What to do if World of Tanks crashes. Why did people start getting kicked out of games?

It's always like this when you want to play your favorite game World of Tanks and the client starts to crash, especially after long-awaited updates. Usually, when entering the game, immediately after entering your username and password, then when loading a battle, then when entering the hangar, then right in battle (the most infuriating thing, isn’t it 😉) you should never put up with this! Take care of your nerves 😉 How to cope with crashes, read on...

First, let's figure it out, does WoT crash when you double-click on the game launcher?

That is, after launching the launcher, nothing happens or a white window pops up, and then, according to the developers’ idea, the game client should start, but nothing happens.
If you have just such a problem, then, since in this article we will talk about client crashes after the launcher, in other words, starting from the authorization window (login and password).
Here we go…

WoT crashes when starting the client

So, we launched the launcher:

entered your username and password, pressed the “ TO COME IN"and here it is - crash... You are back at your desk, full of anger and disappointment... but this is not the time to sigh and be sad we are struggling -> here it will help us clearing cache, if this is exactly your case of a client crash, then go clear the cache, read more about clearing in the article
Well, if this is not your case, read the article further...

And in order not to waste your time, we will start with removing mods. Thus, we will establish the reason for the crashes, and here there are only two reasons, either the mods are to blame, or something is wrong with your computer (drivers, hardware). Deleted??? Let's launch and see... the crashes are gone? MODS are evil, they are to blame, how to fight, read. If the crashes remain, then read the article further or after 3 paragraphs.

Well, what can you do... first, try reinstalling the games, maybe the files are damaged, and your playful hands could have done this 😉 or some kind of virus (for example, after installing a mod pack from the left resources) especially if you magically got all kinds of Yandex browser , mail services, etc. Personally, I would immediately go download Dr.Web CureIt!® and then put my trusty hardware to be scanned by the installed antivirus. Of course it's up to you, you can get away with simply reinstalling the client.
This should help, but if this is not your case, you are welcome to read the article further...

If there are sound problems, install the latest drivers for your audio card from the manufacturer's website:

Install the latest version of DirectX for your operating system from the official Microsoft website:

If you do not have the following libraries installed Visual C++, then be sure to install them from the official Microsoft website.

WOT does not always work stably. Today we will look at the problem why World of Tanks crashes on startup. We will give recommendations on what to do so that you don’t get kicked out of World of Tanks.

Why does World of Tanks crash?

If you start the game, but instead of entering it kicks you out. This is the most common problem in World of Tanks for those who use mods or have used them before. When installing modifications for World of Tanks, problems arise with logging in. This happens because the files used to launch the game by default are overridden by mod files. Mods have priority at launch. This is exactly what becomes the problem of leaving World of Tanks. When processing mod files, the game client often cannot match the standard functions from the files with the functions specified by the mod developers. Because of this, conflicts with files arise and, instead of starting the game in an incomprehensible way, World of Tanks kicks you out of the game. You can solve the problem of the game crashing by not using mods. Just rename the mods folder res_mods to run World of Tanks without mods.

World of Tanks freezing problem

So why does World of Tanks freeze? The fact is that the hash of the game files may differ from the original one and the server will simply refuse to serve such a client. In this case, you will need to check the hash of the files and update them using the World of Tanks launcher or Wargaming Game Center. However, this does not always help solve the problem with World of Tanks freezing and often players have to reinstall the game. In most cases, completely uninstalling World of Tanks and reinstalling the game helps solve the freezing problem.

Why does World of Tanks keep crashing?

But the problem with crashing from the game is not always associated with World of Tanks files. A very common problem is with video card drivers. Incompatibility of the driver file versions for the video adapter with the current version of World of Tanks causes a conflict in image processing and output. Here, it is not only World of Tanks itself that will prevent the game from continuing to launch. But Windows will also stop loading the unstable process, which will lead to constant World of Tanks crashes. The peculiarity of this problem is that the problem can manifest itself both during the launch of the game, and directly during the game, after some time. To solve this problem, you need to install a stable version of drivers for your video card from the official website of its manufacturer. Do not try to install the latest available video card drivers; it is important to choose stable drivers. In most cases, updating drivers helps solve the World of Tanks crash problem and ensure smooth operation of the game.

