Rack inurl guestbook php cmd. "Cheap Cialis inurl guestbook php

Hello readers website)

In this article we will look at Phoca Guestbook - a guest book component for Joomla sites.

What can we say about this component... It is very simple and easy to administer, it has a sufficient number of settings for posting reviews on your website.

Features of Phoca Guestbook:

  • selecting access rights for users;
  • filtering unwanted words and phrases;
  • blocking IP addresses;
  • limiting the number of printed characters;
  • captcha;
  • modernization of messages (checked by a moderator);
  • appearance of reviews (color, name display, e-mail display and website address).

So let's look at the component.

After installation, Phoca Guestbook does not need global settings.

Control Panel:

  • Posts - all messages left by users;
  • Guestbooks - categories (created guest books);
  • Info - Information and component update.

As you can see, in the picture on the right there is a "Options" button. If you click on it, you can more extensively configure the guest book and the component itself.



Display Subject In Form

(Yes | Yes (required) | No) show or hide the Object field in the form, set if the Subject field is required

Display Name In Form

(Yes | Yes (required) | No) show or hide the field name in the form, set if the Name field is required

Display Email In Form

(Yes | Yes (required) | No) show or hide the e-mail field in the form, set the e-mail field if required

Display Website In Form

(Yes | Yes (required) | No) show or hide the Website field in the form, set the field if a website is required

Display Content In Form

(Yes | Yes (required) | No) show or hide the contents of the field in the form

Enable Javascript Editor

(Yes | No) Enable or disable JavaScript Editor

Display Path In Javascript Editor

(Yes | No) show or hide JavaScript editor path information

(Hide | Display) Set if the form should be displayed or not.

(Top | Bottom) Select Current Location

Display Required Sign

(Yes | No) Set to display fields that are required

(Yes | No) Set to display messages.

width (in pixels)

height (in pixels)

Set the width of the table (the table in which the form is displayed, in pixels)



If an unregistered user leaves a message, you can give him a default name. For example: Guest

Username Or Name

(Username | First name) select the name that should be displayed in the Guest Book (Username or real username)

Disable User Check

(No | Yes) User verification (disabling this option is not recommended)

Registered Users Only

(Yes | No) If Yes, then only registered users can add new messages

(Yes | No) If yes, the message will be displayed after admin approval

to send a letter



Display Name In Post

(Yes | No) show or hide name (username) (guestbook)

Display Email In Post

(Yes | No) show or hide email (guest book)

Display Website In Post

(Yes | No) show or hide the site in (guest book)

Set date format

Set font color

Second Font Color

Set second font color (date font color)

Background Color

Set background color

Setting the border color

Pagination Default Value

Set default value for pagination

Set page numbering. Separated by a comma (,)

Pagination Hide All

(Yes | No) all values ​​will be hidden (pagination)



Forbidden Word Filter

Set prohibited words that will not be displayed in the interface. Words are separated from each other by a comma (,)

Forbidden Whole Word Filter

Set all prohibited words that will not be displayed in the interface. Words are separated from each other by a comma (,)

Save post with forbidden words

(Yes | No) If yes, then posts that include banned words will be saved in the guestbook (banned words will be hidden if saved)

Add the IPs you want to block. Separate each IP with a comma (,)

Maximum Characters

Set the maximum number of characters they can be stored in the database

Set the maximum number of URLs that can be displayed in a post (0: no links will be shown in posts, -1: all URLs will be shown in posts, e.g. 3: only three links from all URLs will be shown in posts)

Not Allowed URL Identification Words

A set of words that will determine whether URLs are allowed in the message. Separate each word with a comma (,). Example:: / /,. HTM,. ASP. JSP,. PHP, WWW.,. COM,. ORG,.

Enable or disable Captcha protection

Change this parameter only if you will not see the captcha.

Enable Captcha - Users

(All | Not registered) Captcha display option for user groups (whether to show the captcha to registered users)

Standard Captcha Characters

Numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase characters that will be displayed in the standard Captcha image

Math Captcha Characters

Numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase characters that will be displayed in Math Captcha images

TTF Symbols

Numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase characters that will be displayed in TTF Captcha images

TTF Captcha Characters

To display the re-captcha, enter the public code

reCAPTCHA Public Key

Install Public Key recaptcha

Enable Akismet Spam Protection

(No | Yes) Sends all data of the new geustbook entry to Akismet - a web service for checking spam

Block Spam (Akismet)

(No | Yes) Block posts that are not verified by Akismet

Install the Akismet API key to be used in Akismet-Spam. Get yours at https://akismet.com/signup/ for free

The main URL of your site. (The URL must include the http:// prefix)

Enable HTML Purifier

(No | Yes) Enable or disable HTML Purifier

Set session suffix (This is a security feature, to change the session name, set a unique suffix, for example: a100b20c3)

Enable Hidden Field

(No | Yes) Enable or disable hidden fields. Some spam bots try to fill in all the fields on the spot; if they fill out this hidden field that a person cannot see, the entry will not be added to the guest book.

