Mobile Mining: is it possible to mine cryptocurrency on a smartphone? Android cryptocurrency mining - does it make sense? Application for mining on an Android smartphone.

Nowadays, cryptocurrencies have become a part of many people's lives. Developers see enormous demand from users. To increase this interest, mining has recently been added to Android smartphones, which hundreds of millions of people have. Now you can mine digital currency not only using computers and powerful video cards, but also thanks to your mobile device.

This method of earning money is quite specific and needs improvements, but now miners can try it out and start working on their Androids.

Mining apps on phones

So far there are few projects that pay honestly and allow their clients to earn money. Of course, over time there will be many more of them. Let's highlight the main applications that can now be downloaded from the mobile online store PlayParket.

MinerGate Mobile

One of the most popular pools that allows you to get free cryptocurrency. The goal of the project is to combine the efforts of all users of this application to achieve maximum mining power for digital currencies.

Available for mining: Monero, Bytecoin, Dashcoin and other inexpensive coins. To gain access to all pool functions, registration is required, which will not take much time. You need to confirm it by email, which will then be linked to the program.

The average hashrate is 10 H/s; it directly depends on the characteristics of the smartphone. The more powerful the device, the faster the speed of cryptocurrency mining.

Users receive several rubles per day, but this result cannot be called positive. Perhaps in the new year, the application developers will figure out how to improve the network and mining mechanism to significantly increase profits.

ARM Miner

Another oldest program for mining digital coins. In terms of functions and capabilities, it is similar to the previous pool.

The average production rate is 2 kH/s, which is also a small value. You can make money here, but the profit leaves much to be desired. The monthly income will be a couple of dollars.

Is it worth mining on smartphones?

To answer the question, let's take a look at the pros and cons of such earnings.


  • ease of use,
  • no special skills or knowledge required.


  • petty profit
  • phone constantly overheating.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, let’s say that at the moment, mining cryptocurrency on Android smartphones will not bring the long-awaited profit, but will only exhaust the battery and processor resource of your device.

In a couple of months of such work, you can lose your phone, receiving only a few dollars. But if you mine rare coins, which are now very cheap, in the future it is possible to make money on their further growth. Whether it is worth devoting time to this mining method is everyone’s business. But laptops are also for good profit.

The dynamic surge in popularity of digital currencies contributed to the growth in the value of assets of this group. Therefore, it is not surprising that today every user wants to mine coins and make money from it. Increased interest in gradually turns into a real fever.

Mostly tokens are mined using powerful computers, namely video cards or central processors. Some use integrated circuits that offer maximum performance.

Developers of mobile applications have not ignored this direction, as a result, in 2018, everyone will be able to mine cryptocurrencies on their phone. Naturally, the opportunity to earn money without investment attracts users, while at the same time promoting digital assets.

Initially, an ordinary computer with a basic central processor was sufficient for productive cryptocurrency mining. However, the algorithms regulating mining provide for a constant increase in the difficulty of mining cryptocoins. Therefore, more and more powerful equipment is gradually required for profitable operation.

As a result, instead of processors, video cards are now used, which have greater performance with the same power consumption. Recently, advanced cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin, are mined exclusively using ASIC devices. They are aimed exclusively at mining, therefore they show the best energy efficiency.

However, you can also earn money using your mobile phone. Mining on Android has its strengths and weaknesses, which we will now consider.

Is it possible to mine from a mobile phone today?

Before assessing the prospects, you should decide on a digital currency. Practice shows that for most users the priority is mining bitcoins. However, it is worth considering the fact that the smartphone’s processor power is not enough, so it is unlikely that you will make money. The main reasons for the low efficiency of mining BTC coins:

  • The great popularity of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency is becoming a catalyst for a rapid increase in the difficulty of searching for blocks.
  • There are a huge number of scammers distributing malicious applications for smartphones and tablets.
  • Low performance of modern tablets and mobile phones compared to the power of farms.

