How to restore the system on a Windows 7 computer. One of the reasons why system restore does not work

Before you figure out how to restore Windows 7 to start, you need to understand what the cause of the problem is. To do this, it will be useful to learn a little general information about how the download occurs and what stages it includes.

General information about downloading

Conventionally, the launch of Windows 7 can be divided into three stages, which, in turn, are divided into several phases.


This is the first stage of system startup, which starts immediately after the BIOS code is executed. First, a small group of drivers starts working, allowing you to read data from the hard drive. The Windows 7 boot loader (winload.exe) then begins initializing and loading the kernel. The registry hive “SYSTEM” and another group of drivers are loaded into RAM. The first stage lasts about 2 seconds and ends with the appearance of the operating system logo on the screen.


The main and longest stage of system startup. Visually, it continues from the appearance of the logo until the desktop starts loading. It consists of several phases, the duration of which can vary - from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.


During this phase, the Windows kernel is initialized, the plug and play device manager starts working, and the remaining drivers are launched. Errors that occur at this moment are usually associated with problems with the main components of the computer or incorrect operation of their software.


The visual start of this phase is difficult to determine, but part of it is already the empty field that appears between the splash screen and the appearance of the welcome screen. The system at this moment performs the following actions:

  • Initializes the registry.
  • Starts the next wave of drivers that are not marked "BOOT_START".
  • Starts subsystem processes.

Most often, problems during this boot phase are related to video card drivers.


WInlogon.exe is the file that launches the welcome screen, so the “WinLogonInit” phase begins at this point. During this stage, group policy scripts are executed and services are started. The duration of the phase varies greatly depending on the processor power.

Failures at this stage are often caused by incorrect operation of third-party applications, including antivirus.


Begins with the start of the shell and ends with the start of the window manager. During this phase, program icons appear on the desktop and services continue to start. These processes are accompanied by an increase in the load on the computer hardware - processor, RAM, hard drive.

Problems at this stage are usually associated with insufficient power of the equipment or its malfunction.


The last stage, which begins with the appearance of the desktop and ends after all startup components have loaded. At this stage, all applications that start with Windows begin to work. After the “PastBoot” stage ends, the system goes into idle mode.

Problems that arise at this stage are usually related to virus activity or incorrect operation of automatically downloaded programs.

Crashes at various stages of loading

Problems at different stages of Windows startup manifest themselves differently: some are related to hardware, others to the registry, and others to drivers or important system files. Therefore, it is so important to understand what processes occur when the system starts up so that you can quickly determine the cause of the problem.

Hardware problems

It is often difficult to determine what is not working - some specific hardware or operating system. However, based on some signs, certain assumptions can be made about which device has failed:

All the errors described are usually related to the computer hardware, however, there may be exceptions.

Boot files are damaged

The appearance of a message like “Bootmgr is missing” at an early stage of system startup indicates the absence of critical files, without which Windows cannot boot.
However, sometimes no notifications appear - the cursor just blinks on the screen, but no progress occurs.

Bootmgr is a standard Windows boot loader that is not accessible to the user, as it is stored on a separate hidden partition. You cannot accidentally delete it, but you can unknowingly format a hidden volume using external media.

When booting from external media, the hidden volume with the bootloader looks like this:

Other files important for startup are stored on the system disk in the “Windows” directory. System registry data is also stored here.

The registry is damaged

If the registry is damaged or inaccessible, Windows may not even start loading. In this case, the system usually diagnoses the error on its own and offers to run the recovery tool.

Often, the built-in system restore tool can help you fix a registry problem by copying its configuration files from a backup store. However, there are situations when there are no registry files on the hard drive or they are inoperative. In this case, the user must manually perform the system registry recovery procedure.

Startup recovery tools

The easiest way to restore startup is to use the built-in Windows tools:

A list of means for restoring system functionality will appear, in which you must select “Startup recovery”.
It will scan and automatically correct any errors found, if possible.

If nothing worked with the startup, you can try to restore the system by rolling it back to its previous state. Everything is standard here: select a control point with a working configuration and return the system to that period.

