How to create a selling page on VK. How to create a group in contact for business

The social network Vkontakte is the most popular service, which is visited daily by up to 50 million people. Activity is largely generated by popular groups and official pages where news, music, films, photographs and other entertaining and educational content are published. Services for automatic publishing and programs for promotion allow you to minimize your participation in this process and spend a minimum of time on administering your own resource.

Goals of creating the group:

1. Promotion of goods and services of commercial organizations.
2. Search for like-minded people and formation of associations of interests.
3. Creation of a corporate community of an educational institution, company, sports club.
4. Popularization of political parties and public associations.
5. Formation of feedback from government agencies and society.
6. Making profit by promoting the page and publishing advertisements.
7. Promotion of music, literature and other types of creativity.

Group creation process:

1. Click on the “My Groups” tab and click “Create a Community”.

2. Select the community type and name. “Event” is suitable for advertising a one-time event (concert, prom, trip), “Public Page” - for presenting an individual, company, brand, “Group” - for other purposes.

3. In the future, depending on the chosen position, you need to answer additional questions.

4. It is the “Group” class that gives the creator the widest opportunities, so it’s worth focusing on it. You will be able to create an original design and use other useful services.

5. Specify important parameters: name, topic, enter a description of the future group. Choose a short address that will make the page unique and simplify its search if the user for some reason cannot find the page. Do not use special characters in the name, as this will complicate the search for the community in the future.

6. Activate the necessary modules (wall type - open or closed, photographs, video and audio recordings, etc.). If necessary, include the group's website and location (this is very important for promoting commercial products and advertising events).

8. The group is ready. Now you can publish any news in your feed, add audio and video recordings, create a virtual catalog by inserting new photo albums, appoint managers, and invite new users to the group.

Group promotion

You can promote your community in several ways:

1. Inviting friends. Previously, the administrator had access to the option of sending invitations to random people. This is now prohibited due to numerous abuses and spam. However, there is a way out - find new friends and advertise the community among them.

2. Buying advertising. You need to select the “Advertise Community” tab, top up your account using the “Budget” section, and then start creating an ad. It can be tied to a specific region (country, city), which is ideal for commercial groups.

You can also use other promotion methods: viral marketing, SEO optimization (at the moment, groups with unique content are well promoted in search engines), publishing video materials with a link to your page.

Creating your own group menu

The unique design of the VKontakte community allows it to stand out from competitors and simplify navigation through the group’s materials. However, this task requires a little more time, as well as installation of the program – Photoshop.

1. Log in to group management and make adding content limited (only administrators will be able to perform this action).

2. Now you need to create a picture with future navigation and save it in the required format (GIF, JPEG).

3. Slice the navigation image into individual segments, each of which will become a hyperlink, using the cutting tool, and then save the template as a GIF.

4. If you are too lazy to use Photoshop or don’t want to install it on your computer, download ready-made templates, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

5. For example, let’s take a universal template made using wiki markup. Its loading is even easier and faster.

6. Click “latest news” and select “Wiki markup mode”, and then paste the ready-made code taken from the template there.

7. To include photos in the code, you need to upload them to an album, and then paste the link in the right place.

Thus, a VKontakte group can be created in just a few hours of work, and there is no need to spend money on someone else’s work. Not only basic options are available to you, but also your own design, which will make the community unique and inimitable. Answers to any questions can be found on the Internet and on the social network Vkontakte: very convenient and simple.

Social networks do not remain unchanged, constantly being updated with new features and capabilities. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most pressing issues of interest to users now is how to create a VKontakte group to sell goods.

The mentioned issue acquired such great importance relatively recently, after the network administration introduced a new function. It lies in the ability to offer products to visitors and community members. At the same time, potential customers will have the opportunity to instantly evaluate the merits of a future purchase and decide whether it is worth spending the money.

Another positive side of the new service is the appearance of convenient feedback, which allows you to immediately understand what item is being discussed and immediately serve the client.

It is worth adding that in the near future, trading on the social network will become even easier, since the administration and developers of VK are actively implementing an internal payment system.

There is no universal answer to what is best for selling services and networking business. Each type of community has its own strengths and weaknesses that need to be taken into account. So, a public page stands out because:

  1. intended for dissemination of information;
  2. available for viewing even by unregistered users;
  3. there is the ability to create “events”;
  4. allows you to send newsletters using the “tell friends” button.

The advantage of the last point is that such mailings are a softer, non-intrusive form of attracting subscribers.

The most important positive features of groups are:

    • the opportunity to gather a community of interests;
    • the administration has the right to independently select participants (in closed communities);
    • presence of a link to a specific geolocation;
    • wider functionality.