Along with the problem related to the video card drivers, there is a hardware problem. The presence of hardware problems on the computer leads to the fact that throws you out of World of Tanks. The most common is damaged RAM. To find out if there is a problem with the memory, you need to test it. This also includes the problem with bad sectors of the hard drive. To fix it, you need to enable standard scanning for your hard drive. Windows itself can fix 99% of all hard drive problems that lead to World of Tanks kicking. If the hard drive has bad sectors, the standard Scan Disk program will prohibit accessing them and will assign good sectors instead. This will slightly reduce the size of your HDD disk, but will completely eliminate the problem with World of Tanks freezing and dropping out of the game. If there are problems with the RAM or SSD, they will need to be replaced. Otherwise, World of Tanks will not work stably. This is why hardware problems are the most expensive to fix.

Solving the World of Tanks freezing problem

Firstly, we found out why World of Tanks crashes. To do this, the use of mods has been disabled. Reinstalled video card drivers. We scanned the RAM and hard drive. If at these stages it was not possible to solve the problem, it is better to reinstall the game. Please pay special attention that the presence of anti-virus software on your computer in most cases requires its preliminary configuration before launching World of Tanks. You will need to ensure that the ports needed to run the game are open. Once the ports are open, add an exception for World of Tanks to all firewalls and firewalls on your PC. Don't forget that your router may also have a built-in firewall. You will also have to configure your router, opening unhindered access to World of Tanks connections.

Secondly, instability of work, freezing and then when throws you out of World of Tanks may cause your computer to have insufficient system resources. When installing World of Tanks, you are prompted to choose whether to install the SD version or the HD version. The top HD version runs on the Core engine and uses the most advanced technologies, saving PC resources and delivering maximum graphics in the game. However, if your PC is not the newest, we recommend installing the SD version of World of Tanks. This will allow the game to run much more stable and faster. In addition, choosing the SD version allows

Many have encountered a problem when, in the middle of a battle, right behind the wheel of a tank, the game simply crashed, ruining the mood of both the player and the team members. To prevent this from happening, you need to know why World of Tanks is being thrown out of the game.

The reasons, as well as the nature of the departures, may be different. From a simple disconnection from the server to a complete shutdown of the game. Let's start in order.

Disconnections from the server most often occur due to server overload or packet sending errors

And if in the first case, the player cannot change the situation in any way, then in the second, an excellent solution would be to purchase a stable and high-speed Internet. If a player is on Wi-Fi, then you should make sure that there is no one else on Wi-Fi besides him.

Another option for the development of the event could be to simply turn off the game and the player will look at the desktop in bewilderment, in most cases this is due to outdated drivers. To prevent this outcome, simply updating your drivers to the latest version is enough.

Another cause of trouble is the lack or exhaustion of free space and, as a result, a crash. Switching the antivirus to game mode, or even better, turning it off, will help make the work of the RAM a little easier.

In version 9.16, the client itself was crude and crashed due to a bug.

Well, perhaps the most common reason is weak iron. Very often, owners of weak computers, out of their stupidity, wonder why they throw World of Tanks out of the game or why it does not start at all. If the PC does not turn off WoT all the time, but from time to time, then most likely this means that the game is causing it to overload and for emergency load shedding, it stops the most demanding process. There is an option to ease the suffering - download the so-called fixes. An archive of textures that will replace standard and beautiful models with less attractive and less demanding ones.

Errors during installation in some cases cause inconvenience to players

The absence of any code in the executable file, the absence of a file necessary for the game and God knows what else. Because of this, the game does not have a connecting link between one action and another and the system turns it off.

Viruses can significantly affect the gameplay process, throwing the player out for no reason. They can also lead to fatal consequences, due to which not only VoT, but the entire system may suffer an irreparable blow. Although the option of disabling the antivirus for the sake of the game was mentioned above, after finishing it it should be immediately returned to working condition. If the virus has completely infected the game files, you should completely reinstall the game.

