Auto shutdown PC. Download programs to turn off your computer

You've probably encountered a situation where you need to step away, but you can't turn off your computer because certain tasks are running. In such a case, you can schedule an automatic shutdown of the computer according to a schedule. Windows 10 has built-in shutdown scheduling mechanisms, although not every user will find them. Here we have collected all the ways you can set a computer shutdown timer.

How to set the Windows 10 sleep timer using the Run command

Click Win+R and enter the command shutdown -s -t 60. The number is responsible for the number of seconds after which the computer will automatically turn off.

In this case, the shutdown will occur after 1 minute. You can set any time you prefer. Just remember that it is indicated in seconds.

How to Schedule Your Computer to Automatically Shut Down Using the Command Line

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer Using PowerShell

Other commands for the computer shutdown timer

You definitely noticed that after the main command shutdown There is also an additional argument that indicates to the system the nature of the action being performed. Using these arguments, you can assign additional commands and not only turn off the computer using a timer, but also reboot or put it into sleep mode.

It looks like this: shutdown -s -t 60. Instead of a letter - s you need to substitute one of the following:

  • r- reboot. The team will look like shutdown-r-t 60 . Stands for reboot after 60 seconds.
  • h– hibernation. Shutdown-h-t 60 . If you enter this command, the computer will go into hibernation after 60 seconds. You can set any time, as in the previous command. In both cases -t is responsible for time in seconds, followed by any amount of time you specify.

How to set an automatic shutdown timer using Task Scheduler

  1. Open the built-in operating system Task Manager. To do this, click Win+R and enter the command Taskschd.msc. Alternatively, you can press menu Start and enter into search Task Manager. There are also other launch options, but these two are the fastest.

  2. On the right side of the window, click Create a simple task.

  3. The window for creating a simple task will open. On the tab Create a simple task provide a name and description if you need the latter. Click Further.

  4. On the tab Triggers set value One time.

  5. Click Further and in the next step set the time when the computer will automatically turn off.

  6. Next, you need to indicate to the system the action required to execute. Select on the next window Run the program and press Further.

  7. Near the point Program or script click Review.

  8. An Explorer window will open in the system folder system32. Find the file in it shutdown.exe. It is he who initiates the process of shutting down the computer.

  9. Click OK.
  10. In field Add arguments enter -s. Click OK.

  11. Click Further, review the options you specified and click Ready.

For a single shutdown, this method may be too complex. But unlike scheduled shutdown using the command line, Task Scheduler allows you to make this procedure regular. For example, turn off the computer every day at 22:00. Trigger timing options can help you sort this out and set a schedule that works for you.

Set Windows 10 sleep timer from shortcut

If you need to use sleep timers frequently, you can create shortcuts on the desktop or anywhere else in the operating system. Opening this shortcut will take over the task of activating the shutdown, reboot, or hibernate timed command.

  1. Right click anywhere and select Create – Shortcut.
  2. In the first step, enter the command shutdown-X-tY. Instead of X indicate the letter s to turn off, r to reboot or h for hibernation. Instead of Y– the time you need in seconds.
  3. Next, name your shortcut and save it.

You can also create a shortcut to cancel shutdown/reboot or hibernation yourself. Everything is done exactly the same, only the command is specified shutdown-a. Once the shortcuts are created, you can move them, rename them, or change the icons as you wish.

How to stop your computer from automatically turning off in Windows 10

If you set a scheduled PC shutdown using the command Execute, Command line or PowerShell, then you can disable everything using a very simple action.

Click Win+R and enter shutdown -a. The system will then notify you that the automatic logout has been cancelled. You can run the same command in Command Prompt or PowerShell.

If a scheduled shutdown is set in the Task Scheduler, then the cancellation process will be slightly different.

There are also a large number of third-party programs that help schedule a shutdown, reboot, or sleep mode in Windows 10. Often, there is no need for such solutions due to the fact that the system already has the necessary mechanisms built in that can regulate the automatic shutdown of the computer. They work quite simply and effectively, which cannot always be said about third-party programs.

Also note that the scheduled shutdown method is not suitable if you want to use it as a parental control. To do this, Windows 10 has separate mechanisms installed that work differently, much more efficiently and reliably.

