How to increase TCI and PR. How to raise your tits How to raise your tits

What is the site's TCI?

TCI - thematic citation index. Simply put, TIC- This site authority index in the search engine Yandex. The more sites with similar thematic affinity link to your site, the greater the value of the TIC on your resource. The number of links to a resource also affects the TCI indicator, but the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of the links.

When calculating the site's TCI links are not taken into account from message boards, forums, blogs, unmoderated directories and other resources in which the addition of links is not checked in any way by the owner of the resource.

1. Quality content

Interesting and unique content - best and the most reliable way to increase TCI of the site. He will always work for you. People will share useful and interesting information with each other and at the same time link to your site. Think about this from the very beginning of promotion if you want work to increase the TIC not only brought results, but also secured it with opportunity for further growth.

2. Registration in website directories

At first, I registered and added sites wherever I could! I can’t say with confidence that the weight of such links will bring the desired result, but they certainly won’t be superfluous.

Some sites say that when added to Yandex website directory, TCI 10 will be guaranteed to you. I can’t say anything about this; I haven’t been accepted there yet.

3. Post announcements

I started making announcements and reposts of posts recently, and I think that their appearance is largely influenced the receipt of technical information. Immediately after publishing the lesson on my website, I add an announcement to the website and on social networks, such as VK, Facebook And Twitter.

Try as much as possible get links to your site. Register on forums, websites, message boards, etc. The most important thing is to links were on your site without the rel=nofollow attribute. If the link is rel=nofollow then she will not transmit your site TIC. Naturally, the closer the referring site by topic with your, all the better!

Alternatively, you can increase your link mass and from profiles on websites. For example, open the Yandex site directory and register by leaving a link in your profile on all sites (thematically similar to yours) where there is a forum or the ability to create profiles.

Finding out the site's citation index is very easy. To do this, go to the panel Yandex.Webmaster(if you are registered and your site is added) and go to the section "My sites".

Also, check the TIC You can use these sites:

On these sites you can find out not only TCI, but also a bunch of other useful things: presence of the site in directories, Google and Yandex indicators, backlinks and link mass audit and so on. The resources are cool, I recommend using them.

I wish you friends a speedy receipt of the first TCI 10! And let me remind you, if you have any questions or have anything to add about increasing the TIC, write in the comments, I’m always happy to help or learn something new.

How to raise the TIC for free? This question is asked by most webmasters and money makers. Despite the fact that the topic has already been discussed a huge number of times, it will never cease to be relevant.

And what's surprising here? After all, income directly depends on the value of the TCI. And the less money is required to raise the TIC and keep it at this level, the more profit the webmaster will receive.

This problem is especially acute for those who... The difference in income between a site with TCI 0 and TCI 10 can differ several times.

Let’s say right away that raising the TCI for free is not that difficult. The only thing you need for this is free time. And you don’t need to focus on periodically appearing topics on forums, in which many write that the directories do not work, almost all bookmarks are in the ban, profiles are not indexed...

Anyone who wants it has long ago found a so-called “working topic” for themselves, and is not going to share it. Who needs competitors? And those who want to raise the TIC for free, without making any special efforts, accordingly achieve nothing. So they then shout at every corner that it is impossible to raise the TIC without investments.

Actually, I didn’t intend to “burn the topic,” but this has already been done before me, and more than once. Although posting such information publicly does not lead to anything good. I'll explain why below. So…

How do I raise TIC for free?

We'll talk about profiles. Anyone who is actively interested in the blogosphere has probably noticed that on many blogs lists of sites where you can get a direct indexed link from your profile have begun to appear. So, these same profiles make it possible to increase the TIC for free. The maximum that I managed to achieve was TIC 70. But first things first.

The scheme is very simple. We find any directory of sites (for example, YAK) and begin to look through the “fattest” of them. We are interested in the opportunity to register a profile. There will be many of them.

We find, register and proceed to editing personal information. Many sites allow you to specify your home page or paste HTML code into the “About Me” field.

There are 2 nuances here. Firstly, very often such links are closed from indexing, and secondly, some profile pages can only be viewed when logged in, that is, they are of no use.

Therefore, copy the address of the profile page and open it in another browser. If the link exists and is not closed in nofolow, the site is completely suitable for us. Save in Excel or Word.