The last advantage is especially important. It allows you to customize the page to suit the existing needs and the intentions of its owners.

Creating a group on VK for business - step-by-step instructions

The procedure for creating a VKontakte group for business is no different from registering a community of another type. The first steps are extremely similar in all existing cases, regardless of the focus of the page. To create a public page for selling things, you will need:

Particular attention is required to the description. It should clearly indicate the main purpose of the public space so that visitors do not leave it after the first opening.

The creation of a unique VK address will increase user convenience. It must be memorable and strongly associated with the store.

Adding a product list

The function of adding products, which appeared relatively recently, should improve the quality of store management and simplify interaction with customers. That is why group administrators must understand how to replenish the range of available products and fill out offer cards. To add a new item you will need:

  • look in the management section and enable the “products” function;
  • indicate the parameters of the service, including the delivery region, the currency used in the price, contacts for feedback and a description of the online store;
  • in the store description, users will be asked to indicate how delivery and payment are made;
  • The last step is to save the changes made, after which a line with a list of available products will appear on the start page.

Particular close attention should be paid to the contacts mentioned above, where you need to enter a link to the account of the person accepting applications for the purchase of goods. The same person is responsible for consulting visitors.

Filling out the catalog

After the product list line appears, all that remains is to fill out the catalog. Without these steps, users will not be able to understand how to correctly create a VKontakte group for selling goods. To add a product list you will need:

  • click “add product” and wait for a new tab with a special service to load;
  • if necessary, add a separate selection (category), for example, “clothing”;
  • upload an image reflecting the content of the collection (resolution – at least 1280 x 720);
  • press the button prompting you to add new items;
  • after opening the window with a description of the item, you will have to enter its name and information;
  • add the main image and, if required, additional ones (maximum 4);
  • select a category, selection and fill in the “cost” field;
  • complete the process by clicking the button prompting you to add an item.

A similar procedure will have to be done for other items being sold.

Management and configuration

To make changes to already saved information and quickly manage the community, its owners can go to the settings menu. It is located under the main avatar and opens by clicking on 3 dots. After clicking, a drop-down menu opens consisting of:

  1. management;
  2. advertising;
  3. statistics;
  4. functions for changing public status;
  5. and some other acceptable actions.

Using each point mentioned will not cause difficulties for both experienced administrators and novice entrepreneurs. It should be noted that the management section allows you to:

  • add sections and blocks;
  • allow and disallow comments;
  • add and remove links to third-party resources and portals;
  • indicate managers;
  • manage the black list;
  • manage messages and connect bots for communication;
  • make applications.

That is, with the help of the settings section, page owners are able to quickly manage it, giving the public an optimal appearance and customizing it to meet current business needs.

What should you pay attention to?

Having understood the procedure described above and understood how to create a selling VKontakte group, you need to take a closer look at some important nuances and recommendations to attract the attention of subscribers and participants. Owners of online stores in VK should take into account that:

  1. information about services and sales must remain relevant and be updated regularly;
  2. the description of the products must correspond to their content;
  3. fresh news should be added to the community regularly;
  4. It is more effective to post a smaller amount of news, but constantly, than to post a large number of posts simultaneously, but rarely (a reasonable piece of advice would be to create a kind of unspoken schedule for creating posts);
  5. previously created rules must be followed;
  6. Concise, but relevant and informative entries are most attractive.

If you adhere to the above conditions, the development of the public will be quite rapid. But it's important to remember that working with the community requires creativity to help you get the attention of others. But at the same time, you need to show honesty so that customers always know that the store can be trusted.

They are not only a means of communication and information exchange between participants, but also a powerful marketing tool that allows you to raise your business to a completely new level of operation. Let us further examine what exactly promotion on social networks gives a business, as well as how to create a VKontakte group for business.

The benefits of thematic groups on social networks

Firstly, the creation of a VKontakte group is its full-fledged representation on the Internet. This indicator is especially relevant for businessmen who do not have their own website. VK group for business is an excellent alternative to the latter.

At the same time, promoting your product and attracting the attention of an additional audience is sometimes achieved here faster and easier than in the case of a website. It is enough to publish something catchy and unusual, and community members will immediately spread it throughout the network.

Secondly, there is a real opportunity to attract potential clients. You can invite residents of certain cities or countries, people of a certain age, gender, with similar life principles and interests to your VK group. In the case of your own website, this is not always easy to do.

Thirdly, it has long been noticed that a considerable number of World Wide Web users search for the product they are interested in not through search engines, but by asking the corresponding request in their favorite social network. It is not surprising that individual VKontakte groups are gradually turning into full-fledged online stores with many different products.