Another method that often helps is restoring the Windows bootloader via the command line. You can also launch it through the “Recovery Options” menu. On the command line you need to enter several queries (all commands are entered without quotes):

After all commands have been successfully completed and the report appears, Windows 7 should start up normally.

Friends, many of you have repeatedly had problems loading the operating system and asked the question how to restore Windows 7 boot and make the operating system boot normally. In this article, we will look at the most common ways to restore the Windows 7 bootloader, which help in most cases.

1. Restore Windows 7 boot using the recovery tool

Boot with your version of Windows 7. The main thing is that the system bit size matches (32-bit or 64-bit). Also, it is desirable that the release coincides (Home, Professional, Ultimate).

Instead of installing, select System Restore.

Go to the System Recovery Options window and select the Startup Repair tool.

After this, the recovery program will search for errors in the boot sector and boot partition of Windows 7 and, if found, will try to fix them. After this, you will need to reboot the system and Windows 7 may boot normally.

If you were unable to restore the boot using the Windows 7 recovery tool the first time, try repeating this process 1-2 more times. This often helps since a repair tool can't always fix multiple problems in one pass.

2. Restore Windows 7 boot using the command line

If you were unable to restore your Windows 7 boot using the automatic repair tool, then try using the command line. Boot into your version of Windows 7 and select System Restore instead of installing.

Go to the System Recovery Options window and select the Command Prompt recovery tool.

After this, a window with a black background will appear in which you will need to write several commands.

Enter the following commands in turn:

bootsect /nt60 ALL /force /mbr

Switching the language is done using the key combination “Alt” + “Shift”. After entering each command (line), you need to press the “Enter” key.

Then restart your computer.

After this, in most cases, problems associated with the boot sector and bootloader of Windows 7 will disappear and the operating system will boot normally.

If, after using the command line, Windows 7 still does not boot, then try again using the automatic boot repair tool, as we discussed above.

3. Restore Windows 7 boot with system reinstallation

If you were unable to restore the operating system boot using the methods described above, you will most likely have to delete the partitions.

Before reinstalling Windows 7, copy all important files from your hard drive to or. This can be done using any bootable LiveCD. Please note that the external drive or flash drive must be connected to the PC before booting from the LiveCD, otherwise it may not be detected.

If, due to boot errors, you cannot reinstall Windows 7, then remove all partitions from the disk using a third-party utility, for example, Acronis Disk Director boot disk. After that, try again by creating new partitions.

If, when reinstalling Windows 7 at the stage of setting up the disk (creating partitions, selecting a partition for installation) or when restarting the computer during the installation process, you encounter the same boot errors, then launch the command line and run the commands that we discussed above.

  • Errors when using Disk Utilities
  • Incorrect activators
  • Installing Windows on an existing partition along with a bootloader
  • In order to prevent loading problems in the future, you need to determine what exactly led to the problem and not repeat these mistakes. If you are unable to restore Windows boot, or other errors occur with the installation and operation of the system, please visit the website where you will find instructions for solving various problems with the operating system.

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    Windows 7 has become a classic for home use; it is installed on every second computer, despite the development of new operating systems from Microsoft. Having entered the market in 2009, the “seven” still cannot get rid of problems during the launch, which pretty much spoil the nerves of the multi-million user audience. To simplify the life of a user whose computer is running “Seven”, this article was written. In it we will look at how to restore Windows 7 if it does not start.

    BOOTMGR is missing

    The most common problem that appears during the launch of the "seven".

    The reasons for its appearance may be:

    • damaged sectors of the hard drive or non-working memory cells of the SSD on which Windows 7 is installed (in most cases, you can restore them);
    • spontaneous power outage or reboot of the PC using the “Reset” key;
    • virus activity (very rare);
    • incompetent user handling of hard disk partitioning utilities.

    There are several ways to make the error disappear. We will look at how to restore a computer using the OS itself.

    • If you encounter problems while starting Windows 7, press F8 to bring up a menu with a list of additional computer startup options.
    • Select the “Troubleshooting…” option.

    • Select Russian language and click “Next”.
    • Select an account with administrator rights.
    • Click on “Startup Repair” so that the operating system tries to find and fix the problem on its own.