Is it possible to mine Bitcoins? No one has the right to prohibit you from doing anything, but such work makes no sense. However, it is smarter to mine altcoins from your phone. For example, mining Monero will be a good source of profit. The coin is based on the CryptoNight algorithm.

The digital asset Monero appeared in 2014, and today it remains the most suitable for mining on Android. In addition, the value of the coin is constantly growing, for example, over the past year the price has increased by 100%.

The main advantages of mining cryptocurrency from a smartphone:

  • There is no need to buy expensive equipment.
  • Minimum requirements for mobile miners.
  • Simple application setup system.
  • No special skills are required to start the coin mining process.

Of course, there are also certain disadvantages. For example, a mobile phone will constantly overheat and the battery will drain quickly. The amount of earnings will be significantly lower than GPU mining.

Mining programs for Android

You need to start by creating a wallet for storing cryptocurrency. You can register on a stock exchange or other online service from your mobile phone. Mobile storages are also available for download; to do this, go to PlayMarket.

As for the program for mining on Android, you can familiarize yourself with the available options in the market. The installation and configuration process does not change depending on the selected application.

A prerequisite for mobile cryptocurrency mining is a stable smartphone connection to the Internet. Naturally, almost all the power of the gadget will be used by the software, so it is better not to use a smartphone during the mining process. For example, you absolutely won’t be able to play and get coins.

Remember that applications that offer captcha entry are faucets, that is, they have absolutely nothing to do with mining. We figured out how to mine coins on a smartphone, now let’s look at the most popular applications.


Minergate is a cryptocurrency mining pool that allows you to participate in the search for blocks from various devices, including smartphones and tablets. The server distributes calculations between participants, and then pays rewards for the blocks found and the balls sent. Profits are distributed in proportion to the contribution of each miner.

As mentioned earlier, mobile device processors do not have enough power, so you should not count on colossal profits.

Instructions for installing and launching Minergate Mobile Miner:

  • We find the application in the market and install it.
  • Launch the program and close the advertisement.
  • Log in to your personal account or register in the system.

  • Be sure to create and enter a security PIN code.

  • The latest versions of the application are Russified, the language bar is located in the lower left corner.

  • Go to the settings and set the number of threads in accordance with the number of processor cores.

  • Select one of the proposed digital currencies and start mining.

Each user will be able to regulate the rate of cryptocurrency mining and, accordingly, the load on the central processor.

A few words need to be said directly about power. The Minergate application provides mining of crypto coins at a very modest speed of 9 H/s. Provided that the mobile phone is equipped with a 4-core MediaTek MT6737 processor. In about 24 hours, a user can earn about 1 ruble, so mining digital currency on Android is primarily entertainment rather than real earnings.


The application supports 18 algorithms, so the choice of coins available for mining is extremely extensive. The program allows you to mine several dozen different coins on the machine. The main feature and advantage of the NeoNeonMiner application is its independence from pools.

However, there are also disadvantages. Like other programs for mobile mining, the application in question is not capable of providing high speed cryptocurrency mining. In addition, there is no option to disable advertising banners.

On the most powerful smartphones, the speed reaches 2 KH/s; naturally, this is noticeably more than the Minergate pool can offer, but still this indicator is not enough for stable earnings. The smartphone gets very hot during operation, which may ultimately cause the processor or other hardware components to burn out.

Coinhive Monero Miner

Another popular mobile application designed for mining the XMR cryptographic coin. Beginner miners may encounter certain difficulties, since there is no Russian version of the software.

The application was developed by the Coinhive pool. The maximum mining speed is 17 H/s. According to this indicator, the application occupies a leading position among alternative options. The software is available for download in the market.

It is worth noting the presence of detailed statistics. For example, the software menu displays the CPU load. Therefore, each user will be able to control the load on the equipment.

Income and does it make sense?