In addition, pay attention to the settings of the application that occupies your computer for a long time. Often, programs with a long period of task execution have an option to automatically shut down after completion. In this case, you won’t need system methods, not to mention third-party ones, at all.

Each user may have many reasons to turn off the computer at a certain time or after a specified interval. If you have set a movie or any file to download, but cannot physically wait for the download to complete, you can set a shutdown timer and the computer will turn off on its own at a certain time. Don't want your child to spend too much time on the computer? Set a time interval after which the equipment will shut down, regardless of running processes and programs. For this purpose, you can use the built-in Windows tools: task scheduler, command line. If these methods are unacceptable for you, use programs to turn off computers, which require a minimum of resources, but have a wide range of functions. Let's look at some of these programs.

The simplest utility to turn off your computer.

This utility is distributed absolutely free of charge and has a Russian-language interface. In order to use it, you do not need to install it, it is created as a portable version (if you do not like the program, you do not need to take any steps to remove it from the system, just delete the utility file). Managing the program is simple and will not present any difficulties at all, even for novice users. On the left is a window with the current time, on the right you need to specify the time after which the computer will be turned off.

You can download this program.

Do you like to fall asleep listening to music or are you afraid that you will fall asleep while watching a movie? No problem, download the USleep Timer program, which will shut down your computer after a certain time. To do this, just launch it and set the time after which the computer should be turned off. It can be run on any version of Windows, and it does not require installation.

A fully functional gadget to turn off your computer.
Auto Shutdown is a gadget that allows you to set a timer or time to shut down your computer. If you don’t need it at the moment, you can turn it off until required. For full operation, it requires a minimum of computing resources. In fact, it is an alternative to the standard Windows shutdown panel, but has greater functionality. In addition to shutting down, here you can check the box to reboot, go into standby mode, block the user, etc. With the parameters entered, the gadget instantly picks up the data and completes the established procedure on time. There is both a timer and input of the time at which the shutdown or any event you set should occur. The only disadvantage of this gadget is that it only works in versions of Windows not older than 7, because in subsequent Microsoft operating systems, gadgets cannot function at all.

According to many experts, this program is the best of its kind. It is compact, undemanding of resources, and the Russian-language interface is intuitive and even a novice user will not have any difficulty using it fully from the first launch (to install the Russian language, you need to go to the Options section and select the Russian language). Many users believe that this is how the Windows developers should have made the shutdown button. After clicking on the icon, a menu opens that looks approximately the same as the standard menu. A significant difference from the standard shutdown is the many functions that can be customized depending on your needs.

When you hover the cursor, for example, over the line turn off, a pop-up context menu will appear indicating when you need to perform this function. Also, it even provides functions such as disconnecting the network connection, etc. In order to set a specific time for shutdown, you can go to the " Set up a task» and set the necessary parameters.

The most functional tool.
This software can be called fully functional. It contains a huge number of tools that serve the sole purpose of turning off or rebooting equipment at a given time or interval. This software is ideal for professionals, because it even has the ability to turn off equipment when a certain process is completed or a certain drop in processor load is reached. And although there are a lot of functions here, you can figure them out quite easily.

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Some users need to configure the computer to turn off by time or even on scheduled days at certain times. The reasons can be different and the most banal one is that you already start watching some movie at night and don’t want the computer to work until the morning if you suddenly fall asleep :) The same function is used by some on TVs and still follows the same rules reason.

And the most interesting thing is that such a function in a computer is far from lying on the surface. It seems like a computer is such an omnipotent device, but such a banal function is hidden somewhere that a beginner will never find it!

So, from this article you will learn how, using a simple command in the Windows console, you can configure the computer to turn off after a certain number of seconds, as well as how to configure the computer to turn off at a certain time on certain days!

Beginners should not be intimidated by the words “Console”, “Command Line” and the like, since we are not talking about programming and other complex tasks! I will show you an example and you will understand everything...

So, now we will look at 2 ways to turn off the computer on time:

    Simple shutdown of the computer after a specified number of seconds;

    Turn off the computer on a specified day and time.

How to set a timer to turn off the computer?