    • If the error is not corrected, launch the command line from the OS renewal options window.
    • We enter the commands sequentially:

    “bootrec.exe /FixMbr” – writes MBR to the system partition;

    “bootrec.exe /FixBoot” - creates a boot record on the system volume.

    • Reboot and start the computer.

    If after completing the steps above, the PC still does not detect Windows 7 installed during startup, run the bootrec.exe command with the “RebuildBcd” attribute through the command line.

    It will scan all long-term storage devices installed on your computer for the presence of operating systems installed on them that are compatible with the “seven”, and will allow you to add them to the download list.

    And in the very last case, when nothing helps to restore the launch of the “seven”, reserve the old BCD folder, which is responsible for starting the PC, and create a new one. This is done using the following chain of commands:

    "Disk boot failure" problem or message with the text "Insert system disk"

    The startup error is caused by one of several reasons, the essence of which is as follows: the computer is trying to find a boot entry on a disk that is not bootable. Factors that prevent Windows 7 from starting:

    • The device from which the computer starts to boot is not the system drive - try disconnecting all flash drives, phone, camera, including external hard drives, and rebooting the system.
    • Check the BIOS settings that determine the priority of boot devices - there is a high probability that the computer starts booting from a disk that is not the system one. Also look in the BIOS or through one of the special utilities on which Windows 7 is installed.
    • Reconnect the HDD to a different cable and power cable; perhaps the problem lies in the unreliability of the connection or damage to one of the cables, for example, due to its significant bend.

    The list of reasons can easily include the absence of Windows 7 installed due to the fact that the disk with it was formatted due to the carelessness or inexperience of a novice user, and reinstalling it or restoring a deleted partition will help here.

    If none of the options brings the desired result, try restoring the OS as described in the previous paragraph, and also make sure that the hard drive is working.

    Inability to start Windows due to damaged registry files

    Among other things, Windows 7 may not boot due to damaged registry files.

    As a result, the computer will inform the user about the problem and launch an application that allows you to restore the operating system.

    But the Windows 7 automatic recovery tool is not always effective and, for example, if there is no backup copy of damaged data, the user will have to manually restore the operating system.

    • Call up a window with an extended list of Windows launch options using F8.
    • Select “Troubleshooting...”.
    • Next, click on the link: “System Restore.”

    Unfortunately, there are many reasons for this problem, ranging from incorrectly written drivers, harmful effects of a virus, file system errors and ending with our erroneous actions when working with a computer. There is no need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn how to deal with them effectively.
    Let's think how to restore windows 7 system, and we will also insure ourselves in the future against possible troubles using backup and recovery tools built into the operating system. We will learn how to restore Windows 7, without using third-party backup programs, even when the System Recovery Options and button do not load F-8 will turn out to be useless.
    Windows 7 has quite a powerful and good tool in its arsenal -> Recovery environment, which is created automatically during installation Windows 7 in a hidden section and contains five other tools that solve numerous malfunctions and problems. You can launch the recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After this, the menu Additional boot options will open in front of you: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe Mode, Safe Mode with loading network drivers, etc.
    Let's choose the first one-> Troubleshooting your computer,

    Necessary digression: When installing Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate, a recovery environment partition is created automatically and is located in the root of the drive (C:) in the Recovery folder. You can also see in the Disk Management window - a separate, hidden partition of the hard drive, its volume is only 100 MB, it is used to store boot configuration files (BCD) and the system bootloader (bootmgr file). You can see it under Computer->Management->Disk Management. Under no circumstances should you delete this partition, otherwise you simply will not boot the system.

    What should you do if you do not have a partition with a recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button in the Additional boot options menu, the Troubleshooting computer option does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system?? An installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system can help here. You can run the recovery tool by booting from the original Windows 7 installation disk by selecting the item at the very beginning System Restore,

    Note: In the screenshot you can see another hidden partition, with a capacity of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden recovery partition with factory settings of my laptop, yours may be larger or smaller. It’s also better not to delete it; if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

    So, in the System Restore Tools Selection menu, we select the first one:
    Startup recovery-> there will be an analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for the normal loading and functioning of the operating system. During the process, we may be warned that problems have been detected in the boot parameters, click Fix and restart.

