The graphics driver is not installed or is not working properly. Causes and solutions to the problem with the inability to install the driver on the video card

When trying to access proprietary AMD software, such as Radeon Settings or Radeon Catalyst, owners of the corresponding video cards are faced with the error “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function.” Among other things, this error can also occur after installing the graphics driver, either by the user himself or through the actions of the Update Center. In today's article we will tell you why this problem occurs and how to get rid of it.

Cause of the error “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function”

From the translation of this error you can find out the following information:

The AMD graphics card driver is not installed, or the AMD driver is not working

We can immediately note the most plausible reason: the driver for the AMD graphics accelerator installed in the user’s PC began to work incorrectly, which led to the error. Actually, there is no need to look for additional reasons, since the problem is definitely related to the driver for the AMD video card.

Solving the error “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function”

Obviously, the driver for the AMD video card has started to work incorrectly, and therefore you need to reinstall it. For best results, we recommend that you use the Display Driver Uninstaller utility to completely remove the driver and other software for your video card from your computer. You can download the latest version of this program from this link. Using Display Driver Uninstaller is extremely easy, so you shouldn't have any problems.

The note: Display Driver Uninstaller will require you to restart your computer while uninstalling your graphics driver, so be sure to complete any important tasks before using it.

Run Display Driver Uninstaller, after which the following window will appear in front of you:

All you have to do is select your graphics chip manufacturer and click on the “REMOVE AND RESET (Highly Recommended)” button. Once the AMD driver is completely removed from your computer, the operating system will switch to using the standard graphics driver from Microsoft, which will allow you to follow the following link to the official AMD website and download the latest version of the driver to your PC, and then, of course, install . Also make sure that all proprietary AMD software has been removed from your PC, and if not, get rid of it. After such actions, the error “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function” will definitely be eliminated.

However, some users are unable to get rid of it even after completely removing the AMD driver from the system. Well, sometimes this can actually happen and the reason for this may be the installation files of drivers and software from AMD that are still on the computer. Go to your system partition, find a folder on it called AMD and clean it completely. Once you do this, repeat the process again with the Display Driver Uninstaller program and install the driver for the video card from the official website. This time the error “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function” will be almost completely resolved.

When loading Windows OS or when trying to launch any specialized software from AT Radeon, the user may encounter the message “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function.” Despite the appearance of this message, work with various graphics programs (for example, modern 3-D games) can proceed without any problems. What is the essence of the problem that has arisen? Let's figure it out.

Translated into Russian, the full text of this message reads: “AMD graphics drivers are not installed, or AMD drivers are not working properly. Please install the appropriate AMD driver for your AMD hardware."

As can be seen from the above message, the main cause of the problem is incorrect drivers for the AMD video card installed on your system. They may not be digitally signed by Microsoft, conflict with drivers for other digital devices, or may simply be out of date.

In some cases, the factor behind the “No AMD graphics driver is installed” error may be an incorrectly working version of the Catalyst Install Manager program.

To solve this “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function” problem, there are several ways that we will look at below.

Method 1: Install the latest drivers for your card

The first (and easiest) way to solve the error is to install fresh drivers for your video card. This can be done in several ways:

Install the latest driver using one of the methods listed, and then restart your PC.

Method 2: Uninstall AMD Drivers in Safe Mode

If the first method did not help get rid of the “No AMD graphics driver is installed” error, then you should try removing the AMD driver in safe mode and then restarting your PC. Do the following:

  1. When starting the PC, quickly press F8 periodically until the corresponding menu appears;
  2. Select “Safe Mode” in it and wait for the PC to boot;
  3. After the system boots, press Win+R and type devmgmt.msc to go to “Device Manager”;
  4. There, find the “Video Adapters” tab, double-click on it, hover over the AMD video card, right-click, and select “Remove device”. Confirm deletion;
  5. Restart Windows and see if the specified error appears.

If the error manifests itself again, you should reboot into safe mode again and use DDU to completely remove the drivers for the graphics card. Then reboot in standard mode and try to install the latest video card drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

Method 3: Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

The No AMD graphics driver installed error can be observed due to incorrect operation of the Visual C++ 2005 package. To solve this problem, remove the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 program from your PC (via standard uninstallation of programs), and then install the Microsoft package on your system Visual C++ 2005 SP1.

  • Download the package for 64-bit Windows from the Microsoft website.
  • Download the package for 32-bit Windows from the Microsoft website

If you don't know what version of Windows you have, press the Win+Pause keys.

Install the appropriate package on the system, restart your PC, and then try to update your driver using the solutions suggested in the very first method.

Method 4. Install all the latest updates for your OS

In some cases, the dysfunction in question “No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the amd driver is not function” was observed due to a number of missing Windows OS updates. Install the latest updates for your OS, reboot the system, and then try to install the latest drivers for your AMD card. This may help resolve the amd driver is not function issue on your PC.

