Increase the volume through the Sony xperia engineering menu. How to increase volume on Sony Xperia

Probably many smartphone owners have encountered volume problems. For example, I was not happy with two things. The first is the quiet sound of the speaker when there is an incoming call, and the second is the very loud sound in the headphones when there is an incoming call.

A little about how Android controls volume

If no headset is connected to your gadget (headphones, hands-free, etc.), then the volume settings will be the same, but as soon as you connect the headset, the settings will be different. For a general understanding, I will tell you a few examples.

Example 1. You listen to music on your phone, turn on the loud speaker at full power, and when you connect a headset to it and turn on the loud speaker again, the volume may differ (it can be louder or lower, depending on what model of phone or firmware version).

Example 2. You are watching a movie with headphones, the volume (meaning the multimedia volume) is set to 40% and then after a while you have an incoming call, then the volume in the headphones will change to the general volume, in which case you can get a powerful sound shock to your ears. Believe me, I jumped off the couch more than once in such cases, the fact is that the programmers did not set up the volume modes well.

Example 3. You're on a call and need to switch to speakerphone mode, and you notice that the speaker isn't as loud (or vice versa) as when listening to music; or your partner has become difficult to hear you, this is because in different modes the microphone may have different sensitivity. Also, when you connect a headset in the same situation and turn on the speakerphone mode, the settings are different again. This is how Android controls volume.

Let's learn the theory of the engineering menu

So let's look at what and how you can do if you tinker a little with the “Engineering Menu”.

Before making any changes, we recommend that you read the entire article, understand it, and then experiment. Also, take a piece of paper and write down all the default values ​​in case something goes wrong. You can launch the engineering menu using a telephone dialer: enter the following combinations on it (Fig. 1):

picture 1

*#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#* – smartphones based on MTK processor

*#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* – Samsung smartphones

*#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* – HTC smartphones

*#*#7378423#*#* – Sony smartphones

*#*#3646633#*#* – Fly, Alcatel, Philips smartphones

*#*#2846579#*#* – Huawei smartphones

Congratulations, you have entered the engineering menu (Fig. 2). Keep in mind that the menu structure on different phones may differ slightly in structure. Find the “Audio” section and go into it. After logging in, we see a bunch of unknown lines (modes) (Fig. 3). Here's what these modes mean in Android:

Figure 2 Figure 3

Normal Mode(Settings section in normal or normal mode) – this mode is active when nothing is connected to the smartphone;

Headset Mode(headset mode) – this mode is activated after connecting headphones or external speakers;

Loud Speaker Mode(speaker mode) – it is activated when nothing is connected to the smart phone, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode(speaker mode with a headset connected) – this mode is activated when you connect headphones or external speakers to the smart phone, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

Speech Enhancement(phone conversation mode) – this mode is activated in the normal mode of telephone conversations, and nothing is connected to it (headset, external speakers) and the speakerphone is not turned on.

It’s best not to poke your nose into the last three sections:

Debug Info– it’s not clear why – info on backing up information or debugging it;

Speech Logger– I haven’t fully figured it out, most likely it was logging during negotiations or recording chatter. If you check the box next to “Enable speech log”, then after the end of the phone call, the corresponding files are created in the root directory of the memory card. Their name and structure take the following form: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm (Wednesday_July_2014__time07_02_23.vm).

What these files serve and how they can be useful to us is unclear. The /sdcard/VOIP_DebugInfo directory (which is the storage location for files with backup information) is not created automatically; if you create it manually, it will remain empty after the conversation.

Audio logger– good software for recording sound that supports quick search, playback and saving.

If you approach these modes wisely, you can adjust the volume of Android smartphones or tablets the way you want. When you enter any of the modes, different volume settings (Type) will become available to your view. Here is a list of the basic settings you need to know (Fig. 4):

figure 4

Sip– settings for Internet calls;

Mic– microphone sensitivity settings;

Sph– settings for the earpiece speaker (the one we put on our ears);

Sph2– settings for the second speaker (I don’t have one);

Sid– skip, if you change these parameters during conversations on your smartphone or tablet, you can hear yourself instead of your interlocutor;

Media– adjusting the multimedia volume level;

Ring– adjusting the volume level of the incoming call;

FMR– FM radio volume settings.