As an example, three applications for mining cryptocurrency on a smartphone were considered, but there is much more similar software. In principle, there cannot be two opinions regarding cryptocurrency mining on mobile devices. The computing power of a smartphone is not enough for a stable income, so this idea makes no sense.

In no case can we say that the applications do not work, since they actually function correctly. Mostly, the development of mobile extensions for cryptocurrency mining is carried out by pools that you can trust. However, Bitcoin mining is only profitable if you have a powerful farm.

As for altcoin mining, the potential income is still extremely small. At best, you will earn only a few rubles per day, and the service life of your smartphone will be significantly reduced. Remember that a battery has a limited charge cycle.

Mobile phone CPUs are not designed for such heavy loads. Passive cooling is not able to provide effective removal of thermal energy, as a result of which a huge number of various problems arise.

It makes sense to mine Bitcoins only if you have powerful equipment. The priority option is integrated circuits. If you don’t have the necessary equipment, but have a desire to mine coins, then . Mining cryptocurrency on a smartphone is nothing more than entertainment.

The topic of cryptocurrencies and mining (their extraction) is now so popular that even in the App Store, applications related to it occupy leading positions. And if until recently, cryptocurrency mining was carried out mainly using video cards, enthusiasts began to use iPhones for mining.

How to mine on iPhone

One of the developers created the MobileMiner application - with its help, iOS devices with 64-bit processors can mine cryptocurrency. To install, you don’t need to jailbreak your device—just create the appropriate project in Xcode and download iOS App Signer. However, installation is not easy, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to try. For the rest, 9to5Mac has prepared.

The developer advises mining cryptocurrencies on the iPhone 7 or iPhone X, since the power of these smartphones will be sufficient for mining, while difficulties may arise with devices of previous generations. Of course, this process has an extremely negative impact on battery life, not to mention wear on the processor, so Apple is unlikely to be delighted with this use of iPhone power.

How much can you earn by mining with iPhone?

If you mine cryptocurrency 24/7, you can earn about $13 per month or $156 per year - compared to regular mining on video cards, this is quite a bit, so it is unlikely that using an iPhone for such purposes is profitable.

The days of the “gold rush” are long gone, but modern treasure hunters have moved their searches to the virtual world. A popular pastime now is cryptocurrency mining. In the beginning, this required special equipment, but now the function is available to owners of home computers, and more recently - smartphones and tablets. How mining is carried out on Android, the features of the process and its feasibility are discussed in the information provided.

Literally, the term “mining” is translated as “extraction of mineral resources,” but now its changed meaning is more commonly heard. Mining refers to obtaining bitcoins or similar cryptocurrencies. Essentially, you need to perform mathematical calculations using the power of your digital equipment.

Mining on Android is quite simple. You need to download a suitable application and establish interaction with the exchanger. You should first study in detail the prospects and reviews of suitable programs. It is imperative to take into account that earnings with such opportunities will not be too high, but they are affordable to owners of modern smartphones based on Android or iOS.

Mining application for Android

Computer software developers come up with a variety of applications that are compatible with different operating systems and designed for use on phones and tablets. Programs for android mining deserve special attention, a brief overview of which is presented below.

What applications can you mine on Android:

  1. Free Bitcoin is considered one of the most popular applications for mobile phones. To collect bonuses, you just need to log into the program once an hour. Big plus: the ability to set a sound timer.
  2. AbunDance is also a common resource that allows you to make a profit every hour. A characteristic difference is the ability to use several devices simultaneously.
  3. Bitcoin Faucet is interesting because it allows you to choose a variety of tasks and also make good money from referrals. Payments are regular and are sent to your e-wallet within an hour.
  4. Freedogecoin for collecting cryptocurrencies gives you the task of solving a simple captcha. Profits can be withdrawn once per hour, and earnings are withdrawn two days after opening the application.
  5. BitMaker allows you to collect bitcoins by watching advertisements. They are updated every five minutes; after watching, just close the video. The application does not require a lot of power from the device, nor does it require excessive effort from the user.

