After installing Windows 10, the Internet does not work. If the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows... A few tips

Good day.

Errors, failures, unstable operation of programs - where would we be without all this?! Windows 10, no matter how modern it is, is also not immune to all sorts of errors. In this article I want to touch on the topic of Wi-Fi networks, namely the specific error “Network without Internet access” ( - there is a yellow exclamation mark on the icon). Moreover, this kind of error occurs quite often in Windows 10...

About a year and a half ago I wrote a similar one, however, it is currently somewhat outdated (it does not cover setting up a network in Windows 10). I will rank problems with the Wi-Fi network and their solutions in order of frequency of their occurrence - first the most popular, then all the rest (so to speak, from personal experience) ...

The most popular causes of the error “No Internet access”

A typical type of error is shown in Fig. 1. It can arise for a large number of reasons (it’s unlikely that all of them can be considered in one article). But in most cases, you can fix this error quickly and on your own. By the way, despite the obvious evidence of some of the reasons below in the article, they are in most cases the stumbling block...

Rice. 1. Windows 1o: “Autoto - Network without Internet access”

1. Failure, network or router error

If your Wi-Fi network was working normally, and then the Internet suddenly disappeared, then most likely the reason is trivial: an error simply occurred and the router (Windows 10) dropped the connection.

For example, when I (several years ago) had a “weak” router at home, during intensive downloading of information, when the download speed exceeded 3 Mb/s, it would break connections and a similar error would appear. After replacing the router, this error (for this reason) no longer occurred!


  • reboot the router (the easiest option is to simply unplug the power cable from the outlet, and after a few seconds, plug it in again). In most cases, Windows will re-establish the connection and everything will work;
  • to restart a computer;
  • reconnect the network connection in Windows 10 (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. In Windows 10, reconnecting a connection is very simple: just double-click on its icon with the left mouse button...

2. Problems with the “Internet” cable

For most users, the router lies somewhere in the farthest corner and no one even wipes dust off it for months (it’s the same for me :)). But sometimes it happens that the contact between the router and the Internet cable can “move away” - well, for example, someone accidentally touched the Internet cable (and did not attach any importance to it).

Rice. 3. Typical picture of the router operation...

In any case, I recommend checking this option immediately. You also need to check the operation of other devices via Wi-Fi: phone, TV, tablet (etc.) - these devices also don’t have the Internet, or do they?! Thus, the faster the source of the question (problem) is found, the faster it will be resolved!

3. The provider has run out of money

No matter how trivial it may sound, often the reason for the lack of Internet is due to blocking access to the network by the Internet provider.

I remember the times (7-8 years ago) when unlimited Internet tariffs had just begun to appear, and the provider would write off a certain amount of money every day depending on the chosen tariff for a specific day (this happened, and probably still exists in some cities) . And, sometimes, when I forgot to deposit money, the Internet simply turned off at 12:00, and a similar error appeared (though there was no Windows 10 then, and the error was interpreted somewhat differently...).

Summary: check Internet access from other devices, check account balance.

4. Problem with MAC address

Let's touch on the provider again :)

Some providers, when you connect to the Internet, remember the MAC address of your network card (for the purpose of additional security). And if your MAC address has changed, you will not receive access to the Internet; it is blocked automatically (by the way, with some providers I even encountered errors that appeared in this case: that is, the browser redirected you to a page that informed you that there was The MAC address has been changed, and please contact your provider...).

When installing a router (or replacing it, replacing a network card, etc.), your MAC address will change! There are two solutions to the problem: either register your new MAC address with your provider (often a simple SMS is enough), or clone the MAC address of your previous network card (router).

By the way, almost all modern routers can clone a MAC address. Link to feature article below.

How to change the MAC address in a router:

Rice. 4. TP-link - the ability to clone an address.

5. Problem with the adapter and network connection settings

If the router works normally (for example, other devices can connect to it and they have Internet access), then the problem is 99% in the Windows settings.

What can be done?

1) Simply turning off and on the Wi-Fi adapter often helps. This is done quite simply. First, right-click on the network icon (next to the clock) and go to network control center.

Rice. 6. Disabling the adapter

As a rule, after such a “reset”, if there were any errors with the network, they disappear and Wi-Fi starts working again as normal...

To go to the properties of your network adapter, simply right-click on it (see Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Network connection properties

Then you need to go to the properties of IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and put two pointers to:

  1. Obtain an IP address automatically;
  2. Obtain DNS server addresses automatically (see Figure 8).

Rice. 8. Obtain an IP address automatically.

