How to record a voice message on VKontakte. How to make, send and listen to a voice message in Odnoklassniki? Downloading the old fashioned way: a voice recorder to the rescue

If you prefer live communication to text correspondence, then the VKontakte voice message function will be useful to you.

Now you can have a friendly conversation without being distracted from your main activity.

The voice message function works for the full and mobile versions of VKontakte. There are slight differences in that in the desktop version you can rewind the message and listen to it before sending. In the mobile version you don't need a microphone, you can instantly start recording by clicking on the special symbol.

In our step-by-step instructions we will tell you how to send VK voice messages.

How to send a voice message on VKontakte

Step #1

Step #2

Go to the “Messages” section and select a dialogue with the user to whom we will send a voice message.

Step #3

Click on the microphone icon to the right of the text field in the dialogue.

Step #4

In the window that appears on your computer, select a microphone, if you have one connected. If there is no microphone, then you will not be able to record a voice message from your computer. If you are using a smartphone, then simply click on the microphone icon and start recording a voice message.

To end recording, press the stop button.

Step #5

If you are recording a message from a computer, you can listen to a fragment of it before sending it, rewind to a certain place, or listen to the entire message.

Or you can send without prior verification. Click on the send button.

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In this article we will talk about sending an audio message via VKontakte. Many novice users have a question: “Are how to send a voice message to VK

With each update, new features are included in the network, making it more convenient and modern.

In a recent update on September 20, 2016, VKontakte announced an update that added features like sending voice recordings and money transfers. What are voice messages anyway?

Voice messages are convenient because the user does not have to type a message on the keyboard, because he just needs to tell certain information through his speech, and then send the sound file through a social network. Let's look into this issue!

You can communicate with your interlocutor both at home, sitting at a personal computer, and outside the home, using the telephone. We suggest you understand how to send a voice message on a computer and on a mobile platform.

How to send a VK voice message on a computer

To record a voice message, you will need a microphone. In laptops it is located in the monitor case, near the video camera. If you are the owner of a desktop computer, then you will have to purchase a microphone and connect it.

Typically, the microphone is connected to the PC via a USB port. Later, go to the tray (the icon bar located in the lower right corner), right-click on the “Speaker and Headphones” icon. Select your microphone as the default device.

Launch the browser you usually use. Go to your VKontakte page and open the “Messages” tab. Next, select a dialogue with the interlocutor to whom you want to send a message and click on the microphone icon.

Next, hold the button while recording your speech. You can instantly send a message, or you can stop the recording and listen to your monologue. If you are not satisfied with the phrase or word you spoke, then you have the opportunity to erase the audio recording.

Voice messages in the mobile application

Have we figured out sending audio recordings via a computer? Now let's figure out how to send a message through a mobile application. It's a similar process. First, let's open the dialogue that interests you. Press and hold the microphone button until you finish speaking. And then click on the “Submit” button. If you are somehow dissatisfied with the voice audio recording, then swipe it to the left.

A little advice! At the very beginning, when recording an audio message, pause for literally one second, and only then speak. Do the same at the end when you complete the message. This procedure is done to ensure that there are no fragments of phrases at the beginning and end of the voice message.

Hands-free mode

There are times when your hands are full but you need to send a voice message. Let's say you want to record your song on guitar and send it to a friend so that he can listen and appreciate your skill.

The secret of the trick is as simple as a Siberian felt boot: pull the microphone icon up. You don't have to hold the button, because the recording will happen automatically. Then you can stop and listen to it, and also immediately send it to your interlocutor.

What are the advantages of voice messages over printed ones?

  • Information feed rate. You won't have to type a message for many kilometers on the keyboard if you just tell everything in words. It is convenient and also useful - this way you develop your speech.
  • The atmosphere of a real conversation. Probably every user would like to hear the voice of his interlocutor during correspondence. The developers added this feature in the latest update. Agree, the conversation has become more interesting.
  • People around. Not every person wants others to listen to messages addressed specifically to him. A headset or headphones can help in this situation. What to do if you are away from home and don’t have headphones with you? Then you will have to turn down the volume and bring the speaker to your ear. Of course, this is not very convenient.
  • Noise. When recording a voice message, noise is the main problem. The other person may simply not hear what you said, so you will have to re-record the message again. You can also write a message on the keyboard, but this will take longer than recording audio. But you will have to sacrifice: in this situation, the quality of information is more valuable than the availability of time. Therefore, when you are in a noisy cafe or on the main street of the city, you use the printed input method.

