Change your account password. How to change the password on a PC or laptop

If you think that someone knows your laptop password and your personal information is at risk, then you need to change the access code as quickly as possible. This is not at all difficult to do, but since many users are encountering the Metro interface for the first time, it is problematic. In this article, we will look at two ways in which you can change the password for different types of accounts.

Every user needs to protect their PC from other people's interference, and the easiest way to do this is to set password protection and update it regularly. In this operating system, you can create two types of accounts: local or Microsoft. This means that there will also be two ways to change the password.

Changing the local account password

Changing your Microsoft account password

This way you can change the password for your account at any time. By the way, it is recommended to change your password at least once every six months to maintain security. Don't forget about this so that all personal information remains private.

If a password is set on a computer, that is, a user account, you can always delete it or change it, for example, if one of the household members recognizes it. Today I will talk about how to change your account password. The instructions are suitable for both Windows 7 and Windows 8 - the essence of the process remains the same. I'll show an example on Windows 7.

Click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”.

Once in the control panel, look for the “User Accounts” subsection.

Here we see a list of users. There may be several of them. You need to select the entry for which you want to change the password. Since in my case there is only one account, there is really nothing to choose from. Click on the “Change your password” button.

You will have to enter the current password once in the very first field, and the new password in the other two fields. Just below you need to add a hint that will help you remember your password. Just keep in mind that it will be visible to all users who use this computer. When finished, click the “Change Password” button.

After changing your password, you will be taken to your profile page.

This means that you did everything correctly and the new password is saved. Nothing more is required from you. Well, just don’t forget the password itself.


During the Windows 10 installation process, the system prompts you to create or use a new Microsoft account or (in smaller print) use a local account.

We have already written about which account is best to use in Windows 10 and we will not dwell on this, but I would like to note that a large number of users installing the system for the first time do not even see that it is possible to use a local account, so they create a Microsoft account, come up with a password for it and continue the installation.

After installing and loading the system, Windows 10 automatically substitutes the account on the welcome screen and, of course, asks you to enter its password. This is where the user grabs his head, realizing that he has come up with a too complex password (something like H73$5KdE^dS2) and that entering it every time is very inconvenient. Of course, you can disable the password request when you turn on the computer or use Windows 10 know-how - the so-called PIN codes, but you must always remember the password for the account itself. Today we will tell you how to change it.

And this is done quite simply: launch “Settings” (via the START menu) and in the window that opens, select the “Accounts” section.

In the window that opens, select “Login Options” and in the right panel, under the word “Password,” click on the “Change” button.

A new window will appear saying, “Please wait a minute.” While you wait, I recommend remembering your current password, because you will need it in the next step.

So, after the “Wait a minute” message has disappeared, you will need to enter the current password in the only field that appears on the screen and click the “Login” button:

If your password is entered correctly, the system will think a little more and open the following window:

Here, in fact, everything should be very clear: in the top field with the value “Old password” you need to enter the same password that you used in the previous step, but in the two lower fields you need to enter the new password that you want to use from now on ( Naturally, the passwords in both fields must be the same).

Once you have entered all the requested information, click "Next".

The system will again think a little, sending new data to the Microsoft authorization server, after which you will receive a window informing you that the password for your account has been changed. The next authorization in the system must be done with a new password.

If you still forgot the password for your account, you can recover it to the linked email or mobile phone (if such a link was made) or try using these instructions.

A password is the simplest and most effective means of protecting a personal account. Despite all the reliability, sometimes there is a need to change it. There are several ways to change your password. The main condition for success in this case is knowledge of the old combination. If it is forgotten, you need to reset it. We’ll talk about how to change the password on Windows 10 today.

Before you use one of the options below, it is worth considering that in Windows 10, both a Microsoft user account and a local one can be activated. If the password is changed in the standard way in both cases, then in the rest - only in specific types of profiles.

You can find out the account type in the OS settings. To do this, select the item. If an e-mail address is displayed in place of the user profile, the Microsoft record is activated. If, instead of email, only the username is displayed, the entry is local.

The universal and, at the same time, the simplest method is to change the code through the parameters of Windows 10 itself, because the developers have provided for this possibility in advance. In this case, the account type does not matter.

To implement this method, you need to perform the following set of actions with the system:

  1. Open it and click on the settings gear.

  1. Open the block.

  1. Go to the tab "Login Options" and click on .

  1. Write the current password in the appropriate window and click on .

  1. We write out the previous combination again, come up with a new one, repeat it and press .

  1. The system notifies that the procedure was successful and the next time you turn on the PC you will need to use a new combination. Click.

