How to send a document in contact. How to send a folder with files or an archive (document) to VK

The social network VKontakte has existed for more than 10 years. During this time, it has transformed from a tool for communication into a huge file hosting service where you can find music, films, pictures and even dissertations. This became possible thanks to the function of uploading your files to the project servers. This article will tell you how to upload an archive to VK.

Which archiver program is best to use?

This is not particularly important, but two programs best cope with the task of creating archives: 7-zip and WinRar. Their main advantage is the price, or rather, its complete absence. You can download them on any website dedicated to programs or torrent trackers.

Preparing to download

Zipped files are best used when you need to transfer the contents of a folder, but you don’t want to download 1 file at a time. In addition, archives can significantly reduce the size of source files thanks to special algorithms.

As an example, preparations for uploading an archive to VK will be done using the WinRar program. It is used as follows:

  • Find the desired group of files or folders in Explorer and select them.
  • Call the context menu using RMB (right mouse button).
  • In it, select the “Add to archive” item.

  • In a new window, change (optional) the compression level. It will reduce the size of the future file, but will increase the time it takes to extract it.

  • Click "Ok" and wait while the archiver processes the files.

Note: the size of the created archive should not exceed 200 megabytes. This is a limitation of VKontakte.

In addition to the downloaded file, you will need access to the download section. To enable it, you need:

  • Hover the cursor over any of the menu items on the left side of the window and click on the gear that appears.

  • In the new window, select "Documents" and click "Save".

How to upload an archive to VK: instructions

This is done as follows:

  • Go to the added "Documents" section.
  • Click "Add Document".

  • In the new window, click on “Select file”. In Explorer, select the previously created archive.

  • In the next window, put a checkmark next to one of the last 3 lines, if you want the file to be found and downloaded by anyone.

This is the way to upload an archive with a photo or any other information to VK.

What to do if the archive does not download

The first method is to change the original download file format to ZIP. To do this, you need to re-create the archive, put a check mark next to the line of the same name in the file creation parameters.

The second method is to change the file extension by renaming. By default, this feature is disabled in Windows. To enable it, you need:

  • Go to the "Control Panel" and select the "Folder Properties (Options)" section, having previously switched the view to "Large icons" in "Windows" 7 and 8.

  • Go to the "View" tab.
  • Uncheck the box next to "Hide extensions for known file types."

  • Click "Ok".

After enabling the extension change function you need to:

  • Select the previously created archive.
  • Change the characters after the dot at the end of the file name to any of the allowed options: doc, docx, xlx, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rtf, djvi, fb2.

  • Press Enter to apply the changes.

The same method can be used to mask Windows executable files (.exe).

The method of uploading an archive to VK is simple enough that any user of this service can handle it.


Before you read this article, look an even easier way to transfer absolutely any files to VKontakte .

VKontakte has a file transfer function, but you can only transfer files with the extensions listed below: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf - Text documents. .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .djvu, .fb2 - Presentations, books. .png, .jpg, .gif, .psd, .ps - Images. .mp3 - Music.

What should you do if you need to transfer a file extension that is not in this list (.exe, .rar, .wav, .avi, etc.). Or, for example, you need to transfer many small files.

The first step is to archive the file(s) that need to be transferred. Then select any picture (in our example “1.jpg”). Move the files to the root of any local disk (this will be a little more convenient).

When the preparatory work is completed, you need to go to the command line, to do this, press “Win ​​+ R” (the “Win” button is located between “Ctrl” and “Alt”). In the window that appears, enter “cmd” in the “Open” field and click “OK.”


After that, the “Command Prompt” will open, in which you first need to specify the path to the folder in which the prepared files are located (in our case, this is the root of the local drive E:). To do this, enter “E:” and press “Enter”.

Then enter the following command: “ copy /b 2.jpg+1.rar new.jpg” and press “Enter”. “copy /b” is the general part, then comes the name of the image file (2.jpg) + the name of the archive file (1.rar) and separated by a space an arbitrary name of the new image (new.jpg).

As a result, a new file is created - “ new.jpg”, which can be opened using an archiver (WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc.) Now this picture, with any files inside, can be transferred via VKontakte.

In the case where you need to transfer large or huge files to a friend or several people, then a practical way to transfer files is to transfer them via torrent .

You want to transfer saved files on your computer using the social network VKontakte, or maybe send or archive, but you don’t know how to do it. The material on how to send a file in contact is detailed instructions with examples of attached documents that you can send to your friends in contact.

Let's start with simple files that can be attached in messages and comments to publications you like, inside the most popular social platform in Russia, VKontakte, and then we'll tell you what other formats the [Document] function supports.

How to send in contact

In order to send or attach, in response, to a VKontakte entry or post, you will need to first save it to your [Documents]. For example, if you liked a live image on a third-party website, you left-click to save it to your computer and then download it into your documents.

After which, the image will automatically be added to your downloaded [Documents], this action will be accompanied by a characteristic inscription in a pop-up window with an active link [File saved in the Documents section]. After this simple operation, you can use the left menu of the VKontakte website, namely the active field [documents], to view all the files you have saved.


If the [Documents] tab is not displayed in the left menu, then you need to enable it by going to the [My Settings] menu and checking the box with the appropriate name.

Now you would like to leave, for example, a comment on a post you liked and at the same time attach an original image that you recently added to your [Documents] arsenal. To do this, select the entry and click on the active window [Comment...], then move the mouse cursor over the inscription [Attach] and select [Document] from the drop-down list and click on it.

This command will bring up a pop-up window that will display all of your downloaded documents and images, including. Now all you have to do is select the document that you would like to attach to the entry you like, this is done using the [Attach] button, by clicking on which the file will appear in your comment, and all you have to do is click the [Submit] button.