This concludes the article. Good luck everyone :)

Hello! In this article we will try to deal with a new, but already very popular problem, when after updating to Windows 10, the Internet via Wi-Fi or a network cable stops working. I myself faced such a problem. My Windows 10 laptop did not react at all to connecting the network cable.

Let's consider possible problems with the Internet that may arise after an update or a clean installation of Windows 10. As practice shows, the problems can be very different:

  • The Internet just disappears
  • There is no wireless adapter in device manager
  • No wired LAN adapter
  • Connection via Wi-Fi or cable "Limited"
  • There is no button to turn on Wi-Fi.

And a number of other problems.

If you upgraded to Windows 10, your Internet stopped working, and you didn’t really like Windows 10, then you can roll back the system to Windows 7 or 8 (which was installed before the update). You can do this throughout the month in the Start menu - Settings - Recovery. Well, if you like the new operating system, then you can try to fix any problems with your Internet connection. What are we going to do now?

And first, general advice: about any problems with the Internet, try disabling your antivirus. Disable protection for a while to check if this is the problem. Very often, it is the antivirus that is to blame. Many people advise removing the antivirus altogether before updating.

Windows 10: Wi-Fi problems after update

Let's first look at possible problems with your wireless network.

1. If, after installing "tens", you cannot detect Wi-Fi on your laptop at all (desktop computer), then most likely the problem is in the wireless adapter driver. In general, the problem with drivers is the most popular problem.

If you can’t find the buttons to turn on the Wi-Fi network, you don’t see a list of available networks, but in the settings, on the Airplane mode there is an error “We could not find wireless devices on this computer”, then most likely the Wireless LAN adapter is turned off, the driver for the Wireless LAN adapter is not installed, or the driver is installed, but it does not work correctly (not suitable for new system).

I wrote about the solution to this problem in the article:. As a rule, everything is solved by turning on the adapter, and even more often by installing or updating the wireless adapter driver.

The problem is that after updating, Windows 10 does not always install a stable, working driver for Wi-Fi. It all depends on your hardware. You can go to the device manager and see if there is a tab there Network adapters, Wireless adapter (see article linked above). It may have a red cross or be completely absent.

As a rule, this problem is solved by downloading and installing the driver from the website of your laptop manufacturer. Download the driver carefully. It is necessary that it be specifically for your model, and for Windows 10. Many manufacturers have not yet released drivers for the “ten”, so you can try installing the driver for Windows 8 (8.1). Again, it all depends on the hardware, the built-in wireless adapter.

If you have a desktop computer with a USB/PCI adapter, then you need to download the driver from the adapter manufacturer’s website.

After forcing the installation of the new driver, Wi-Fi should work.

2. Error "Connection limited" and a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark near the Wi-Fi icon.

Other internet problems in Windows 10

1. When connected via a network cable from a router or Internet provider.

As I already wrote at the beginning of this article, if when you connect a network cable, Windows 10 does not react at all, then we update the drivers for the network card. And check if the adapter is turned on "Ethernet".

Well, if you watch the status "Limited" when connected via cable, then first of all you need to check whether the checkbox opposite IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the properties of the Ethernet adapter. Opening Network Control Center, and select Change adapter settings.

You can also highlight the IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) item, click on the properties button, and check whether automatic acquisition of IP and DNS addresses is set.

Make sure there are no problems with the router or ISP (for example, check the work on other devices), and then try updating the LAN adapter driver.

2. If after the update there is no connection via a 3G/4G modem.

In this case, the problem is also most likely in the driver for your USB modem. You need to search, download and install a driver for your modem model and for Windows 10. The only problem may be that the manufacturer of your modem has not yet released such a driver. It is best to look for a driver on the modem manufacturer’s website or on the website of your Internet provider.

Run Windows Network Diagnostics

Another method to try if you have any problems with the Internet. This runs built-in Windows diagnostics and fixes possible network problems.

Right-click on the Internet connection icon and select Troubleshooting.

The system will start looking for problems, and perhaps, if it finds something, it will offer you to fix them. Follow the instructions in the diagnostic window.

You may see the error "The network adapter does not have valid IP settings" in the diagnostic results. I wrote about her solution in a separate article:


In the comments they wrote one way that can help solve the problem with Internet access in Windows 10. We need to set Google DNS in the properties of our Internet connection.