Availability of a microphone. For a phone and laptop this is not a problem. But what if you have a desktop computer and want to communicate with your interlocutor using voice messages? Of course, you will have to purchase a microphone, which is an expense, albeit a minor one.

How to record audio on various platforms was described in the article. Voice messages allow users to save time and avoid typing huge text.

But there is also a drawback - in order to record a message, you need the absence of noise and, preferably, the surrounding people. We hope this article was informative for you and you were able to understand how to send a voice message on VK!

Not long ago, the largest social network in the CIS announced a new feature - voice messages, which are already available in many instant messengers. Surely you have already used it and understand how it works. And now many users are wondering how they can download these messages as a music file.

How to download a voice message on VKontakte

To download such messages you will need to install a special extension that will allow you to do this. In our case, this is VkOpt. Let's start in order:

  • Install the VkOpt extension from the official website (on the website, click on the icon of the browser you are using)
  • We refresh the page on VKontakte, and we see that a new panel has appeared with the name vkopt
  • We go into the dialogue in which you want to download voice messages.
  • Under this message you will see the option to select the format: mp3 and ogg. By clicking on the icon of the desired format, you will download the audio file to your computer.

In this simple way you can save these messages for yourself and then use them for your own personal purposes.
p.s. This extension will also help you download music from VK!

There are cases in which writing a text message is extremely inconvenient, but you need to notify a person about something important. Especially for such situations, the VKontakte service recently introduced a new “Voice Message” tool. All you need to do is record a short audio file and send it to your interlocutor. Such audio correspondence will be a convenient replacement for text messages. Learn how to send these types of files in four easy steps.

Go to the “Messages” tab.

Select your interlocutor from the list of your chat histories. Click on it.

You will see a correspondence with the selected person. In the message input field, notice that to the right of it you will see a small blue microphone icon. Click on it and the message recording will begin immediately. Don't let go of the icon until you've written down everything you wanted.

As soon as you remove your finger from the microphone button, the message will be recorded and sent immediately.

You can listen to the audio file that appears. It will be visible in correspondence with the interlocutor.

You can see all sent audio files in correspondence with a specific person in the “Show attachments” tab. Be careful, the file is sent as soon as you recorded it. You will not be able to cancel the action.

For a clearer example, watch the video below:

Several years have already passed since the Odnoklassniki developers expanded the functionality and added sending audio messages to the list of capabilities. After reading the instructions, you will learn how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki from your phone.

If you haven’t had any correspondence with a person before, go to their page and click “Write a message.” If there is already a correspondence with the user, just go into it. To the right of the field for typing messages, left-click on the icon in the form of a paperclip (1). In the window that opens, click the word “Audio message” (2), next to the microphone icon.

Help: To use this function in Odnoklassniki, you must install Adobe Flash Player version 11 or higher.

To system requests about installing or updating programs necessary for recording audio messages, we answer “allow”.

You will also have to check the box to allow access to the camera and recording device.

The word "Error" may appear in the flash player. Try connecting the microphone again, check the settings, or switch the headset to a different input.

Once everything is set up, you can record your message. To do this, click the green button with the word “Continue”.
Speak your message into the microphone. When the process is complete, press the “Stop” button.

The system will offer you three options:

  • overwrite – necessary for re-recording;
  • send—allows you to send an audio message;
  • exit – cancels sending the voice recording.

Sending a voice message from your phone

You can use the function of sending audio messages from mobile devices if you have the official application - Odnoklassniki. Otherwise, you can download it from the mobile app store. You can do this absolutely free.

All that remains is to record what you wanted, hold down the microphone icon, hold it and speak. Release the microphone icon after recording is complete. The completed entry has not yet been sent and is in the message box. It is possible to listen to what was recorded (click on the circle with a triangle on the left).

Did not like? Click the cross on the right (1) and delete it, and then write it down again. If everything is fine, click on the circle with the airplane inside (2) to send a message to the recipient.

How to listen to an audio message

You may have received a voice recording. There are no playback difficulties. The listening methods on PC and mobile devices are identical. Let's go to the message. On the left in the list of recipients, click on the sender's name. The message field will display information received from the user. The voice message will be distinguished by the presence of a button - a triangle in a square. Click on it and playback will begin.


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