If you want to see an image of an attached file, you just need to hover your mouse cursor over the document thumbnail. Thus, you can send a file to a contact, to any post in a group or public page, as well as on a friend’s wall.

How to send a file to a VKontakte message

An almost identical method of sending files is also used in messages, let’s take a closer look at it. Select the user in the contact to whom you want to send the file via message and, in the same way as in the instructions described above, move the cursor over the [Attach] inscription. Then, again, the active [Document] tab and then click on it. In the same way as in the first option, “how to send in contact”, select the desired file and click [Attach].

The file, as you can see, will appear right below the message input window, now you can add text, and then use the [Send] button to send the document to your opponent.

How to send a zip archive via a message in contact

Today, in order to send an archive, you do not need any additional actions, such as changing the format or unpacking files. You can send an archived message to any user, and you can do this directly from the page, with dialogs, even if the file has not yet been added to your [Documents].

To send a zip archive via message, you need to execute the commands in the same way as in the previous descriptions; [Attach], then select [Document] and in the pop-up window click the active field [Upload new file].

After that, select the file format on your personal computer and click open. The file will automatically be loaded both into the message and into your [Documents], and now you can use the [Send] button to send a message to the user or VKontakte friend you need.


The only drawback in transferring zip files and not only this format is the size of the sent or downloaded file, it should not exceed 200 MB.

How to send unsupported files in contact

There are not many unsupported files that can be uploaded to a contact and, most likely, you will not encounter such difficulties, but if this does happen, then here are some tips on how to fix it. In order to upload a file that is not supported by a website in Contact, you simply need to rename it, in other words, make it in a different format. For example, you are trying to send a file [. exe] and it is not supported by the system, social. VKontakte network, to correct this error, you need to change the format. Using your personal computer, you find this file and, for example, through any file manager, change the format to a supported one, and then, according to the instructions already familiar to you, load it into your documents.

File in contact

The structural material on how to send a file to a contact has collective instructions and answers almost all the most basic topics of this request. We hope that here everyone will find the answer to their question. If you know simpler methods or VK innovations regarding sending files to contacts, we will be glad if you share them through a special comment form.

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VKontakte has a useful function for storing and transferring files, with their subsequent downloading. You can transfer a file by simply attaching it to a message. First, let's find out what files can be transferred using a contact.

Main supported file types:

.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf- text documents.

.ppt , .pptx, .pdf, .djvu, .fb2- presentations, books.

.png, .jpg, .gif, .psd, .ps- Images.

.mp3- Music.

And one small nuance: the size of the transferred file should not exceed200 MB.

To bypass this limit, you can and should use archiver programs; how to use them skillfully is described in the article about transfer files by e-mail .

Now let’s answer the main question: “How to transfer a file using VKontakte?”

We go to our page, go to “ My settings”, after which we put a tick next to the item “ Documentation”.

Then a new item should appear on the left panel “ Documentation”, click on it. To download the file, click “ Upload document”.


In the window that appears, click “ Select a file” and press.

After which you will see a download window with a loading indicator.

After downloading the file, you can download it or transfer it to a friend.

To transfer a file to a friend, you need to click on “ Attach

Select the file to transfer by clicking “Select a file", and then " Send”.

For confidentially sending files on VKontakte, there is a tool that will help hide files, even if someone has access to the page!

There is also alternative form for sending files through the "Dialog" window. During the dialogue, click on " Attach" (to the right of recent emoticons) and select the "Document" file, in which you can select or upload a document. There are separate items for audio, video and photos.

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VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in Russia and some CIS countries. In view of this fact, vk began to be often used as a file sharing service. A huge number of documents and archives are sent through personal messages from user to user.

In today's episode I would like to tell you how to send a file to VK and how to get around some of the difficulties when sending a message.

In general, VKontakte is an excellent alternative to email. But we all understand that it is impossible to bypass Mail in this regard.

How to send a document to VK

First of all, let’s configure the display of the “Documents” tab in the left menu panel.

You can do this as follows:

In the upper right corner, click on the icon next to your avatar and select “Settings” from the drop-down list, then click on the clickable line “Customize the display of menu items.”

In the menu item settings block that appears on the screen, select the “Documents” checkbox, then click “Save”.

The “Documents” tab will appear in the left main menu, below:

A window will appear asking you to select a file from your computer. You can also familiarize yourself with the restrictions:

  • Maximum size of uploaded document;
  • Supported file types;
  • Are copyrights violated?

If everything is in order, then click “Select file”.

An explorer will appear in which among the folders you will find the dock you need, an archive, a picture... Then double-click on the desired file, or make a single click and click “Open”. A window will appear, which I usually don’t linger on. Basically, click “Save.”

Send a document by message

To send a message to a friend along with a document you will need:

Your SMS will be displayed like this (if a picture is sent):
If an archive is sent, it will be visible to the recipient like this:

How to send an archive to VK? How to avoid mistakes?

Most readers probably know that an archive with a zip or rar extension is a convenient way to put together several documents or even folders.

Everything would be fine, except for one error that occurs when loading some archives. So, for example, you cannot add an archive to VK that contains executable files, the same “.exe” (extension).

So that you understand what an exe file is, I will show you clearly and tell you a little.

The simplest example: a file that we download and run when installing any program on a computer (antivirus or any other utility).

This is what the exe file looks like.

In order for the exe file to be launched, saved in one of the archive folders, not to be an obstacle to downloading, you need to change the archive extension, that is, after the name, write the type not rar or zip, but any other letters.

The archive with the changed extension should load successfully. After downloading, you will not be able to open it. First you need to edit the format to the original one.

Any file without a specific extension will be completely white:


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