Next, under the settings selection item, we have access to a list of volume levels (Level) (Fig. 5). For a better understanding, there are 7 such levels, from level 0 to level 6. Each level corresponds to one “click” on the volume rocker of a smartphone or tablet. Accordingly, level 0 is the quietest level, and level 6 is the loudest signal level. Each level can be assigned its own values, which are located in the Value is 0~255 cell, and should not go beyond the range from 0 to 255 (the lower the value, the lower the sound). To do this, you need to erase the old value in the cell, then enter a new one (desired) and press the “Set” button (the one next to the cell) to assign (Fig. 6). When using the maximum values, be careful as the speakers may produce uncharacteristic unpleasant sounds in the form of rattling and other unpleasant effects.

Figure 5 Figure 6

Warning! Before making changes, rewrite all factory values ​​(in case something goes wrong).

You should know this!

Editing modes in the engineering menu

Example 1. How to increase the volume of an incoming call?

To do this, you need to go to the engineering menu, select the “Audio” section, go to the “LoudSpeaker Mode” and in the volume settings select “Ring” - the volume settings for the incoming call. Then sequentially change (increase) the values ​​of all signal levels (level 0 – level 6). Also, for greater effect, you can increase the value of the Max Vol section. 0~160, if it is not the maximum (I set it to 155, with a higher value the speaker starts to “wheeze”).

Example 2. How to increase the volume when talking on the phone? (Increasing the volume level of the small speaker that we put to the ear).

Again, we go to the engineering menu that we already know, press the “Audio” section, go to the special “Normal Mode” mode, select Sph in it - this parameter is responsible for changing the value of all signal levels in the range from level 0 to level 6. Set the desired one for us level. In the Max Vol. 0~160, can also be changed to a higher volume power value.

Example 3. Increasing the volume and sensitivity of the smartphone's conversational microphone

To adjust and set the required volume level and sensitivity of the spoken microphone, you need to go to “Engineering Menu”> “Audio”> “Normal Mode”> select Mic - microphone sensitivity settings, and for all levels (level 0 - level 6) assign one and the same value, for example 240. Now the interlocutor should hear you better.

Example 4. How can I increase the audio recording volume during video recording?

Let’s say there is a need to increase the volume level of sound recording when shooting video, then in the engineering menu for our loudspeaker (LoudSpeaker Mode), change the microphone sensitivity settings (mic), increase all values ​​at all levels (level 0 – level 6), for example, set to 240 at every level. I remind you to press the (set) button - reboot your favorite gadget and rejoice.

By the way, do not forget to press the “Set” button after each edit of a certain parameter. This action should capture and accept your command. Otherwise, the user-specified parameters are not activated. In addition, a certain number of mobile devices require a reboot for the changes to take effect (turn off and on the device).

Good luck in your experiments, if something is not clear, write in the comments. We are waiting for your answers.

Code table for entering the engineering menu

smartphones based on MTK processor *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#8612#*#*
Samsung *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
HTC *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
Huawei *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#14789632#*#*
Sony *#*#7378423#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#3649547#*#*
Fly, Alcatel, Philips *#*#3646633#*#* or *#9646633#
Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#*
ZTE *#*#4636#*#*
Philips *#*#3338613#*#* or *#*#13411#*#*
TEXET *#*#3646633#*#*
Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
Blackview *#*#3646633#*#* or *#35789#*
Cube *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*
Cubot *#*#3646633#*#*
Doogee *#*#3646633#*#*, *#9646633# , *#35789#* or *#*#8612#*#*
Elephone *#*#3646633#*#*,
HOMTOM *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3643366#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*

Note: the table is constantly updated

Sound is an important characteristic of any communication device, because a lot depends on it: sufficient volume allows you not to miss a call, and the correct microphone setting allows the interlocutor to hear you loudly and clearly. But what if the maximum sound volume of your headphones, microphone or speaker is not enough? Sound settings change spontaneously, and the maximum volume is limited by an automatic “safe limit”?