Method 5: Disable Digital Driver Verification

As I mentioned above, the No AMD graphics driver installed error can be caused by the lack of a Microsoft digital signature on some AMD drivers. Disabling digital signature verification may fix the problem. Do the following:

  • Launch the command line as administrator;
  • In it, type sequentially:

Restart your computer.


The No AMD graphics driver is installed error is caused by incorrectly working drivers for the AMD video card installed on the user system. Consistently follow all the tips listed above, they will help fix the amd driver is not function error on your computer.

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For normal operation of the video card, a special utility is required - a driver. Through it, the operating system transmits and receives signals from the device, ensuring stable graphics processing. The error “AMD graphics driver is not installed or is not functioning properly” leads to failures in displaying the image on the screen - the picture will freeze and crumble. To fix it, just install the required utility correctly.

If an AMD graphics driver error occurs, completely remove it from the system before reinstalling. If your computer has 2 video cards installed at once - integrated and discrete, reset the drivers for both of them. To correctly remove system utilities, proceed as follows:

  • Boot your computer in safe mode - to do this, at the beginning of boot, press F8 or another key corresponding to the selection of startup options on your PC. In the list that appears, click on “Safe Mode”, in English versions - .
  • Press Win+X and launch Device Manager.
  • Go to the "Video adapters" category.
  • Right-click on the name of the video card and open its properties.
  • Go to the "Driver" tab and select "Uninstall".

It is better to carry out deletion in safe mode - only basic OS functions are launched in it. This allows you to easily manipulate drivers without fear of disrupting the system.

After the reset, reboot as usual. After starting, Windows will begin searching for the necessary utilities instead of the deleted ones automatically. But the system cannot always select the correct software version, so it is better to install it yourself by downloading the necessary files from the manufacturer’s website.

Installation using an automatic utility

A special automatic detection utility from AMD will help you select the right driver for your video adapter. You can get it on the official resource completely free of charge. Follow the link and click “Download”. After launching the utility, it will determine its model and OS version. If there is an update for the device, it will be downloaded and installed immediately.

The automatic utility has a number of limitations. It only works under Windows OS and recognizes AMD Radeon class video adapters. For other models, use manual driver selection on the manufacturer's website.

Installation with manual selection

Manual selection allows you to download the desired file faster, bypassing downloading an intermediate utility. How to find out which driver is needed for your video card: fill out a special form in 4 steps on the manufacturer’s website. The values ​​are given in English, but you can set them without knowing the language:

  1. Set your device type. For PCs – Desktop Graphics, for those integrated on the motherboard – Integrated Motherboard.
  2. Product series.
  3. Specific model.
  4. OS version indicating the bit depth.
  5. Run the download to install the AMD driver.

If you don't know the exact hardware model or Windows, check them on your computer first. The video adapter version is visible in the “Task Manager” - if it does not appear in the general list, open the detailed properties of the model by right-clicking on it. The fastest way to view the OS version is in the properties of “My Computer”, and pay attention to the “System Type” field - it indicates the bit depth value that is required in the last step before downloading the file.

If your computer has two different video cards, download 2 drivers. If you have integrated video, first install the files for it, then disable the integrated graphics and update the discrete video adapter.


We figured out how to fix the error with AMD graphics drivers. Delete old files and upload new ones using an automatic utility or manual selection on the website. The manufacturer's resource is the best source for correct updates. Unlike universal programs, branded sources provide drivers that exactly match the hardware model.

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Hello, dear readers!

I installed a new operating system yesterday. As always, I started installing the necessary software. And the problem crept into the issue of installing software for the video card. I couldn’t find it for a long time, and when I finally found it, it turned out to be for a different version of the OS. Therefore, I decided today to write an article on how to find and install the amd graphics driver for windows 10.

Why do you need a driver?

Laptops, netbooks, desktop computers, and almost any gadget with an operating system have a certain set of drivers. They help the OS determine what a device is for. For example, a Lenovo laptop has a separate sound card. If there is no firewood for it, then you will not hear music in the speakers. The same thing with video cards, if there is no specific software for it for your operating system.

This is especially true for modern games, which are very demanding on computers in terms of graphics.

The monitor itself will work, but the game will not start, it simply will not detect the device, therefore, it will not be able to adjust the resolution and shaders. It doesn’t matter what system you have, 32 bit or 64 bit, even if you have an operating system based on the UNIX kernel, you will still need drivers.

Where to download the software?

Having access to the global network, you can always download the programs you need for free. You need to download drivers from the websites of your device manufacturers. For example, if you have a video card from AMD, then that way. Click on the tab shown in the figure below.

Then you will have two signs.

The left one will allow you to download a software that will automatically detect your card in the computer and select a driver for it. It happens that this option does not work. For example, AMD stopped providing support for certain devices of their production, therefore, they also removed the firewood from their server. If the program does not work, or simply fails, then you will have to enter all the data on your video card manually into the right table. Searching manually will take some time, but the result will be much better.

The same applies to other manufacturers. For example, HP official website. You need to click on the support button.

And then click here.