To implement this task, we only need the Windows command line.

In any operating system, you can quickly find the command line through a search. For example, in Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, open the Start menu and type “cmd” in the search box at the bottom. The Command Prompt application appears in the list.

If you have Windows 8, then also open “Start”, then click on the search icon on the right:

In the field that appears, type “cmd” and the Command Prompt program will immediately appear in the search results:

And finally, if you have Microsoft's latest Windows 10, the default search icon will be located right next to the Start button. Click it, enter “cmd” and see the “Command Line” application:

To complete our task, you may need administrator rights, and therefore, in order not to later look for the reason why shutdown by timer may not work, let’s launch the command line as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the program icon and select “Run as administrator”:

You should see a black command line window that looks like this:

Please note that if you have in this window instead of the path " C:\Windows\system32" the path to the user's folder is specified (for example, " C:\Users\Ivan"), this means you launched the command line not as an administrator, but as a regular user! In this case, it is better to close it and open it again as an administrator.

After the command line has been launched, all that remains is to enter one command correctly and you’re done!

To shut down and restart your computer, use the “shutdown” command in the Windows command line.

Type the following on the command line:

Where 3600 is the number of seconds after which your computer will shut down. If you press the “Enter” button on your keyboard now, your computer will be turned off in 1 hour, since one hour is exactly 3600 seconds. It’s very easy to calculate :) We know that there are 60 seconds in one minute, and since there are also 60 minutes in an hour, we multiply 60 by 60 and get 3600. For example, 1 hour 20 minutes is 4800 seconds.

Now regarding these characters “/s” and “/t”.

These are the 2 parameters that I specified for the shutdown command. The “/s” parameter means that the computer should shut down, and not reboot or simply log out. For example, to reboot you need to specify “/r” instead of “/s”. The “/t” parameter allows you to set the time before the command is executed. For example, if we specified the command without “/t”, i.e. like this “shutdown /s”, then the computer would turn off instantly.

Now, I think you understand everything. Just enter your time until you turn off your computer and press “Enter”!

The command line window will close and the timing will immediately begin. You will receive a warning message, for example:

A warning of this format is issued when there are only a few minutes left before the computer turns off.

But if you have set a long timer, for example, for an hour or more, then when it starts, you will simply receive a notification in the system area:

If you suddenly decide to cancel the timer, then you need to enter the command line again and run the following command there and press “Enter”:

At the same time, in the system area you will receive a notification that the scheduled shutdown has been cancelled:

This is what a simple scheme for turning off a computer using a timer looks like.

Now let's look at a more interesting option - how to delay turning off the computer for a certain day and specified time.

How to configure the computer to turn off on the desired day and time?

To implement this feature, we need the system utility “Task Scheduler” and “Notepad”.

Through the Windows Task Scheduler, you can schedule the execution of any program on a specific day and time, and even set a recurring task for different periods, for example, daily, weekly.

There is only one catch: you won’t be able to open the command line through the scheduler, as was done, and enter a shutdown command there. This is because to run we need some kind of file that can be specified in the scheduler and which will contain a command to turn off the computer.

This issue can be resolved very simply! You need to open notepad, write “shutdown /s /t 000” there, save the text document to a file with the extension “.bat” (for example, “Shutdown.bat”), and then point to this file in the task scheduler.

Now let’s look at it in detail, point by point:

    Open Windows Notepad. It is available by default in any Windows system and can be found in the “Start” menu, in the “Accessories” category, or by searching Windows and typing “Notepad”.

    In notepad we write: shutdown /s /t 000.

    Here, using the “shutdown” command, we specified the action to shut down/restart the computer or log out of the system.

    With the “/s” parameter we specify the action - shutdown the PC!

    With the “/t” parameter we specify the timer before shutdown - 0 seconds and this means that the computer will turn off instantly without delay.

    This is how it should look:

    Resave the notepad file into a file with the extension “.bat”. To do this, in Notepad, click “File” > “Save As”.

    In the save window, indicate the location where the file with the command to turn off the computer will be stored, after which we indicate any file name, but make sure there is “.bat” at the end and not “.txt”:

    For example, like mine - “Shutdown.bat”. The name before “.bat” can be anything!