If you have a cable connection, then open the “Ethernet” connection properties, and if via Wi-Fi, then “Wireless Network”. Select the item “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button.

In the "Preferred DNS server" field, enter In the second field you can also enter

Click "Ok" and restart the computer.

More solutions

I would be very grateful if you share useful information in the comments about problems with the Internet and their solutions on computers with Windows 10. I will be happy to supplement the article with useful information.

Also, you can leave your questions about this article.

Readers have contacted me several times asking me to help solve the problem with displaying computers in the network environment on the latest builds of Windows 10. Indeed, in the latest releases of Windows 10, your computer may no longer see neighboring computers in the workgroup of the local network, or it may disappear from the network environment itself . Let's look at how to fix this.

Windows 10 computers are not displayed in a workgroup network environment

Users began to encounter problems displaying neighboring computers on a workgroup local network starting with Windows 10 1703 (Creators Update). After installing this W10 build, when viewing devices in a networked environment, the computer stops seeing neighboring computers.

The list of computers in the network environment can be viewed in Explorer or with the command:

If the list is empty (the command returned There are no elements in the list), please check the following settings first.

Check if your file and folder access service is enabled. Go to section Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> More sharing options.

Make sure that in your current network profile section Private (current profile) options included:

  • Enable network discovery
  • Enable access to files and printers
  • Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections

Then to profiles All networks activate options:

  • Enable sharing so network users can read and write files in shared folders
  • Disable password protection (if you trust all devices on your network)

Then open the item Windows Settings -> Network and Internet -> Ethernet(if you are connected to the local network via a wireless connection, select Wi-Fi). Click on the network icon and check that the option is enabled Make this computer discoverable.

In some cases, to enable detection, you need to run the following command on a command line with administrator rights:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Network Discovery" new enable=Yes

In some cases, a Windows computer may not appear in the network environment due to incorrect workgroup settings. Try adding this computer to the workgroup again by rewriting the settings ( Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Computer name-> button Identification).

In the Join a Domain or Workgroup Wizard that opens, select the following: The computer is part of a corporate network -> My organization uses a network without domains -> the name of your workgroup. After this you need to restart your computer.

If after rebooting the computer appears in the network environment, but you cannot log into it, check the computer’s network type. Most likely your local network was recognized as Public. You need to change the network type to Private. To do this, open Options -> Network and Internet -> State -> Home group -> Changing your network location.

Click on the link Change network location, then in the sidebar with the request “Do you want to allow other computers and devices on this network to discover your PC? We recommend doing this on your home or work network rather than on a public network." Select Yes.

Open Network Neighborhood and check if computers appear.

If the above tips did not help and the computers in your workgroup are still not visible, try resetting your network settings (Settings -> Network and Internet -> Status -> Reset Network).

You can reset network settings and firewall rules with the following commands:

netsh int ip reset reset.txt
netsh winsock reset
netsh advfirewall reset

After which you need to restart your computer.

Also check if the following services are running (to display the network environment correctly, they must be in the automatic startup state):

  • Function Discovery Provider Host
  • Function Discovery Resource Publication (see below)
  • DNS Client
  • SSDP Discovery
  • UPnP Device Host

SMB 1.0 and problems with Master Browser in Windows 10

It happens that problems with displaying computers in a network environment are associated with the Network Browser service. This service is responsible for building and maintaining a list of active computers on the network (). There can be only one active computer on the local network with the role of master browser.

In Windows 10 1703 service Network Browser it works incorrectly. It is recommended to completely disable this service on Windows 10 and use a Windows 7 computer as the main network browser (via the registry).

In addition, in Windows 10 1709 and higher by default, the Computer Browser service is also disabled, which, as we said, is responsible for compiling a list of computers on the network and displaying them. If you only have computers with Win 10 1709 and higher on your network (see table), to solve the problem you will have to enable the SMB v1.0 protocol on at least one computer (unsafe!), which will be your main network browser (Master Browser). Installing SMB 1.0 is done by adding 3 components in Control Panel.

The computer is not visible on the network after updating to Windows 10 1803

In Windows 10 1803 (Spring Creators Update) developers, in addition, computers with Windows 10 no longer appear in Network Neighborhood Explorer when viewing network devices.

The fact is that, from Microsoft’s point of view, workgroups are an outdated functionality for organizing a local network for access to shared resources and printers. Instead of using a workgroup, Microsoft suggests using its cloud services (OneDrive, access through Microsoft Accounts). In my opinion, this is unjustified.

