Equipment buttons do not work in wot. I click play and it doesn’t log into World of Tanks

The World of Tanks game does not start - the "play" button does not work.

One of the common problems logging into World of Tanks is related to the “Play” button in the launcher. It is this button that must be pressed every time you start the game. But what to do if it doesn't work. You click and nothing happens - World of Tanks does not start? To answer this question, we have collected the most common errors when logging into WOT and described solutions for each problem. Let's look at each one in order, starting with the launcher not working.

If you cannot enter World of Tanks when you enter the game, you need to open the launcher, click “play” and see what happens. If you wait for a long time, the problem with logging into WOT is often hidden behind the inability to connect to the Wargaming servers serving your chosen cluster. In this case, you should check for a problem on your PC, namely:

Is the port through which data is exchanged between the World of Tanks client and the server blocked by your firewall?

If yes, you need to add an exception to the firewall. If this is a regular Windows firewall, just go to the control panel, select "Firewall" and add the file worldoftanks.exe, as well as the launcher executable file wotlauncher.exe to the list of exceptions. You can do this by double-clicking on the “Firewall” icon and going to the “Exceptions” tab, then adding there the above files with the .exe extension from the folder with the World of Tanks game.

Setting up the World of Tanks launcher

Is the application (game) blocked by your antivirus?

If you have installed anti-virus software and have not configured it properly, by default all connections from previously installed programs, including the World of Tanks game, will be blocked. To unlock, add an exception in the control shell of your antivirus (Kaspersky, Dr.Web, Nod32, Eset and others) according to the principle described for the Windows firewall (above).

Mods for World of Tanks are used

Very often, mods can cause the “Play” button in the World of Tanks launcher to not work. Usually, even the best and most time-tested mod fails, especially after its update, which was released immediately before the release of the next patch for WOT. Often, mod developers are in a hurry to release a release that supports a new update for World of Tanks, creating a patch for the mod based on a test version of the game. Using such a “quick” update for a popular mod leads to problems with logging into the game both after the release of the next version of World of Tanks, and after the release of micropatches, 1-2 weeks after the main release.

I press the "play" button and it doesn't go into World of Tanks

To check whether the use of modifications interferes with entering the game, disable them for a while. To do this, just rename the res_mods folder and restart your PC before attempting to log in.

Can't log into World of Tanks: I click "Play" and it doesn't log in

Among the problems with the "Play" button, the second place is occupied by errors related to the Internet connection. Check this category of game login errors using our instructions:

Find out what IP address is used when connecting your PC to the Internet, static or dynamic?

  1. With a static IP address, you are allocated the same address every time you connect to the Internet, and it will be credited to you when you log into World of Tanks. If your static IP address is banned in tanks, every time you try to click on the "play" button in the launcher you will not be able to connect. To solve this problem, contact your provider with a request to replace the static IP address assigned to you with another one. Some providers charge a fee for this service, while others offer it free. Occasionally, replacing an IP address may require a specialist to visit your home. Even more rarely, this service is not provided at all.
  2. In the case of a dynamic IP address, problems are also observed when the launcher does not enter wot when clicking on the “play” button. This happens when you are assigned an IP address banned by Wargaming when connecting to the Internet. This does not mean that you were banned, someone else playing under this dynamic address in World of Tanks was banned by IP. To solve this problem, simply reconnect to the Internet (disconnect and connect again).

Solving the problem with the "play" button in World of Tanks

Not included in World of Tanks

In addition to the problems described above related to your network or Internet connection, as well as your PC settings, there is a category of problems related to the game itself. Let's consider these errors when logging into World of Tanks:

You updated the game and some files were not updated. Error during update.

If after the update you cannot enter the game, and after clicking “play” the launcher freezes for a long time, then the World of Tanks update was unsuccessful. The game will not always tell you about this. However, when connecting, the server will definitely check whether the hash of the client files installed on your PC matches the current game update. If even one file differs even by 1 byte or is missing, the server will not allow you to enter World of Tanks and will send a command to the launcher to try to update again.

Solving the problem with the game not working

The launcher will again not be able to update, and the game will freeze when you click on “play” and here’s why: some directory or separate file (less often many files) in the game folder is not writeable for the current Windows user. That is, the user under whom you logged into Windows to play World of Tanks cannot overwrite old files for some reason. There may be several reasons:

  • the user does not have enough rights to control the computer;
  • the user's rights have been limited by another user;
  • the user himself has limited the rights to the World of Tanks game files, intentionally or not;
  • The antivirus manages files at its discretion on your PC.