If the main purpose of the change was to open the system faster, then you can use a PIN code or a graphic key. This is done in the same tab.

Let's look at how to change your Microsoft account password through the company's official website. It should be immediately noted that this method cannot be used for local profiles.

Online Microsoft Record Password Change

If the OS uses a Microsoft account, you can work with its password not only through standard tools, but also on the Microsoft website. There is no need to do this from a computer - you can use this method from any device.

In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to and click on .

  1. To log in, use your current password. The email address will be entered automatically if the procedure is performed through the computer or laptop itself.

  1. Click on located under the email address.

  1. We insert the old password, come up with and confirm a new one. Click.

Changes will be accepted without further confirmation or notification. The next time you turn on your personal computer, you will have to use the new combination.

Let's look at the options for making changes on a local user account.

Changing the password on a local account

For such a profile, the solution described above will not work, but Windows 10 provides several methods for replacing the password in this case. Let's look at their application in detail.

Using the Command Line

To change using the command line:

  1. Call it as administrator. To do this, click on the search sign next to the menu, enter the desired query, right-click and click on.

  1. Enter the command netusers in order to find out exactly what name the profile has. It is located to the left of the value.

  1. Writing a command netusers *profile_name required_password*.

  1. Press Enter and the combination to enter the selected profile will be changed automatically.

Let's move on to consider the next, no less effective, method.

Working with a password in the control panel

This option is as simple as all the previous ones. You need to use it according to the instructions below:

  1. Open the panel. To do this, enter the query in the same search and go to the first result.

  1. Expanding the section.

  1. Let's move on to.

  1. Click on the button.

  1. We register and confirm the new option, come up with a hint (it will be displayed if the user makes a mistake when logging into the account) and click .

The procedure is completed. Let's move on to the last solution.

Changing the password via PC Management

Using this method is as simple as possible:

  1. Right-click on “Start” and select .

  1. In the window that opens, in the left menu, open the item "Local users", move to "Users", select your own account, click on it and click on . We prescribe a new combination.

It is worth considering that this method will not work in every edition of Windows 10. If the line with local users is missing, you should use one of the other methods.

You also need to indicate that you can also use the hotkeys Ctrl + Alt + Delete to change, after clicking on them a window will pop up where all you have to do is select the line "Replace password".

Let's move on to the results.


We examined in detail how to change the password on Windows 10. As you can see, this procedure can be carried out in any convenient way, so you should not neglect the security of the OS. You just need to find out in advance what type of profile is currently being used and apply the appropriate solution options.

Video instruction

For greater clarity, we have attached a video instruction that describes how to carry out all the methods described above.


To change your account password records user, open the Start menu - Control Panel - Accounts records Users and Family Safety – Accounts records users. Your account window will open records. Select the line “Change your password”. Next, you will be presented with several fields: one for entering the current password and two for entering and repeating a new one. As a hint, you can enter your password hint in the special field, but remember that it will be visible to others. Then click " ". Next time you will already log in with a new one.

Surely you have an account in . Changing the password on this network is done in the settings (or located in the menu on the left side of the page). Select My Settings and find Change Password in the list of settings. Again there will be three fields: one for records the current password and two for a new one and repeat it. When filling out the fields on the right, there is a hint: the minimum password length is 6 characters, it is better to use the letters ; Make sure the Caps Lock key is disabled when creating a new password. Otherwise, the next time you enter your password when the caps is disabled, it will be incorrect (it will be a different password). Then click the Change Password button.

You also log into your account using a password. To change it here, find the menu under your photo, click Change Settings. In the list of settings that appears, select Password. A window will appear on top of the page with fields for entering a password: one field for the current one and two for the new one, as in previous cases. Password come up with something more complex, more authentic. When you're happy, click Save.

When registering on the forums, we also fill in our personal data and protect our pages with passwords. The password change form is available in the forums in the Profile menu. You enter editing and, according to the already familiar pattern, write the old password, then the new one, then repeat it. At the bottom of the page, after all the data, there is a Save Changes button.

Your email account on Internet communication portals (Mail, Yandex, Google) also has a password. To change the email password, you should use Settings (they are located in, under the Exit button), then - Password, the traditional three fields for . But there is another one below - for entering numbers that are depicted distortedly (this is done so that the system identifies you as a person who manually enters the text, and not a bot that registers automatically). A similar password change procedure is used on other communication portals.


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