There are several ways to increase the sound volume on Android: using standard sound controls, using equalizer programs, and also through the engineering menu. But first things first.

An easy way to control the audio level on your phone

The fastest way to adjust the volume on an Android device is with the Volume+ and Volume- keys, usually located at the end of the device. They are responsible for the volume of the active mode. If you press a key on the main screen (desktop), the volume of notifications is adjusted; in a game or player, the media volume is adjusted. Most often, in the pop-up window with the volume slider, you can select “More” (usually looks like a down arrow) and adjust the volume of all possible sounds on the device.

Other settings options are available at: “Settings” menu, “Notifications” item. There are several standard sound profiles to choose from; you can change the “General” profile to suit your needs.

Photo gallery: setting up sound on Android in detail for smartphones and tablets

Setting the ringer volume Setting the volume of media effects The pop-up window can be expanded by clicking on the down arrow
In the menu, you must select “notifications.” The “Notifications” item presents basic sound settings, profiles and alert modes. The “General” profile is available for detailed settings.
On different device models, additional options for improving sound may differ. The number of options, except for the device model, depends on the Android version

In addition to the standard settings, in different versions of Android you can find other useful functions: options for improving sound for headphones, increasing speaker volume, surround sound effects and others.

How to improve the quality and volume of sound using programs

Typically, Android devices have standard applications for sound control - equalizers. But if the manufacturer did not bother to add such a program, or the standard one does not meet all the requirements, dozens of analogues for every taste are always available for download from the official Play Market application store. Let's look at the main ones.

Volume Booster Plus

When you need to increase the Android volume level, but there is neither time nor desire to go into the engineering menu, the Volume Booster Plus program will come to the rescue. The lack of Russian language in the interface will not prevent you from using the program: after the first launch, the application will inform you that it will analyze the characteristics of the device and select the optimal settings for amplifying the sound. To do this: press the Start keys successively, Next twice, then Boost, and then wait for the setup process to complete. The result will be a window with the title Success. All! The device volume is increased by 2 by the specified percentage. You can close the application.

Photo gallery: setting up sound on Android using Volume Booster Plus

Increase ringtone volume using Simple EQ

For detailed sound settings, Simple EQ is one of the simplest free equalizers on Android.

Increasing the volume can be achieved by controlling the frequency sliders 60 Hz, 230 Hz and others. Bass and stereo effect enhancement is also available. After the first launch, the program remains running in the background and provides the specified level of volume and sound quality in all usage scenarios.

In the image: adjusting sound on Android using the Simple EQ Equalizer

You can download the program from its official page in the Android application store - download Simple EQ Equalizer.

How to make a loud call through the engineering menu

The most advanced volume settings are available through the device's engineering menu.

It is worth noting that an ignorant user should not wander around the engineering menu without a clear goal. A careless “poke” or a tick in the wrong place can both format the device and deprive the radio module of its treasured frequencies: the device will stop “catching” the Internet or making calls. But if you do everything according to the instructions and do not deviate from the letter of the manual, you can adjust the sound volume in no time.

You can enter the engineering menu using the service code or through an intermediary program - MTK Engineering Mode (only for devices with an MTK processor).

You can download the program to enter the engineering menu from a device on an MTK processor from its official page in the Android application store - MTK Engineering Mode.

Video: How to set up quiet speakers

Video instructions on how to increase the speaker volume:

You need to enter the service code in the dialing field (in the “dialer”), which one depends on the device manufacturer.

Table: service codes for different models of Android devices

After which the engineering menu will open. In it, by swiping from right to left, you need to go to the Hardware Testing page and open the Audio item.

