from the provider. Even such well-known providers as Beeline, Rostelecom, NetByNet, 2Com, Qwerty, MGTS, ByFly may have problems providing Internet access services. But in this case we are not talking about that. The fact is that some providers provide one Internet channel for all users of a home or entrance, and during peak hours, mainly in the evening, connection to the network can be very poor. If you notice signs of speed failure when downloading files and torrents, or when surfing through a browser, then it may be worth measuring the incoming and outgoing speed of your Internet connection.

The second reason. Quite often WiFi disappears due to a weak signal. The problem could be with the router or access point. The power of the router's distribution antenna may not be enough to cover the entire room. Or the signal is blocked by walls. Therefore, if a tablet or phone loses its WiFi signal, then it is worth checking the operation of the gadget near the source. Sometimes a problem with a router can be solved by reflashing it or installing an amplified antenna, and sometimes simply turning off the router may be enough. Here we are not considering the case when the tablet or phone does not connect to the wifi network at all. This problem is described in detail in the article at the link provided.

The third reason for the loss of Wi-Fi signal may be hidden in the Wi-Fi module of your phone or tablet. For example, when the Internet disappears and appears after a reboot, the reason may be a malfunction of the gadget. If you are convinced that the WiFi router has nothing to do with it, and your tablet computer or smartphone still loses Wi-Fi, then a breakdown of the WiFi module is quite likely. Here you can’t do without checking the module. In addition to the described problems with loss of WiFi and 3G Internet, applications for Android, iOS or Windows Phone can negatively affect communication. If up to a certain point everything worked for you, remember what you recently installed on your gadget; perhaps the problem is in a recently installed program or game. This concludes our article. If you have a question, ask it in the comments, we will try to answer it.

Purchased a laptop, phone or tablet. A portable device is specifically selected to access the Internet via Wi-Fi in any accessible location. However, an unexpected difficulty arises: for some reason the connection suddenly disappears. What is the reason? Let's figure it out.

A sharp and sudden disconnection of the wireless network can happen due to several reasons. They are presented below:

  • Wi-Fi coverage may disappear due to the fact that one of the functions of any modern device, be it a laptop, tablet or phone, is to save battery power.
  • An important reason may be the presence of a weak Wi-Fi signal.
  • Another reason is unexpected driver failures, including the driver responsible for the high-quality operation of the wireless network.

However, whatever the reasons why Wi-Fi turns off, they are all quite easy to fix. It is only important to be able to make the necessary settings or reinstall the driver. In this case, it is best to download the driver from the manufacturer’s official website, otherwise serious problems with Wi-Fi operation may occur. Let's talk about solutions to problems in more detail.

What to do if there is a weak signal or sources of strong interference?

This factor is a fairly common reason for Wi-Fi connection disconnection. Needless to say, this coverage is based on radio signals that can be shaken. It’s worth saying directly about the signal level that it is not always stable. It is influenced by several factors, the most significant of which is the voltage in the electrical network. A wide variety of electrical devices are involved in creating interference, which can sometimes be so strong that it prevents the Wi-Fi signal from spreading.

The presence of metal objects between the portable device and the router can be even more disruptive. If the laptop is located at a fairly large distance from the signal propagation point, it may periodically disappear. Therefore Wi-Fi turns off. As already noted, the signal is not stable.

When a laptop, phone or tablet is placed close to the router, the vibrations are unnoticeable, but when moving away they begin to become more pronounced, and eventually the Wi-Fi connection is interrupted. Mobile phones or microwave ovens have a particularly negative impact on communications. You can fix the problem by moving the laptop closer to the wireless router.

Problems caused by battery saving

As you know, one of the fundamental functions of any laptop, tablet and phone is battery life, which is achieved through high-quality battery saving. In this regard, the developers have created a special program that allows you to save energy and which automatically turns off modules that have not been used for a long time.

The same applies to the Wi-Fi adapter. It is quite possible that it will turn off spontaneously if it is not in use. However, it happens that the program has certain glitches and, as a result of an unstable connection with Wi-Fi, the adapter turns off after a certain period of time, regardless of whether the Internet connection is needed at the moment or not.

You can solve the problem described by disabling the mentioned option. To do this, you need to pay attention to the battery icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Having selected it, you should go to “Additional battery recharge parameters”, and then set the optimal recharge plan. Here it is quite possible to experiment until the optimal plan is found.

Finally, you need to select the “Edit” icon. The Energy Saving Modes window appears. Here you need to set maximum performance both when operating on battery power and when operating from the network. Thus, automatic disabling of the Wi-Fi adapter will become inactive. As a result, Wi-Fi will not suddenly disappear.

However, what if all the work has been done correctly, but the Wi-Fi connection still keeps disconnecting? This means that the operating system itself has power saving settings. You can disable this feature using the Wireless Network and Sharing Center. All you need to do is right-click on the “Wi-Fi” icon. Then you should select the required pop-up sub-item - “Change parameters”. Here you need to find the wireless connection shortcut and right-click on it. In “Properties” you should select “Network”. Then you should go to “Settings” and select “Power Management”. Here you should uncheck the box “Allowing a device to turn off to save power”.


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