Fourthly, each user of the group has from several tens to several thousand friends. It is enough for him to recommend the product he likes from your catalog in his feed, and dozens, or even hundreds of visitors will come to the community. Some of them will definitely join the group and turn into your potential client.

Creating a VKontakte group for business

Creating and maintaining a VKontakte group for the purpose of business development takes place in several interconnected stages:

This completes the creation procedure, and then you can begin to design, fill and promote it.

IndexA comment
Name It is necessary to adapt to the search query of interest.
Conciseness and brevity, without unnecessary symbols, to the point.
Description What services do we provide, what do we sell.
Why should we contact you?
Full contacts: address, phone, mail, website, Skype, opening hours.
Avatar Attractive and colorful, preferably made by a designer, and should reflect the essence of the community.
Call to subscribe.
Contacts: link to website, phone number.
Navigation menu Links for discussion.
Banner design and wiki layout.
Contacts Contacts on the avatar increase trust in the group.
How to contact you must be indicated in the title of the albums and under each photo.
In the contacts section, you must indicate how to contact the manager/administrator and a link to the website.
Interactive component Polls: create a maximum of twice a week, calling for comments.
Discussions: interesting topics, questions for admins.
Hold promotions at least once a month.
Group content Commercial posts should occupy no more than 50% of the content.
Entertaining posts: pictures, interesting facts, humor.
Useful content: tips on services/products offered.
It is mandatory to post with photos.
Albums of the group Photos of goods must be of excellent quality, and a description of the characteristics must be included in the caption.
Optimal promotion of a VKontakte business will be achieved if you include at least one key for a given product in the description.
Under each photo you need to indicate the price and contact information.
Reviews Their presence helps to increase customer loyalty and, as a result, increase sales.
Create appropriate topics in discussions.
Practice giving clients gifts/discounts for reviews.
Purchase terms Specify the form of payment and where/to whom to pay.
How can delivery be carried out?
What guarantees are provided: possibility of exchange, cash on delivery, etc.

Taking into account the above tips, you will be able to turn a simple VK group on a popular social network into an effective platform for selling the goods or services supplied.

    Good day, dears!

    Many people ask me the question of how to create a group in VKontakte and correctly fill it and design it so that it inspires trust and a desire to buy right now. Today I will answer this question.

    Creating a VKontakte group takes place in several stages, which are interconnected. Now I will tell you a few tricks that will have a positive impact on your group. And my advice is to immediately put the advice into practice so as not to put it off for a long time.

    How to create a VKontakte group

    Create a group

    Go to “My Groups” and click “ Create a community»:

    Now we name the group according to your key query, for example “ Eyelash extensions in Perm" and select the type of community " group" You can read more about why we choose “group” in this article.

    That's it, the group has been created. Select the theme, location, configure the export and display of blocks:

    How to create a VKontakte group for business

    Now I will highlight the main points that you need to consider when creating a group.


    Adaptation to the search query is important

    Brevity and no unnecessary symbols (to the point)

    The title must hit the target


    What we sell, what services we provide (tasty description and USP)

    Why should they choose you (who are you, how are you different from your competitors)?

    Full contacts (phone, website, email, Skype, opening hours, address)


    Designer (bright and attractive), the main thing is that it reflects the essence of the group

    Menu for navigation

    Banner design + wiki layout


    It is mandatory to have an avatar for your account, this increases trust

    Availability of contacts under each photo and in the album title


    Surveys (1-2 per week + call for comments)

    Discussions (questions for admins, interesting topics)

    Promotions (once a month)

    Content (information)

    No more than 50% commercial posts, always with a photo

    Posting entertaining posts (humor, interesting articles, pictures)

    Useful content (tips on products/services sold), infographics


    Increasing customer loyalty, they begin to trust more, as a result, sales increase

    Create the necessary topic in discussions and let them write on the wall

    Give customers discounts/gifts for reviews

    Albums of the group

    Photos of the goods must be of good quality, as well as a detailed description of the characteristics

    Prices must be indicated under each photo.

    Purchase terms

    Specify who/where to pay and forms of payment

    How and where delivery is carried out

    What guarantees do you give (cash on delivery, possibility of exchange...)

    Now you have found out how to create a group in contact and make it an effective platform for selling your goods or services, which inspires trust among visitors and arouses the desire to immediately make a purchase.

    By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promotion on VKontakte from A to Z, you can purchase it.

    Compliance with all the above points will increase the conversion of your group several times. Each of them influences the visitor's trust, and together they increase the impression of the group. But, friends, never stop there, always experiment!


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