    System Restore->using this function we can select a previously created system restore point, if we have it enabled, and roll back to the time when our Windows 7 worked and booted perfectly, everything is simple here.

    ->I personally use this tool; if used skillfully, it can replace paid data backup programs. If you are interested, read on.

    What's good about it? It will help when you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disk and you've deleted the hidden partition with your laptop's factory settings, but that's not all.
    Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to the actions of a virus, you will not be able to load the operating system at all, or many people ask How to restore Windows 7 system even if the menu with Additional boot options is also unavailable. Should I reinstall the operating system again?
    Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 on your laptop or computer, we create using this function-> Restoring a system image, an archived image of our Windows 7 on the hard drive, we take care of it. You must create a Windows 7 Recovery Disk (read below), it will help you use the System Image if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.
    Let's go to Start->Control Panel->Archiving computer data.

    Choose Creating a system image

    Next, select Local disk, on which we will store the system archive. In my case, Local disk (E:), if you have several hard drives in the system unit, then of course it is better to place the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

    Click Archive and the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.
    Created, it will look like this.

    Now, if necessary, you can deploy the archive with Windows 7 to your computer in 20-30 minutes. It would be better if you additionally copy the archive with the system onto a portable hard drive, this will doubly protect you. Let's imagine that we can't start Windows 7 and deploy the backup we created, let's do it together.
    Let's launch Windows 7 Recovery Tool, by pressing a button F-8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. The Advanced boot options menu opens, select Troubleshoot your computer.

    Restoring a system image

    Use the latest available system image

    Of course, all our data on the Local Disk, where the operating system is now being restored, will be deleted, so you can first boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.
    How else can you restore your Windows 7 system? Of course, using the Windows 7 Recovery Disk. Let's create Recovery disk, which can be used to boot the computer, it will contain recovery tools that can be used to repair Windows 7 boot problems, as well as restore the operating system from the backup copy that we created in advance.

    Important: The bitness of the system is important for the recovery disk, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

    Let's go again Backing up computer data

    Create a system repair disk, insert the DVD into the drive, press

    Create disk

    When the bootable Windows 7 Recovery Disk is ready, put it in a safe place. To restore Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk, you basically don’t need any working operating system at all. You will only need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS of your computer, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive. Many here can draw an analogy with data backup programs and this is correct, they work on the same principle, only Of course, their functionality is more convenient.

    When problems arise with the operating system, sometimes situations occur in which system recovery does not work. Many of us have found ourselves in situations where, for some reason, we needed to restore the operating system.

    This is the easiest way to fix any problems in the computer's operating system or problems associated with the operation of certain programs.

    You start the operating system recovery process and see that System Restore does not work in Windows. The operating system recovery process starts, goes through all recovery stages, and at the end of the process you see, instead of a window with information that the system was successfully restored, a window with information that the system could not be recovered.

    Why System Restore Doesn't Work

    If system restore is not disabled, then the reason why system restore does not work may be the antivirus installed on the computer.

    To solve this problem, you need to disable antivirus self-defense. This incident also happened to me. I also needed to do an operating system restore, but the operating system restore did not happen. In my case, the cause was Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012. There were no such problems with earlier versions of this anti-virus.

    Restoring the operating system only works if performed in “safe mode”. If you restore the operating system in normal mode, if you simply pause the antivirus protection, it will not work; at the very end of the operating system restoration process, you will see a message that the operating system was unable to restore the system to an earlier state.

    To solve this problem in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, you need to go to “Settings” => “Advanced settings” => “Self-Defense”. In the “Self-Defense Options” tab, you need to uncheck the box next to “Enable Self-Defense”, and then click on the “OK” button.

    After these steps, you can begin restoring the operating system.

    After the operating system recovery is complete, the antivirus is turned on automatically.

    Keep in mind that this is only one of the possible reasons.

    Conclusions of the article

    System Restore may not work due to the self-defense of the antivirus installed on the computer.


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