Don’t rush to move on to searching for the next one; you still need to fill out your profile in as much detail as possible and show at least some activity on the site. For example, leave a couple of messages on the forum or comments. This is necessary so that you are not considered a spammer.

That's it now. You can continue your search.

The process is simple, but very long and monotonous. Out of thousands of sites viewed, at best it is possible to find 100 suitable.

The amount of work is impressive. The only thing that calms me down is that you only need to do all this once. Having collected a good base, you can raise the TCI for free for all your sites. Moreover, it will only take a couple of days.

For example, at one time I collected a database of 200 sites in a similar way, with the help of which I raised the free TCI to 50. Then the TCI rose to 70 (as measured by ).

That's the whole method.

Of course, there is an alternative - you can buy a ready-made database of sites to raise the TIC on the forum. But it's not that cheap. Yes, and there is a risk. After all, if many people buy it and start actively spamming it, resource owners may close the links.

Now let’s get back to those who post them publicly. As I wrote above, this does not lead to anything good. Why?

The situation is as follows: let’s say there is a site with a TIC of 1000, where you can leave a link. Those who guessed it use it; the rest are happily unaware of this method of raising the TIC for free. Everyone is happy with everything, everyone is happy.

Then someone posts information on a blog or forum about an opportunity from this site. What's next? A huge number of users follow the link and begin to register, often several times, because there may be several sites.

The owners of the resource are observing a sharp increase in visitors and, most importantly, registered users, and inactive ones. Then it’s a matter of technology: we look at where this influx comes from, and what do we see? Correct description of the project indicating the possibility of obtaining a link. As a result, it is contained in nofolow.

Note that this is not a guess. When lists of sites for increasing TCI for free began to appear, I went through the profiles (some coincided with those posted) on one of the sites. I can’t say that all of them, but some of those that were publicly available are already prohibited from indexing.

Many people are concerned about the millennium question - How to increase Tits in Yandex. There are so many myths associated with this issue that it is simply terrifying. Today I will tell you how to actually increase TIC on your website and which methods work and which are just lies.

First, I describe all the methods of Titz extension.
1. Running through catalogs gives an increase in Tits to a young site
Rather yes than no. The increase is minimal - 10-20 Tits. Very often there is no growth at all (very often lately). This method has one drawback - the site’s trust decreases, and, accordingly, the site’s position does not grow so quickly. Very often, after a run, a site flies under the AGS. If your site is designed for traffic, then there is no need to ban it. Well, if your site was created for Sapa, then ban it (your site is already “dead”).
2. Gluing together several domains for a given
A very effective way. You “intercept” several domains from Titz and “pick” with the main domain. Or you can simply set a 301 redirect to the desired domain. As a result, the transfer of Tiz occurs, although not in full. There is also a slight negative here. When you re-paste sites, then along with Titz, their entire domain history and... its subject are re-pasted. This way you can add a porn theme to your website. So check your domain history. In my opinion, this is a more effective and safe way to increase Tiz than running through catalogs.
3. Increasing Tits by purchasing spam links in Sapa
Perhaps the most popular way to increase Tiz. Links are purchased (anchor, non-anchor, mixed). In most cases, sites' TIC increases, unless your site is banned :). But there is a risk here - you will spend a lot of money, but Tietz will grow minimally. And sometimes Titz does not grow at all, and sometimes there is no update for Titz for 3 months, and you have to pay for links every day. In general, it is quite a risky method in a financial sense.