Photo gallery: how to add sound using the Android service menu

There are several items in the Audio section, we will focus on the first five:

  • Normal Mode - is responsible for the volume level in normal mode, without headphones or other audio devices;
  • Headset Mode - operating mode with a connected headset (headphones, portable speakers, etc.);
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode;
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - hands-free mode with a headset;
  • Speech Enhancement - conversation mode (without a headset).

Is the music coming from the speaker not loud enough? Your choice is Normal Mode. Can't hear your interlocutor? Click Speech Enhancement. Is the sound from the game wheezing in your headphones at maximum volume? Headset Mode. And so on, depending on the circumstances.

When you have decided on the mode, tapping on it takes you to a settings page with several values.

Photo gallery: how to change the sound of a microphone, headphones, strengthen conversational and music speakers on Android

Type - the list contains the type of equipment being configured, its items mean:

  • Sip - volume of Internet calls;
  • Mic - microphone volume;
  • Sph - speaker volume (for talking on the phone);
  • Sph2 - second earpiece (rare);
  • Sid - do not touch (problems are possible!);
  • Media - playback volume of media files (Music, Games, Video);
  • Ring - ringer volume level;
  • FMR - FM radio volume.

Next is a list of volume levels - Level, usually there are seven of them. Each level corresponds to one press of the volume key. Level 0 is the quietest, and Level 6 is the loudest signal level. Here you can set your values, in the input cell opposite the inscription “Value is 0~255” (the specified limits may differ from device to device). Accordingly, the lower the value in this cell, the lower the volume. After making changes, you must click the Set button and the settings will be saved.

The bottom one in the window will be “Max Vol. 0~160", the value in the input field is responsible for the maximum possible volume, one for all Levels.

Attention! Before changing the default settings, overwrite the factory settings or save screenshots (usually a snapshot can be taken by pressing the Volume Down key and the Power key at the same time) so that if the change is unsuccessful, you can return to the previous settings. It is also highly recommended not to use maximum values: try to limit yourself to an increase of 10–20 points. Otherwise, the risk of speaker failure increases: the appearance of noise, distortion, or completely turning off the speaker or microphone of the device.

When you have decided on setting the required sound mode, you can close the engineering menu and reboot the device, then all changes will be applied.

What to do if the volume limit turns on - how to remove it

Some device models, as well as versions of the Android operating system, automatically limit the maximum sound volume when you connect headphones or increase the volume above a certain value, in this case, you can use the Volume Boost program or its analogue. Just install, run, and in the Settings tab, check the box next to Auto Start (this will allow the application to load automatically and always run in the background). There you can also check the box and activate the application control widget, and by placing it on the desktop, you can independently turn on and off the volume limit so as not to keep the program always active.

Photo gallery: removing restrictions on the maximum volume of music on Android using Volume Boost

Eliminate spontaneous volume changes

Sometimes users encounter the rare problem of spontaneously switching the volume level; this can be caused by several factors:

  • Most often, this problem is found in owners of overly “smart” Samsung or HTC devices, as well as little-known Eastern brands. First of all, in the “Settings” > “Sound” menu, you need to check the presence of the “auto volume control” item. The name may differ and contain phrases: in the case, in the pocket, on the table. If you have problems with sound, try starting by disabling such options.
  • Owners of older Samsung smartphones, such as the Galaxy S4, can find malicious settings at: Settings > My Device > Calls > Ring Loudly in Bag.
  • Also, similar settings can be in the “Settings” > “Accessibility” menu and called: Smart Case, Auto Volume, Pocket Mode.
  • If the device is equipped with a protective bumper or case, it would be a good idea to check whether the physical sound control keys are stuck.

But remember! If on your device, when you connect a headset (headphones, portable speakers), the message “safe limit” appears and reduces the maximum volume, this limit is set by the manufacturer for a reason. First of all, we are talking about the health of the person using the headset. Protect your hearing.