Some of the problems listed are fairly easy to solve, others not so much, but it usually works.

The first difficulties may begin at the stage of the game launcher. If the launcher crashes after launching, you will need to configure it correctly.

  1. Remove the Updates and Wargaming.net folders from the Windows system folders: XP C:\Documents and Settings\UseName\Local Settings\temp, Vista and Win 7 C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp
  2. Launch the launcher again, specifying port 6881 and using a torrent connection.
  3. We add the game to the firewall and antivirus exceptions (if you are using a standard firewall, this is done directly in the launcher settings).

Launcher freezes, gear spins

If you see a picture like this, try the following:

The game crashes after clicking "Play"

Launcher launched normally, but when you press the “Play” button it doesn’t start or the game client itself crashes? The following options are possible.

System requirements do not meet

Although WoT performs well on older PCs, there are minimum requirements without which the game will not run. Only upgrading your computer will help.

Incorrect graphics settings

Crashes are possible if you used graphics settings higher than the computer can handle. Difficulties can begin both during the battle and when the game itself starts.
To resolve this, select more modest graphics settings, starting with the recommended settings.

Rights and Compatibility Issues

Security systems in new operating systems (from Vista and newer) do not always provide games with comfortable conditions for launching. Try running Tanki with administrator rights and in compatibility mode.

  1. Right-click on the WoT shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. Go to the “Compatibility” tab.
  3. We set the level of rights and check various compatibility modes.

Drivers for video card are not suitable

To run the game correctly and ensure good performance, be sure to install drivers on your video card.

  1. Visit the NVIDIA or AMD/ATI website to find a driver for your device.
  2. Select your video card model from the list on the website.
  3. Download the full installer (we do not recommend using the update).
  4. Install the drivers.

Windows system components are missing

For correct operation of Tanks, quite a lot of auxiliary programs are required. If they are not on your computer, you will not be able to launch World of Tanks. Let's briefly go through the components necessary for launch. link).

Individual case

If all the above recommendations do not help, you should contact the Wargaming.net support forum to resolve the issue. To get an accurate decision, be as informative as possible when preparing your application.

  • PC configuration;
  • under what circumstances does the game crash?
  • what have you already tried to solve;

We hope that these methods will allow you to resolve the issue of client crashes and help you enjoy playing Tanks to the fullest. If none of this helps, try deleting it and again, or write in the comments, we will try to help you.

Often players in World ofTanks A problem arises: a critical error occurs in the World of Tanks launcher. What is this and how to solve it - you ask. We will help you figure out the error when starting the game and if it is impossible for the application to continue working.

In a nutshell, various actions can help deal with this problem: from the need to reinstall the game to examining its registry and completely updating the Microsoft system files.

Important to remember that game errors are saved in a file called WOTLauncher.log, which is located in the World of Tanks installation folder. Its standard path is: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks.

So, let's first turn to the most popular method of fixing the problem. The error when starting World of tanks will disappear if you delete all game files to start from scratch. Then download the latest version of the World of Tanks client to your PC and reinstall it. But this does not give a 100% guarantee that the error will not occur again in World of Tanks.

If these simple steps do not help, look for solutions below.

World of Tanks won't start? Read on!

Problem #1: Not enough free space on your hard drive

Sometimes the user simply forgets to check whether World of Tanks is enough for his client. Or it loads the disk to the point of “I can’t”, updates the game client, and is surprised - an error constantly appears when starting World of Tanks. The solution is simple - always make sure that there are 16 GB of free space on the disk if you want to install or update the game. At the same time, if you install the game on more than one disk with your software, then make sure that there is also enough space for Windows.

Problem #2: lack of admin rights.

If this is the problem, then you can be saved by right-clicking on the game icon and selecting “run as administrator” in Windows 7, and “run as administrator” in Windows XP, and then select “administrator”.