Each of these points needs to be checked separately and find out whether the update is causing problems when launching World of Tanks through the launcher.

What to do if World of Tanks doesn't work

The simplest solution to the problem when the game does not enter can be to reinstall World of Tanks. Don't be afraid to erase all files to make sure they don't interfere with entering the tanks. The client version of WOT that you install on your PC does not contain any personal data that may be lost when you uninstall World of Tanks, with the exception of files with your replays and mods you previously installed. We have already found out about mods - it is better not to dwell on them if you want to solve a problem with the game. Feel free to reinstall the game, it usually takes about half an hour.

If reinstallation does not help, there is a high probability that the problem with the “play” button is related to the network or Internet connection (solution above).

World of Tanks freezes when entering the game

Particular attention should be paid to the drivers used for the video card and the availability of a license for the operating system. The error I click on the play button and it doesn’t open can be caused by a lack of a Windows license, as well as outdated drivers for your video card. To solve these problems, start by updating the drivers for the video adapter by going to the manufacturer’s website, downloading from there and installing the latest version of drivers that corresponds to your operating system and its bitness (32 or 64 bit). To solve problems with Windows, it is recommended to purchase a license (at your discretion). This will save you from most potential problems with logging into World of Tanks and the launcher.

Sooner or later, some players begin to notice that when turning, they cannot shoot or cannot turn while shooting.

Such problems usually arise among those who play shooters. This appears on all systems and depends on the specific keyboard, and even keyboards of the same model from different batches can handle the same combinations differently.

There are a number of ways to solve this problem.

If the tower does not rotate on *nix systems (for example, Mac OS, Linux, etc.), change the keyboard layout.

Mouse control

On April 8, 2015, the ability to control the camera and sight with the mouse was introduced into the game. Enabled by the corresponding option in the settings. Mouse control only works in full screen mode.

The cursor can be called up by long pressing the Tab key.

Attention: Mouse control, for reasons beyond the control of the Tanki Online developers, is not supported in browsers Edge, Safari, Opera versions 15 and higher, Chrome, Yandex and others on the Chromium engine, as well as in Standalone Flash Player versions 15 and 16.

Switch to WASD

The tower can be controlled using the keys< > ?.

In this case, most likely, all combinations of clicks will be processed correctly.

Alternatively, you can switch to NUMPAD (numeric keypad). In this case, the controls will be on the numbers 2, 4, 8, 6. The “back” button will be further away than with the controls on the arrows. But most players are already accustomed to playing with shooters, so this option is often not suitable for them.

Changing game controls

In the game settings you can reassign almost all tank control keys. Try different combinations and find a layout that handles correctly and is comfortable for you to play with.

It is most convenient to assign controls (arrows) to the numeric keypad (1, 2, 3, 5). You can also assign camera control there (4, 6).

Buying a new keyboard

Expensive gaming and office models usually cope well with such combinations. It is better to check any keyboard before purchasing, for example, using a special test. Try pressing different key combinations to see which combinations are not being processed properly.

Playing with two keyboards at the same time

An extreme, but quite workable option is to connect two keyboards at once and press some of the buttons on one, and some on the other.

The problem of a desktop PC keyboard failing is easy to solve. It is enough to change the device to a new one or, after disassembling it, try to clean it. In the latter case, you need to unscrew several screws securing the bottom panel and remove it. Next, carefully remove the dust that is caught between the films with contacts in the form of tracks applied to them, or moisture. Even pet hair or fur may end up inside. This type of DIY repair can be done by almost any user. But what to do if your laptop keyboard breaks?

The complexity of this situation lies in the following: the keyboard of a portable device is an integral part of the design. In order to bring it into working condition, you need to disassemble the laptop. If the user does not understand this well, the only option left is a visit to a specialized center, where specialists will solve the problem. But there is no need to rush into making hasty decisions. It's worth attempting a DIY repair.

Sometimes you can hear statements about the existence of a certain “black” list of manufacturers producing laptops in which keyboard failures are a common occurrence. No. Such a list does not exist, and to believe in such fairy tales is to deceive yourself. Any device can break down, whether it’s a budget model or one that costs a lot of money. Laptop keyboard failures that you can try to fix yourself include:

  • Software glitch;
  • Oxidized or pressed contacts of the cable;
  • Liquid spilled on the computer.