Do you also feel like your Android is too quiet? Would you like to improve it? Learning how to increase volume on Android by editing a file mixer_path.xml or engineering menu.

Are you also annoyed that almost all Android smartphones and tablets have low sound volume (low sound)? The thing is that there are certain standards that manufacturers adhere to when producing smartphones and tablets. The main goal of these standards is “to do no harm,” but sometimes such care only harms the user.

Increase the volume on Android

In this article we will learn how to increase the sound volume by editing a file. mixer_path.xml or using the engineering menu.

Using the engineering menu (for MTK chips)

This method does not work on all devices, but it is still worth a try.

  1. Open the dialer in Android and enter one of the following engineering code combinations *#3646633# or *#*#3646633#*#*
  2. After entering the code, the special engineering menu “EngineerMod” may appear with a delay.
  3. Scroll to the “Hardware Testing” tab and select the “Audio” section
  4. To increase the volume on the speakers, select “Normal Mode”; to increase the volume on the headphones, select “Headset Mode”
  5. Select the desired menu “Normal Mode” or “Headset Mode”
  6. In the menu you will see the “Type” item, select the “Media” type from the list
  7. Next you will see “Levels” and their values ​​“Value” and “Max Vol” change the current values ​​to those that we will provide you with:
    Level 0 - Value 45 / Max Vol 160
    Level 1 - Value 60 / Max Vol 160
    Level 2 - Value 75 / Max Vol 160
    Level 3 - Value 90 / Max Vol 160
    Level 4 - Value 105 / Max Vol 160
    Level 5 - Value 120 / Max Vol 160
    Level 6 - Value 135 / Max Vol 160
    Level 7 - Value 150 / Max Vol 160
    Level 8 - Value 165 / Max Vol 160
    Level 9 - Value 180 / Max Vol 160
    Level 10 - Value 195 / Max Vol 160
    Level 11 - Value 210 / Max Vol 160
    Level 12 - Value 225 / Max Vol 160
    Level 13 - Value 240 / Max Vol 160
    Level 14 - Value 255 / Max Vol 160
  8. After each change is made to each Level, you must press the button Set
  9. Restart Android and enjoy the increased sound volume

By editing mixer_path.xml

Not all smartphones and tablets have mixer_path.xml!

Before you start!

This article assumes that your Android device has Root rights! Without them, you won't succeed!

Now let's move on to increasing the volume on Android.

And so in order to change something you will need one of these suggested file managers installed:

Now open it and go to the path: /system/etc

You need to find the configuration file mixer_path.xml:
Just in case, make a copy of this file and let's start editing it!

Editing mixer_path.xml in Android

Option No. 1 (values ​​under the parameter)

Option No. 2 (parameters, general values)

If the file structure mixer_path.xml different from proposed above option, then we use this method.

That's all! Read more articles and instructions in the section Articles and Android Hacks. Stay with the site Android +1, it will be even more interesting further!

If you are trying to find a way to increase the speaker volume on Android, you will probably come to this page.

And rest assured, here you will find this method, and more than one.

In this case, intuition or the “trial and error” method will help you choose the best option from the proposed set of methods.

In any case, you will be pleased with the result, but for now let’s start looking at the problem.


What you should pay attention to?

Sound problems, one way or another, can occur with any device - both budget and quite expensive.

However, the ways to solve these problems are almost identical, since the software part of systems of the same generation will always be similar, even with some differences.

Accordingly, minimal differences in the setup process will be associated to a greater extent with the features of the operating system version.

As for the sound features of the device itself, it is worth noting that the differences in the sound of an expensive and budget device will still be noticeable.

And not all software tools are capable of correcting the sound quality of speakers or Android devices.

Thus, if the sound produced by such a speaker is increased, hardware problems may arise as a counterbalance.

For example, the speaker will begin to produce sound at unauthorized frequencies and, as a result, extraneous noise will appear during the sound, including squeaks, wheezing, crackling and, possibly, popping.