Problem unknown

If you don’t know why a critical error occurs in World of Tanks, then use the following tips.

First option.

Download a file called WoT_0.8.6_ru_install.rar from the official website of the game (or from a torrent) (its size is 5GB).

After this, you will find the WoT_internet_install_ru.exe file and the WoT_internet_install_ru folder.

In the WoT_internet_install_ru folder there will be

  • 141_launcher,
  • 2718_client,
  • 2719_86.2718_client,
  • 277204_content_ru.

You need the second, third and fourth files.

Create a World of Tanks folder wherever you want and click on the third of the above files.

It should work, and the World of Tanks error won't bother you.

If this doesn't work, try the following.

Have fun playing World of Tanks, and make fewer mistakes!

Option two.

Open the registry editor menu using the key combination CTRL+R regedit enter.

  • 0.21022.8
  • 0.30304.0
  • 0.30729.1
  • 0.30729.4148

Change the key named Default to 9.0.30729.4148. Save and exit the editor.

After starting the game, the error should disappear.

The cause of the problem may lie in the installation of the game client or in its installer. So you need to check their integrity.

That is, World of Tanks error, inability to install, etc. may occur if you have not completely downloaded the installation file. Then it makes sense to visit the World of Tanks website or scour the Internet to find the current version of the game and download it for yourself.

Client checksums are checked using Total Commander or the MD5summer application. Moreover, one or the other is equally good for the full version and the updated one. When you download the checksum file, place it in the folder with the installer or patch.

If you are using Total Commander, then do the following:

  • Open the folder with the file that contains the checksum information, click on it to run.
  • You will see that a window has appeared that displays the progress of the scan. Wait until the process completes. Then there are two options: it may not generate an error (which means that the client is unharmed and loaded intact), or errors will be detected. To fix them, you will have to download the client installer again.

If you decide to use MD5summer:

  • Select the md5summer.exe file and move it to the folder in which the downloaded checksum file and the game installer are located.
  • Next, a window with the application interface menu will open. Select among all the items the one called Verify sums
  • Next you have to select md5 and click on it.
  • A window will appear showing the results of the verification process.
  • The application has indicators: green if there are no errors, red if there are any. Next, perform the same actions as when using Total Commander

The official representative of Wargaming is also aware of the possibility of failures in the client, so in case the launcher does not work, an error in World of Tanks prevents you from playing normally, you can use the advice of the developers.

You can download the graphics driver update to your PC. The latest version for the video card can be found on the official websites of nVidia, Radeon or Intel. Make sure you have the latest update for your driver. Then a lot of nerves and strength will be saved.

If this does not solve the problem, then perhaps the solution lies in the need to install the latest version of DirectX, which is suitable for the operating system you are using. You can download either a file that will automatically install the application on your PC, or an archive file.

For the normal functioning of World of tanks, you will also need installed libraries: Visual C++ 2008 (located on the Microsoft service, available for both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the OS), Visual C++ 2010, NET Framework, which requires that you There were several versions present at once: version 3.0, version 3.5, version 4.0. In addition to the fact that a World of tanks critical error may occur, there may also be interruptions in the functioning of the sound. To do this, update your audio driver.

Problems launching the Wargaming client

Unable to update client

If, upon startup, you receive messages about the impossibility of updating the client, the impossibility of further working in it, etc., then do this.

Exit the game and look for wargaming.net, which is usually located on the C drive in the Users folder.

If you don’t want to change the folder visibility settings, then use the already well-known TotalCommander.

After this, turn off your antivirus program for a while.

Select the launcher, where in the settings menu enter the 6881st port for input connections.

Now you can activate your antivirus and scan your PC. You can also create a new account in Windows and run the system under it.

Unable to download update file via http

The following World of tanks error may occur due to the inability to download the update file via http. To solve this version of the problem, perform the same steps as in the previous version, starting with the point about using 6881 points for input connections.

If errors continue to appear, your only option is to contact Wargaming support.

Enjoy your game in World of Tanks, and fewer errors when starting!


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