Incorrect operation of the software

One of the possible reasons for the failure of the keyboard of a portable device is a driver failure, leading to errors in the functioning of the Windows OS. A possible way out of the situation is to use the BIOS. The sequence of actions here is as follows:

  1. Reboot the computer;
  2. When loading, hold down the Del key;
  3. We are trying to navigate through the menu items in the BIOS.

If the device is functioning (you can navigate through the menu items), you should try to boot the computer in safe mode in order to test the system to see if the keyboard works with a minimum set of services and without drivers.

If the OS is Windows XP, 7 or Vista, you can boot the computer in safe mode as follows:

  1. Press F8 and hold while loading;
  2. In the menu that appears on the display, select “Safe Mode without starting drivers.”

If your laptop is running Windows 8 or 8.1, you will need to make some preliminary settings to be able to run it. To do this we go:

If the information input device is functioning, then the problem is that the drivers are not working correctly.

If the keyboard does not work in safe mode, the BIOS responds to input, the problem lies in the OS itself.

Important: depending on the model and configuration of the portable device, other keys (F2, F1, Esc, F10) or combinations thereof may be used to enter the BIOS. To clarify this detail, you should refer to the instructions or other available sources of information.

How to enter characters when the device is not working, install or update drivers

Having determined that the problem can be fixed by updating or installing drivers, we proceed to this operation. You need to start the computer in normal mode, and then proceed to further actions: searching and downloading software, installing it. But here the question arises: how to enter characters in the search bar if you need to find the necessary software components on the network? The answer is simple: we use a mouse and an on-screen keyboard.

What is an on-screen keyboard and how to use it

Click on the “Start” button, select “Special Features”, then click “On-Screen Keyboard”, thus launching a standard application that emulates a physical keyboard.

In any area of ​​the open window of a running program where you can enter characters, or in the search bar, place the cursor, click on the on-screen keyboard, entering information using this method. If necessary, the application can be customized to suit your needs in order to increase the degree of comfort in work.

The functionality of Windows 8 and 8.1 is somewhat broader in this regard. In addition to the standard application, you can also use an alternative option - a touch keyboard for laptops and tablets. This is a smoothly sliding window with large buttons. If the operating system you are using is “eight” or 8.1, click on the taskbar with the (right) button of the manipulator, calling up the context menu, select “Properties”. Further:

After these manipulations, a shortcut will appear in the system tray, clicking on which launches the application.

Using a USB Keyboard and Bluetooth Device

To enter information, you can connect a USB keyboard to the USB port of your computer. There is another alternative option - connecting the device via Bluetooth, if possible.

Download drivers

The process of searching and selecting the necessary drivers can be done manually, but there is an option to make your life easier. You just need to install a special application on your laptop - “driver pack”. What does this give? The program automatically scans the system, determines the drivers needed in a particular case, removes them from its database, and performs installation. The most popular applications of this plan include:

  • Slim Drivers;
  • Driver Pack Solution.

The software can be found on the Internet and downloaded absolutely free of charge in a DVD image with a driver database, but it is preferable to use a software client. In the latter case, the downloaded and installed software itself will find on the network and install on the computer only the necessary drivers of the latest versions.

If after all the manipulations the keyboard does not work, you should reinstall Windows or update it to a later version.

Problems with cable contacts

During the operation of the laptop, the contacts of the cable may oxidize or become wrung out. This is one of the possible causes of equipment failures. To eliminate such malfunctions, the device will have to be disassembled. If you are not confident in your abilities, refer to the instructions for the laptop. Guides can also be found on the Internet. These are books, educational videos.

Having disassembled the computer and reached the keyboard cable, you should pull it out of the connector and carefully inspect it. The presence of obvious damage implies replacement of this component.

If there are no defects, the contacts should be wiped with an ear stick previously moistened with alcohol. Another option is a regular eraser. Upon completion of cleaning, the cable is installed back and the laptop is tested.

Spilled liquid or burnt microcontroller

In fact, the cause of the breakdown may be actions that occurred some time ago - coffee or tea spilled on the keyboard. Over time, this led to oxidation of the contacts and failure of the keyboard. If liquid happens to spill on your laptop, you should immediately do the following:

  1. Turn off devices;
  2. We take out the battery;
  3. We dry the laptop with a hairdryer, setting the hair drying mode to gentle.