4. Increasing Tits through the purchase of eternal links.

The same method as purchasing links in Sapa, only here the links will link to your site for life. Usually links are purchased from Gogetlinks, Rotapost, Miralinks. I recommend shopping at Gogetlinks. Based on my experiments, I can say (or rather burn) that the greatest increase in Tits is provided by the method in which links are purchased specifically from thematic sites and with an anchor in the form of a URL (example - http://site/).
With this method, there have never been sanctions from search engines, and Titz is growing very well. The biggest growth in Tiz occurs if you buy a link from sites in YAK.
5. Growth of Tits when adding your site to the Yandex.catalog
Perhaps the most effective way to raise Tiz. Usually, after adding a site to the Yandex.catalogue, Tic on the site rises 2-3 times. In fact, the same site in the YAK and outside the YAK have completely different TIC indicators. Therefore, I recommend that everyone initially add their sites to the paid Yandex catalog. If you want to increase Tits, then you can’t do without it. Plus, your site’s position will increase. The price of a paid addition to YAK is 15,000 rubles, but it’s worth it.
6. Tiz growth through natural links
This is when your site is interesting and other sites link to your site. This usually works on news sites, since they have a lot of links from other resources. With this method, Tiz grows very slowly, but steadily (again, steadily-slowly). It all depends on how interesting your site is to users.
7. Growth of Tits due to drops and viruses
For those who are not in the know, the site breaks down and a link to your site is registered somewhere on the “victims”. Such a half-way house way. Typically, links are placed on thousands of sites. Drops can be purchased on Antichat. Yes, you can get another 2 years in prison, but I haven’t heard of anyone going to jail yet. The method is basically good. Whoever builds Titz in this way, put a link in the form of a URL. Again, it is best to put a link to the site in YAK. Part of this method is to post free templates for well-known engines with a link to your website included in the template.
Well, these are the ways to raise Tits.
I would like to offer two of the most effective ways to increase Tits if you use the methods that I described above.
1. Tits growth model for a young site
1. Domain merging
2. Adding a site to YAK

3. Buying eternal links
With this method, it is very important that the number of pages on your site is at least 150.
2. Tits growth model for a middle-aged site
1. Yandex.catalog
2. Adding a site to YAK
4. Building natural link mass

In conclusion, I would like to highlight some points that were not mentioned above:
1. Paid registration in the Mail catalog gives a good increase in Tits (a direct link is placed there). When registering for free, there is no direct link.
2. When buying links, use the page URL in the anchor. This allows you to avoid a large number of filters from search engines.
3. Titz does not affect search results, but only affects ranking in the Yandex catalog and the link price in exchanges. So think before you spend your money.

TCI is the only site ranking factor in Yandex.Catalogue. For sites that are not members of it, the TCI is not needed.

Where can I see the TCI page?

TCI cannot be raised

  1. internal links,
  2. several links from one web resource,
  3. from a site whose TCI is less than 10 (

Where to leave a link to raise the TIC for free to 10

It is an extremely uninteresting process to face, leaving a link to different pages of your site wherever possible. Be sure to add a page with a link to your website to the Yandex add-on.

  1. Forums and social services.
    On thematic forums, completely fill out your profile and give several answers, in one of which leave a link. Everything is to the point. Publish an announcement of an article at least once on networks such as and constantly on Google+
  2. Blogs.
    • Guest articles, when your publication is posted on another site with a link to the author, that is, to your web project.
    • Some blogs run contests where they don't require a backlink. Why not get involved?
  3. Other loopholes.
    A list of sites can be found in the Yandex.Catalog, preferably in a group of their subject. If you select an anchor by right-clicking and selecting "Source code of the selected fragment", you can see
    anchor We do not consider options, of which the last one is the most useless
    >anchor onclick="location.href="http://site/"" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;">http://site/ sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCQQjBAwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2F website%2F&rct=j&q=%D1%88%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%B1%D0% BB%. blank" class="l" onmousedown="return rwt(this,"","","","2","AFQjCNGB480F0Tgy9wHwSnAc2MSKuP4Fuw","PDeqciYKpUEcOQOg9na5Vg","0CCQQjBAwAQ")">Blogger cheat sheet On the page I try to add keywords, for example, in the "About Me" field. But the text should not be a set of unrelated phrases. The index is thematic, so it is desirable that the title overlaps with the anchor text and there is corresponding text around the links. It is good when there are two or three links to your resource on one page.

    An illustrative example (as of 09/23/2011) -

    • h1, title - Photoshop from scratch - promoted request.
    • Relevant readable text containing keywords.
    • The link in “View site” is enclosed in the noindex tag, but not the attribute, which means it transfers weight.
    • Ads are moderated and in addition to the transfer of static weight, several transitions to this blog were made.
    • Such a document is indexed at lightning speed.

Links should be built up gradually and be as diverse as possible; work with blogs, forums, and portals at the same time. Otherwise, as a rule, they take a list of dofollow blogs and go through it all. A sharp increase in links of one kind indicates that they are spammy.

With geo-dependent promotion, when a site is assigned a region, regional links will be most useful.