    If you saved the file correctly, it will look like this on the system:

    If it looks like a regular text document, then you most likely forgot to specify the ".bat" extension when saving, so please do this step again.

    What kind of BAT file is this? A file with the “.bat” extension allows you to execute Windows commands one after another, as well as various scripts. In our case, only one command is written - turn off the computer immediately.

    Open the task scheduler and configure the launch of the created Bat file.

    The task scheduler is also built into all Windows systems by default and can be found by searching or through the control panel: “Control Panel” > “System and Security” > “Administrative Tools”.

    This is what the task scheduler looks like:

    In it on the right, in the “Actions” window, open the “Create a simple task” item:

    The wizard for setting up the scheduled task will open, where you need to go through several steps. In the first window that appears, enter the name of the task, for example, “Turn off the computer” and click “Next”:

    At the next step, you need to note when the planned task will be executed? It depends on when you want to turn off your computer. For example, you can configure a task to run daily and then you will need to specify the execution time. You can set up a weekly shutdown and then you can select specific days and times to complete the task.

    And if you just want to set up a one-time setup to turn off the computer on a certain day and time, then select the “One time” option.

    Now, depending on which shutdown period you set in the previous step, you will need to specify the shutdown month/days/time. If you specified a one-time execution of the task (“One time”), then you only need to select the shutdown day and time.

    You can enter the date manually using numbers or select it using a calendar.

    Having configured the shutdown date and time, click on the “Next” button:

    At the next stage, we select an action for the task. Check “Run the program” and click “Next”:

    In the next window, select our created file with the extension “.bat”, which contains the shutdown command. Click on the “Browse” button and select this file on your hard drive, then click “Next”:

    In the last window, select the item marked in the image below and click “Finish”:

    This option means that after clicking “Finish”, an additional properties window for the created task will open. We need this to enable the program to run with administrator rights.

    A window will open in which, on the first “General” tab, check the “Run with highest rights” item at the bottom and click “OK”:

All! The scheduled task has been created. Now, as soon as the date and time you specified arrives, the computer will immediately turn off.

If you suddenly want to change any parameters of a scheduled task, then open the task scheduler again, select “Task Scheduler Library” on the left side of the window, right-click on the task you created in the list in the center, and select “Properties” from the menu that opens :

A window will open where, on several tabs, you can change all the parameters that you configured!

In this way, you can configure the computer to turn off by time (timer), as well as schedule the shutdown for any day and time, and even set up the task to be performed regularly. I am sure that this opportunity may be useful to someone.

See you in the next articles :)

Surely every computer user left it turned on overnight, for example, to download a large file. But the problem concerns those with a high-speed connection - because of the fast Internet, everything can be downloaded in 2-3 hours, and the rest of the time the computer will work just like that, thereby adding up a decent number on the electricity meter?

To solve such problems, there are special shutdown programs that will turn off the computer at a precisely specified time. Today you will get acquainted with the Auto ShutDown program, learn about its functions, look at the interface and, finally, you will be able to download auto shutdown of your computer for free.

Auto ShutDown program what are its capabilities?

Auto ShutDown is a free program to automatically shut down your PC. Among the main functions, we highlight the following:

  1. Timers function

It is in the timers section that the basic parameters are set. Selecting the type of timer, namely: countdown timer, system time timer, CPU timer and then indicating the time, will help turn off the PC at the right time:

This feature is intended for people who may forget to turn off their computer. Setting the time, as well as the program’s actions when the user is inactive, guarantees automatic shutdown.

  1. Rich settings

A good selection of settings includes: selecting sounds, setting hot keys, language, viewing logs - the program can really be customized to your taste!

To be honest, I don’t quite understand why the security settings in the program are needed, but they constitute a full-fledged section. Blocking the task manager, registry editor, remote action, setting passwords - In my opinion, these parameters are intended to control children’s time spent on the computer.

Another small but nice feature. It deletes and modifies files from the Recycle Bin, Internet Explorer and temporary files folder.