If your hair dryer model has a cold air function, you need to use this particular mode. Such actions can slow down the oxidation process of boards, microcircuits, and contacts. But if the computer stops working precisely for this reason or the microcontroller fails, a visit to a specialized center cannot be avoided. Conclusion: liquid and technology are incompatible. Save money and nerves, do not drink coffee over your laptop.

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5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 13

Good day, dear tankers! Today I will describe the main controls of a tank in the game World of Tanks. The article will be useful reading for novice tank crews as an instruction manual for the operation of a combat vehicle.

Quite simple and intuitive, especially for people who have played computer games more than once. I will list the main keys in the game with default control settings.

Tank movement:

- W, S, A, D used to move the tank hull (forward, backward, turn the hull to the left, turn the hull to the right, respectively);

Double key press R full forward - enables automatic movement of the tank in the forward direction, without the need to hold the button W, but with buttons A And D you can taxi; button press S stops the tank;

Double button press F full back - the button action is similar to R, only turns on the automatic movement of the tank backwards;

- R/F cruise control (when moving forward, backward);

- Space hold and stop the tank while moving to shoot, after releasing the button the tank continues moving;

X The handbrake is used when playing tank destroyers and self-propelled guns to fix the hull; disables body rotation when the sight reaches the horizontal aiming angle. Press again to turn off, or start driving.


- Mouse movement/keyboard arrows movement of the sight, turret, aiming at the target;

- Mouse movement when you hold down the right mouse button, view without rotating the turret or moving the sight;

- Mouse scroll wheel, keys PgUp, PgDn zoom zoom in/out of the camera/sight, switch to sniper/arcade mode;

- Ctrl+ click right click for self-propelled guns, turning on the art sight with aiming at the selected square of the minimap.

- Alt hold to enable an alternative mode for displaying tank icons.


- Click left mouse button shot;

Cry right mouse button by target, enable auto-guidance and auto-tracking of the selected target;

Cry right mouse button, E key off target, disabling auto-aim;

- Shift manual activation of the sniper/arcade mode of the sight;

- C reload key;

Keys 1, 2, 3 The keyboard selects the type of projectile to be used, one press of the button selects for the next shot, the dual loader immediately proceeds to replace the type of projectile with the selected one.

Keys 4, 5, 6 use of consumable equipment depending on the installation slot; after pressing, you must select the module to be repaired, or the crew member who needs to be cured

Battle chat:

- Enter turning on combat chat, opening the message editor line, sending a message after writing;

- Tab switching between message recipients (own team, enemy team, message to your platoon/company); By default, messages are sent to your team;

- Esc when the battle chat is open or click left mouse button outside the chat window, exit the combat chat message editor;

Combat interface:

- Click left mouse button on the minimap while holding the button Ctrl showing the team a square on the minimap;

Buttons + And - - respectively, increasing and decreasing the size of the minimap;

- M display/hide the minimap;

- Ctrl turning on the pointer;

- Ctrl+Tab changing the appearance of command lists (ears);

- V- display/hide the entire combat interface in battle;

- Z opening the general menu of orders after opening, you need to select an order with the mouse pointer and confirm it by clicking left mouse button to send to the team;

Z when hovering over an ally/enemy, a menu of orders opens with a list applicable to that player. Also requires selecting an order with the mouse pointer and confirming its sending by clicking left mouse button.


- Button T when aiming at the enemy, a message to the team Support with fire at **, for self-propelled guns I'm attacking, where ** is the nickname of a player on the enemy team;

- F3 message to the team Defend the base!

- F5 message to the team Exactly! - used as confirmation of an order, or confirmation of the completion of a combat mission, as well as a battle cry after a team wins a battle ☺;

- F6- message to the team No way! - refusal to carry out a combat mission, or disagreement with an order;

- F7- message to the team Help needed!

- F8- message to the command Still reloading (where - the number of seconds remaining until the end of reloading), or Ready to shoot!, if the projectile/cassette is already loaded.

- Esc opening the main game menu. Attention! Do not leave the battle until it is over, unless your tank is destroyed and you are capable of any action to the detriment of the enemy! Provided


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