However, in fact, in 1803, in order to access the resources of another computer on the local network, you need to know its name (\\pcname1) or IP address (in the format \\, but neighboring computers are not displayed in the network environment. However, this can be fixed.

The fact is that a separate service is responsible for detecting computers on the network in Windows 10 Function Discovery Resource Publication, which after installing 1803 does not start by default (the startup type has been changed from Automatic to Disabled). If this service is stopped, the computer is not discoverable by other computers on the network. Here's how to enable the Autodiscover service in Windows 10 1803.

After the reboot, other computers on the local network will be able to detect this computer and its resources (printers and shared folders).

Good afternoon, dear subscribers and readers, I recently told you about the global update from Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607, which was released on August 2 of this year, you can download it from the link on the left. This release, code-named redstone, brought a lot of new and useful things, but also not so much for some, and the reason for this is the slow Internet on Windows 10 Redstone, it became so after this update, let's see how to solve it.

Why is the Internet slower in Windows 10?

Let's look at what caused the slow Internet on Windows 10 Redstone. The reason for this was the Window Auto-Tuning function, which has existed since the days of Windows Vista. Window Auto-Tuning is Auto-tuning function of the receiving window, which improves the performance of programs receiving TCP data on the network.However, this feature is disabled by default for programs that use the Windows Services HTTP (WinHTTP) interface.Some programs that use WinHTTP include Automatic Updates, Windows Update, Remote Desktop Connection, Windows Explorer (copying files online), and Sharepoint (WebDAV).

It is logical that if the problem is there, then it should be disabled. To turn off Window Auto-Tuning, you need to open the command prompt as an administrator, to do this, right-click on the start icon and select the appropriate item.

The first thing you need to do is look at the status of the Window Auto-Tuning function, and check that the Internet has become slower in Windows 10 because of it.

netsh interface tcp show global

If the value of this parameter is normal, you can disable it with the command

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Next, measure the speed, as I described in the article, link on the left. If this does not have an effect, then re-enable the service.

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

Other possible reasons could be:

  • Physical cable, some core or several has broken
  • Your router may be slow, try rebooting it
  • A firewall or antivirus can also slow down your speed.
  • See if you have

One of the common problems after upgrading to Windows 10, as well as after a clean installation of the system or simply installing “major” updates to the OS, is that the Internet does not work, and the problem can affect both wired and Wi-Fi connections. This manual contains details about what to do if the Internet stops working after updating or installing Windows 10 and the common reasons for this. The methods are equally suitable for those users who use the final and Insider builds of the system (and the latter are more likely to encounter the problem raised). We will also consider the case where, after updating the Wi-Fi, the connection became “restricted without Internet access” with a yellow exclamation mark. Additionally: How to fix the error .Update (August 2016): the updated Windows 10 now has a quick way to reset all network and Internet settings to their original state when problems with connections occur - .The guide is divided into two parts: the first lists more typical causes of Internet loss -connections after the update, and in the second - after installing and reinstalling the OS. However, the methods from the second part may also be suitable if the problem appears after the update.

In addition to antivirus software, previously installed third-party VPN programs can cause a similar problem. If you have something similar, try removing such software from your computer, reboot it and check the Internet.

If a problem arises with the Wi-Fi connection, and after the update Wi-Fi continues to connect, but always says that the connection is limited and without Internet access, first try the following:

If the Internet stops working after a clean install or reinstallation of Windows 10

If the Internet does not work immediately after installing Windows 10 on a computer or laptop, then the problem is most likely caused by the drivers of the network card or Wi-Fi adapter.

At the same time, some users mistakenly believe that if the Device Manager shows that “The device is working normally,” and when they try to update the drivers, Windows reports that they do not need updating, then the problem is definitely not the drivers. However, it is not.

The first thing you should take care of after installing the system in case of such problems is to download the official drivers for the chipset, network card and Wi-Fi (if available). This should be done from the website of the computer motherboard manufacturer (for a PC) or from the website of the laptop manufacturer, specifically for your model (and not use driver packs or “universal” drivers). Moreover, if there are no drivers for Windows 10 on the official website, you can also download them for Windows 8 or 7 in the same bit depth.

Customize the Windows 10 context menu and remove items

When installing them, it is better to first remove those drivers that Windows 10 installed itself, for this:

After this, run the driver file previously downloaded from the official website, it should install normally and, if the problem with the Internet was caused by this particular factor, everything should work.


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