To determine the optimal resource for yourself, it is worth studying the operation of these applications better, testing them for a week or two and trying to withdraw the earnings received. Such applications are constantly updated, which increases the chances of finding your ideal option among the new products.

The best mining app for Android

It is extremely difficult to determine the undisputed leader, because statistics are constantly changing. You should take into account the growing popularity of such programs and reviews of miners for whom Bitcoin mining ended in failure. Mining on Android has its own characteristics, in particular, you should not use a weak device or an intermittent Internet connection.

For beginners and those simply interested in this type of earnings, the following applications will be of interest: MinerGate, NeoNeonMiner and ARM Miner. They are distinguished by the simplicity of the registration procedure, and also allow you to work with different types of cryptocurrencies.

Mining on a tablet

Using a tablet computer for mining is less advisable, because the power of such a device is usually less. However, many applications are developed specifically for these purposes, which gives hope for the development of this sector.

How to mine on an Android phone

Mining from an Android phone usually does not require much effort from the user. The operation of many applications involves periodically collecting bonuses, watching commercials, or entering a captcha from the device screen. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the chosen option.

How to get started:

  • Download and install the mining application on your Android.
  • Register an account and be sure to provide a valid email address and wallet.
  • If necessary (if not already), create an electronic wallet, the type of which is supported in the application. Through it, the earned cryptocurrency will be withdrawn.

Earnings will depend on your activity and the time you can devote to mining. For mediation services, the service will charge a certain percentage (usually a rate of 1 to 5%) of your income. It should also be taken into account that the electronic payment system also takes its share for the exchange and withdrawal of funds, so the actual income will be slightly lower.

Is there any reason

A novice Bitcoin miner on Android, understanding all the vicissitudes of this process, first of all looks for real numbers of future earnings. This is necessary in order to assess whether it makes sense to mine cryptocurrency and how much you can earn from it. Of course, the possibility of passive income is very attractive and tempting, but first of all, you need to realistically assess your chances and take into account the features of mining on non-professional equipment (in this case, a smartphone or tablet).

Positive sides:

  1. The opportunity to earn money without particularly straining and performing simple actions without interrupting your main job or other pastime.
  2. Large selection of applications, you can use several at once to increase your income.
  3. A promising direction, the possibilities of which are constantly growing.

At the same time, not everything is so simple and wonderful in this matter. Mining is a relatively new type of income, the prospects of which even venerable analysts do not undertake to predict. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is constantly changing; no one can say what will happen to it in a year or even tomorrow. In addition, there are several more serious disadvantages of this idea.

Negative aspects of mining:

  • To earn full income, the device must work hard. Periodic use of the application will not give you the opportunity to earn normal money.
  • To provide the technical base, you need a good phone (tablet) with a powerful processor and video card. Such investments do not always pay off, especially since it is also necessary to calculate additional costs for electricity and equipment maintenance.
  • Increasing the complexity of tasks due to an increase in the number of participants in cryptocurrency mining.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons of such a step can you make an informed decision. Despite the fact that with modern capabilities the topic of how to mine on Android will not bring significant profit, the further development of this segment can become quite promising, so it is better to be aware of this topic.

Mining farm for Android

With the advent of the very concept of “mining”, many other terms came into our everyday life. In particular, when we talk about a “farm”, we mean several devices working to mine cryptocurrencies. In the case of a PC, this can be video cards connected to each other and the processor. For a phone, this will be possible when the device is directly connected to the Internet and a power source. In this case, the device will be focused exclusively on earning money, so it will not be able to perform its direct functions.