Therefore, when selecting settings, keep in mind that such problems may arise and try to avoid mistakes in order to maintain the functionality of the device.

Standard way to solve the problem

Before moving on to the most stringent control measures on Android, let's look at the rules for standard volume control.

Note that the volume can be adjusted both globally for all system sounds and for individual applications, which is especially important when you seem to have set the sound to full volume, but in the media player the composition is played quietly.

In this situation, everything can be solved mechanically, i.e. using the volume rocker key.

It should be used not when the desktop is displayed on the screen, but precisely when a given application is running.

For example, in conversation mode the volume will be adjusted specifically for communication, and when viewing a gallery, the volume of the video being played will be adjusted.

Using this method, most users come to the conclusion that in some situations the sound of the smartphone is excessive, and in other situations it is insufficient.

The correct way to solve the problem

The second method of adjusting sound involves the use of other standard tools - software.

Their functionality is limited to just a few categories that regulate sound volume:

  • calls;
  • talk;
  • system sounds;
  • media files.

It only takes a few steps to get to these adjustments. The first step is to find the system application called “Settings”.

Its shortcut looks like a gear, regardless of the applied theme.

It is inside it that hides the hinges, thanks to which you can fine-tune the sound of each of the above categories.

It is worth noting that the clarity of such adjustments leaves much to be desired, despite the modern interface.

However, after playing with the hinges using short and long taps (with holding), it is not difficult to understand how the application works.

At the same time, if these settings are set to the maximum, this will only be a limit that the device manufacturer or the developer of proprietary firmware on the base does not allow to be violated, and in order to violate them, it is necessary to use other methods.

Rice. 2 – Volume control window

Software method for solving the problem

When the built-in capabilities of a gadget seem insufficient, the user’s first reaction is to use third-party software. There are a great many of them in.

But before you give up searching for it "Volume Booster", it is worth paying attention to the fact that not all software tools give complete freedom of action.

Some applications have rather narrow functionality and simply maximize the hardware power of speakers and microphones, which is completely wrong, and a similar result can be achieved using hidden built-in tools, which will be discussed later.

In the meantime, let's pay attention to the fact that with the help of one application you can not only improve the sound, but also improve the quality of the reproduced sound thanks to the special software tricks used.

Therefore, it would be more correct to look not for a volume increaser, but for something like an audio center or utility for.

Therefore, when choosing them, you need to clearly understand which team you are choosing.

To access the volume settings, you need to find “Hardware testing” among the application windows.

Most models allow you to do this by swiping sideways. In the list that appears on the screen, you will need to select the “Audio” category.

After this, the adjustment window will become available.

Inside it, you will need to select a value for a drop-down list with a custom mode that contains values, and the most important ones are the first ones:

For each of them there is a list of virtual and physical devices:

  • FMR – FM radio;
  • Media – media player;
  • Mic – microphone;
  • Ring – call;
  • Sip – network sounds;
  • Sph – conversational speaker;
  • Sph2 – additional speaker (not available on all models).

Each of them has several volume levels, starting from zero. Values ​​are set for them manually.

Setting the device volume

To correctly set the highest volume value for a virtual or physical device, you need to go to the highest level in the list, for example, 13Level.

For it in the corresponding cell you will need to increase the standard value by several points.

The highest and lowest values ​​available for that device will be listed in parentheses to the side.

All selected parameters will be applied immediately, immediately after pressing the “Set” button located next to the cell where the numbers are entered.

Please note: each Level is responsible for one press of the volume rocker key. Therefore, if you enter the volume value not in a given order, the sound will change accordingly.

Rice. 5 – Value setting form

Increase volume on Android to maximum in 2 minutes (increase volume android)

If you are tired of listening while watching a movie on your Android smartphone, the interlocutor complains that you are hard to hear - increase the speaker volume to maximum and adjust the microphone sensitivity using the Android engineering menu.


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