Teaching your computer to shut down on its own is useful for many users. If you leave the latest season of the series downloading at night, want to limit the time of computer games for your child, or simply save as much as possible on electricity, you need a computer shutdown timer for Windows 7, 8 and 10. Let's consider the tools and programs from third-party manufacturers built into Windows.

Automatic shutdown of the computer in Windows 7 or 10 can be configured using the OS itself, without installing other applications. But there is no beautiful shell for this action; you will have to specify a number of parameters on the command line or scheduler.

Command line

To launch the command line, in the “Start” menu, find the “System Tools” section and click on the item of the same name. A window will appear with a black background and a blinking cursor. You can also open “Run” or hold down Win + R, you will see a small line. Enter the command shutdown /s /t N into it. Here “shutdown” is the name of the function, “/s” is the parameter for completely shutting down the PC, “/t N” indicates that the shutdown will take place in N seconds.

If you need to shut down the computer via the command line after 1 hour, enter shutdown /s /t 3600 and click “OK”. A system message will appear indicating that the PC will be turned off after the specified period of time. Before shutting down, you will be prompted to manually close running applications.

To force close all programs without your participation, add the /f parameter to the formula. If you decide to remove the timer, enter the command shutdown /a, then the automatic shutdown of the computer will be canceled. To end the session, use the /l parameter instead of /s; use the /h parameter to send the PC to sleep.

If you regularly need to shut down your computer via the command line, prepare a shortcut for the operation. To do this, right-click on the desktop, in the “Create” menu, go to “Shortcut”. In the window, enter the path to the program “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe” with the necessary parameters. Automatic shutdown after 1 hour with the closing of all applications will correspond to the command “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /s /f /t 3600”.

Next, set a name for the icon and click “Done.” To change the picture, select “Change icon” in the shortcut properties. Then, to activate the timer, you only need to double-click on the shortcut, and the computer will turn off after the specified number of seconds.

You can use the Task Scheduler tool to shut down your computer in Windows 10 or another version. It is hidden in the “Administrative Tools” section of the “Start” menu; you can also open the application by entering taskschd.msc by pressing Win+R.

How to set a computer shutdown timer in Windows 7 or 10: in the “Action” submenu, click on “Create a simple task.” Enter an arbitrary name, select the frequency of execution - daily or once. In the next step, set the computer shutdown timer: here you don’t have to count seconds, set the date and exact time. Set the action to “Start a program” and enter shutdown with the /s argument in the settings.

The task will be created and run at the set time. If your plans change, you can always edit the task settings by moving the auto shutdown to another hour.

Third party programs

Unlike Windows system tools, other programs for automatically turning off your computer have more extensive settings. You don't have to count down time in seconds and manually enter parameters to start the timer.

A laconic Smart Turn Off utility designed to automatically turn off a computer running Windows 10, 8, XP or Vista. Only basic settings are available: ending the session or completely shutting down the PC, after a specified period or at a certain time.

Switch Off program knows how to turn off your computer after a certain time. The utility has flexible settings: schedule by day of the week and specified time, choice of action - shutdown, reboot, sleep, disconnect VPN connections. Switch Off may close applications and show a warning before the function starts. Also, auto shutdown can be triggered not by the clock, but when there is no processor or user action for a certain period.

You can download the utility in full version or portable - it does not require installation, it can be launched from any media. The application adds its icon to the Windows notification area; to start the task, just click on it and select the desired function. Switch Off also has a web interface - you can use it to turn off your computer online in a browser from any device.

The program knows how to set a shutdown timer for a Windows 10 computer. The utility provides several action options to choose from; the time can be set - exact, after an interval, daily or when idle.

Before auto-shutdown, a reminder will be shown from which you can snooze the specified action.

The multifunctional PowerOff application for Windows 7 or 10 has a huge number of timer settings for turning off the computer. Select an action and set the trigger time to start the standard mode. The function can be associated with the processor load level or music playback by the Winamp player. The utility can manage your Internet connection by calculating traffic volumes.

Please note that when you close PowerOff, the timers will be reset. Therefore, set in the settings so that the utility minimizes instead of exiting completely, then the PC will turn off after a specified time.


Setting up an automatic computer shutdown using a timer is not difficult. Use Windows Commands - it's fastest - or other applications if you need more flexible settings.


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