Such work is often accompanied by increased device overloads, significant energy consumption and other troubles (overheating and breakage of parts). Is a small income worth a completely “killed” phone or tablet - an interesting question. There is a certain paradox: old models running on Android or iOS simply cannot handle such a load. Will the cost of a new phone be commensurate with the level of income you can earn with it? After sound calculations, we can come to the conclusion that a farm on Android is unlikely to fully pay off, much less bring significant earnings. Rather, the activity can be considered as an opportunity for additional small income that does not require much effort.

The prospects for the development of mining via a phone or tablet are rather vague, because not all devices can handle the corresponding applications. On the other hand, quite recently this opportunity did not exist at all, which means that the supply will meet the growing demand. Features of mining and a review of suitable applications for working on a tablet or phone are discussed in our information.

Litecoin mining on Android is a direction that has received impetus for development with the growing popularity of Litecoins and the increase in the cryptocurrency rate. Of course, mining coins using a computer in pools, on ASIC equipment, or by renting the power of cloud services brings great profits. But mining Litecoin using a phone is easier - there is no need to spend money on paying for electricity and equipment, or sit near a computer (the phone is always nearby). Below we will look at how to mine Litecoin using special applications for your phone, what to consider when setting up, and what your final earnings might be.

Mining Litecoin on Android - pros and cons

For the first four years (since the advent of Bitcoin), PC power was used to mine cryptocurrency, which was enough to successfully accumulate coins on a virtual wallet. By 2013, the difficulty of mining had increased significantly, and miners had to switch to powerful video cards and use the power of pools. Today, more modern equipment is used for Bitcoin mining - ASIC chips, which are characterized by high efficiency and low energy consumption. The same trend is observed in relation to other cryptocurrencies, primarily Litecoin.

Advantages of earning Litecoin on Android:

  1. No initial costs.
  2. Low basic requirements - requires Internet and phone with the application installed.
  3. Ease of setup.
  4. Availability of earnings even for beginners who do not have mining skills.
  1. Rapid battery drain.
  2. Slow phone operation.
  3. Low profit level.

The best programs for mining Litecoin on Android

Programs for mining Litecoin on Google Play

With the growing popularity of Litecoin, the number of applications designed to mine it has increased significantly. Below we will look at the best programs that allow you to mine Litecoin on Android, highlighting the subtleties of setting up and earning money using each of them.

Crypto Miner (BTC, LTC, X11, XMR)

Crypto Miner program on Google Play

The Crypto Miner application is a multi-currency program for Android that allows you to mine several virtual coins, including Litecoins and Bitcoins.

Advantages of Crypto Miner for Litecoin mining:

  1. Supports two protocols - stratum and http.
  2. Mining of several cryptocurrencies simultaneously - up to four.
  3. Ability to switch between pools.
  4. Setting priorities for the miner.
  5. Availability of notifications.
To set up Crypto Miner you need to do the following:
  1. Download the application.
  2. Enter the pool URL - stratum+tcp://
  3. Specify your login and password.
  4. Let's start mining.
User reviews note that the program works and mines Litecoins, but when you exit the application, mining stops. Detailed setup instructions and the URL to use are provided in the program itself, so there will be no difficulties with setup. At the same time, you should not count on big profits - monthly income is up to 500,000 Litoshi or 50 rubles. Here a lot depends on the processor on the phone.

Free Litecoin Mining

Free Litecoin Mining Download Page

The Free Litecoin Mining application is in demand among miners due to the lack of fees and ease of setup.

The principle of mining Litecoin on Android using the application is simple:

  1. Download Free Litecoin Mining and start the mining process.
  2. We withdraw earned Litoshi using a special button.
  3. Click on the special button to receive bonuses to increase your profit.
The Litecoin mining program on Android has a simple interface and is understandable even for beginners. At the top is the user’s balance, slightly below is the Litoshi collection button, and below it is a timer and a link for withdrawing accumulated coins.

Benefits of Free Litecoin Mining on Android App:

  1. Ease of setup.
  2. Good pay.
  1. Rapid battery drain.
  2. Problems with withdrawal of money.


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