Alternative ways to find software

You may have a problem finding firewood on the official websites of manufacturers. Therefore, I will recommend several programs that will help you solve the problem. Driver booster is a prominent representative of such software. You can download from here. The software has a nice interface, it’s easy to understand how to operate it. There is a Russian language.

And most importantly, it is free.

Just download it, install it, then scan your laptop. Next, it will show you what programs your machine needs, including useful utilities. Without the Internet, the driver booster does not work.

The Pack Solution driver will also work. Latest version lies here. It can work both online and offline. Moreover, it has one useful feature. You can download a huge archive for this program, and then you will no longer have to look for drivers for any PC. You won't even need the Internet.

When I tried it on my machine, a feature with additional software caught my eye. That is, in addition to firewood, you will be asked to install instant messengers, browsers, graphic libraries, antiviruses, and even software for cleaning the registry.

Installation process

And so, especially for you, I will describe the complete installation process for cards from AMD Radeon, come here. Pay attention to this information.

You should find your card in the list. If not, see the versions below. Download the software and just launch it. The software interface will open, if you have a Russian version, then it will be easier for you...

Just check the boxes and click Apply. The installer will do everything himself; at the end of all operations, your machine will reboot. A new icon will appear in the tray (catalyst control center), through which you will now configure graphics and work with your video card.

If an error occurs during the installation process, then most likely the installer version is not suitable for your machine. Download distributions from an earlier release. This happens due to the release of new operating systems. Simply incompatible drivers lead to a conflict.

Manual search

You don’t have to download the drivers from the official website, but try to find entire assemblies specifically for your laptop model. Just download it via torrent.

I note that the assemblies contain not only drivers, but also the most necessary programs. Plus, they are all user tested.

If you find such a build, consider yourself very lucky. Don't forget to read the comments in the distributions, you can find valuable information there, for example about broken files and so on.

Often such archives are packaged in disk images with an ISO extension. To open them you will need a small program that you can download here. Just install it, and then it will scan your hard drive for the necessary files. Now you can open any disk images.


This is where I will end this article. I told you how and using what methods you can install drivers for your AMD card. They all work with devices from other manufacturers. By the way, I found a useful video for you.

Follow everything according to my instructions and then you will achieve the desired result. Share the article with your friends on social networks, it will also be useful for them to know how to correctly install the necessary software. Subscribe to my blog to stay updated on new articles! Goodbye, my dear readers!

Whatever the technical characteristics and power of the video card installed in a PC or laptop, its performance and demonstrated performance indicators directly depend on one of the most important software components of any system -. For graphics adapters manufactured by Advanced Micro Devices Inc, the most correct and effective method to resolve all issues with drivers is to use.

Download and update AMD drivers via Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition

Actually, keeping video adapter drivers up to date is the primary task assigned to the AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition software package by the developers.

Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition— the name of the software that replaced it Radeon Software Crimson. This is the same application, but of a different generation. The Crimson driver is no longer relevant!

Automatic installation

The easiest and most correct way to get the latest driver for an AMD video card is to install the manufacturer’s proprietary software into the system. AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition contains the necessary components of the latest version at the time of download from the official website, so in order for the current graphics adapter driver to be installed, just follow a few simple steps.

  1. Download the Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition installer from the Advanced Micro Devices technical support site by selecting the type and model line of the GPU on which the video card is based in the drop-down lists.

    Find your version and bitness of the operating system and expand the tab to the plus sign.

    In the list of suggested software, find Radeon Software, click "Download". In some cases, there are 2 such files - based on the application revision number and release date. A newer driver may be unstable on some PCs, for this reason the service offers a previous version that you can roll back to if problems arise.

  2. Let's launch the installer. It will immediately begin automatically scanning your system hardware components for the presence of an AMD GPU-based video card.
  3. After identifying the video card, if the components necessary for normal operation are missing

    or the possibility of updating them, a corresponding message will be displayed.

  4. Press the button "Express installation" and monitor the installation process of all the necessary components.
  5. During the installation of Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition, the screen may go dark several times. Don't worry - this is how the graphics adapter is initialized with the new driver.

  6. The final stage of installing AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition, and therefore all the necessary components for the graphics adapter to work, is to reboot the system. Press the button "Reboot Now".
  7. After the reboot, we get a video card with the latest driver installed.

Driver Update

Over time, any software becomes outdated and requires updating. With AMD Radeon Software Crimson, updating the system components necessary for the proper functioning of the graphics adapter is very simple, because the developers have provided all the options.

Reinstalling the AMD driver, rolling back the version

If there is a need to reinstall AMD video card drivers, removing all previously installed components and clearing the system of data accumulated during the operation of Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition, you will need the application installer. In addition, by following the steps below, you can revert to the previous version of the driver if the updated version does not work correctly. There is no need to remove already installed software and drivers before reinstalling! The installer will do this automatically.

Thus, we can state that all issues with drivers of modern AMD video cards are quite easily resolved using the manufacturer’s proprietary software. The processes of installing, updating and reinstalling Advanced Micro Devices graphics adapter drivers are almost completely automated, which gives the user the opportunity not to waste time and effort searching for the right solution.


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