Anchor selection

So that in addition to the static weight of the link, on the basis of which PR and citation index are calculated, your blog also receives dynamic weight, which changes based on the proximity of the search query to the link text, you need to think about the link. I’m promoting a blog on low-frequency search engines - it’s better for the article to be in the first position for a query that is recruited by 150 people than in the tenth position with 500.

You can't increase your rank in a day. But buying links weekly is possible.

How to increase the site's TIC?

Every website has a theme. You need to go to the link exchange, select similar topics and buy. Links are bought from sites that have a non-zero index.

We increase tits for free

There are many more ways to increase your Tits for free. Firstly, this is posting links on forums and other people's blogs. Almost everywhere you can leave a link for free.

The idea in the comment should be presented in such a way that you recommend someone else’s resource. That is, you don’t advertise, but advise something in a friendly manner. Then the link will not be spam, it can be published.

As the number of links increases, the TIC will increase for free. This is called increasing the site's TIC yourself.

How to increase TIC to 100

Even a child will increase up to 10 tits, but what if you need 100 tits? It needs more links and more work.

Remember that you can have a TIC of 6, but Yandex still shows 0. This is because the TIC is a multiple of 10. The TIC rises in jumps: 10, 20, 30, etc. You can raise your score to 100 in 10 steps.

Now you know that increasing the website’s qts, etc. is hard work. And without difficulty, such a service as placing a permanent link in an article is expensive. One eternal link to Google costs from 90 rubles. Everything is really cheaper at the rotapost. You can leave a link for 40 rubles or 30.

Now you know how to increase your site’s TIC to 100.

How to increase Yandex Tits in 1 year?

So KSK cannot buy many links at once; they recommend increasing the TIC by 30 per year. This can be done if you buy from a link every 3 days. If you are looking for how to increase your website’s TIC yourself for free, then you need to find dofollow blogs and publish links in them.

How to quickly increase your site's score?

Titz increases once every few months (when Yandex wants). In order for your site to be promoted in the next round of tweets, you need to collect as many links as possible:
- dofollow blogs;
— forums;
- catalogues;
- link exchanges.

There are directories like, but one link is not enough. To raise your site to Tit 10, you need to get a lot of links.

You can get a free TIC. You can raise your scores to 10,20 or even 50 thanks to links you receive for free.

How to upgrade TIC free?

1. Forums.

Forums are domains from Tits for free. You can leave comments that are useful to readers and contain a link.

2. Review sites help raise your scores to 10 for free.

4. Content marketing gives you 10 points for free. Publishing your articles with links on other people's blogs is very effective. This is a way to increase your site's TIC for free using high-TIC sites.

5. Free TIC is provided by registration in the dmoz and Yandex catalogs. Other catalogs have a weaker effect on tits. But for $5 you can get a great whitelisted directory link.

6. Maintaining your own RSS feed helps you increase your site’s traffic for free.

7. Titz 10 gives you free registration in social bookmarks.

There are also ways to raise tits for a fee. These are link exchanges. You can raise tits using permanent or rental links. Temporary links have inconsistent effects. But as long as there is a balance in the link exchange system, the titz is increased.

Titz - thematic citation index

Titz is a thematic index. A number showing the authority of the site. Titz was developed by Yandex to make it easier to understand the differences between sites.

For example, a brand new site has a TIC (thematic citation index) of 0, zero TIC. And the Wikipedia index goes beyond several thousand.

To determine tic, you need to look at its meaning in Yandex. Titz changes once every two to three months. Yandex itself counts birds using secret formulas. Titz is a thematic index in Yandex.

Titz was invented for ranking in the Yandex Catalog. Tits have little effect on search results. That’s why they say that TIC is a thematic citation index in Yandex.

How to increase Tits?

Tits depends on the quantity and quality of links. It is good if the sites have a similar theme (the linking website and the one being pointed to). This is called high quality links.

Titz is a thematic citation index, which is calculated based on links. The more different sites linking to you, the better. The more well-known the donors are, the better.

Where did Tits come from?

CI is a citation index in scientific works, used to check the popularity of scientific works. Whether many authoritative sources cite the author or not - this is indicated by the index number.

Titz is a measure of authority on the Internet. Websites are taken as a basis, not scientific works. The more backlinks, the higher the ranks. Of course, there are many caveats. Two links are not equal to each other; sites may have different titles and themes. The ideal donor is with the same theme, but at the same time higher. It’s good if all your competitors refer to you.


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