(Yes | No) Enable cache.

Enable Detecting Incoming Page

(Yes | No) Enable or disable incoming page detection. This is a security feature. If you enable it, the page from which the guest book post came will be saved and displayed in the interface.

How to search correctly using google.com

Everyone probably knows how to use a search engine like Google =) But not everyone knows that if you correctly compose a search query using special constructions, you can achieve the results of what you are looking for much more efficiently and quickly =) In this article I will try to show that and what you need to do to search correctly

Google supports several advanced search operators that have special meaning when searching on google.com. Typically, these statements change the search, or even tell Google to do completely different types of searches. For example, the design link: is a special operator, and the request link:www.google.com will not give you a normal search, but will instead find all web pages that have links to google.com.
alternative request types

cache: If you include other words in your query, Google will highlight those included words within the cached document.
For example, cache:www.web site will show the cached content with the word "web" highlighted.

link: The search query above will show web pages that contain links to the specified query.
For example: link:www.site will display all pages that have a link to http://www.site

related: Displays web pages that are “related” to the specified web page.
For example, related: www.google.com will list web pages that are similar to Google's home page.

info: Query Information: will present some of the information Google has about the web page you are requesting.
For example, info:website will show information about our forum =) (Armada - Adult Webmasters Forum).

Other information requests

define: The define: query will provide a definition of the words you enter after it, collected from various online sources. The definition will be for the entire phrase entered (that is, it will include all words in the exact query).

stocks: If you start a query with stocks: Google will process the rest of the query terms as stock symbols, and link to a page showing ready-made information for these symbols.
For example, stocks:Intel yahoo will show information about Intel and Yahoo. (Note that you should type breaking news symbols, not the company name)

Query Modifiers

site: If you include site: in your query, Google will limit the results to those websites it finds in that domain.
You can also search by individual zones, such as ru, org, com, etc ( site:com site:ru)

allintitle: If you run a query with allintitle:, Google will limit the results to all the query words in the title.
For example, allintitle: google search will return all Google pages by search such as images, Blog, etc

intitle: If you include intitle: in your query, Google will limit the results to documents containing that word in the title.
For example, intitle:Business

allinurl: If you run a query with allinurl: Google will limit the results to all query words in the URL.
For example, allinurl: google search will return documents with google and search in the title. Also, as an option, you can separate words with a slash (/) then words on both sides of the slash will be searched within the same page: Example allinurl: foo/bar

inurl: If you include inurl: in your query, Google will limit the results to documents containing that word in the URL.
For example, Animation inurl:site

intext: searches only the specified word in the text of the page, ignoring the title and texts of links, and other things not related to. There is also a derivative of this modifier - allintext: those. further, all words in the query will be searched only in the text, which can also be important, ignoring frequently used words in links
For example, intext:forum

daterange: searches in a time frame (daterange:2452389-2452389), dates for times are indicated in Julian format.

Well, and all sorts of interesting examples of queries

Examples of writing queries for Google. For spammers


Site:books.dreambook.com “Homepage URL” “Sign my” inurl:sign

Site:www.freegb.net Homepage

Inurl:sign.asp “Character Count”

“Message:” inurl:sign.cfm “Sender:”

Inurl:register.php “User Registration” “Website”

Inurl:edu/guestbook “Sign the Guestbook”

Inurl:post “Post Comment” “URL”

Inurl:/archives/ “Comments:” “Remember info?”

“Script and Guestbook Created by:” “URL:” “Comments:”

Inurl:?action=add “phpBook” “URL”

Intitle:"Submit New Story"


Inurl:www.livejournal.com/users/ mode=reply

Inurl greatestjournal.com/ mode=reply


Inurl:fastbb.ru /re.pl? "Guest book"



Inurl:typepad.com/ “Post a comment” “Remember personal info?”

Inurl:greatestjournal.com/community/ “Post comment” “addresses of anonymous posters”

“Post comment” “addresses of anonymous posters” -

Intitle:"Post comment"

Inurl:pirillo.com “Post comment”


Inurl:gate.html?”name=Forums” “mode=reply”





Among my referrals, I very often encounter similar difficulties, most of them have spam messages that they either buy or find somewhere on the Internet, but they have nothing to spam with, they do not have a more or less good competitive base. In this article I will try to outline parsing methods, i.e. I will try to teach beginners how to collect as much as possible.

Parsing is the process of collecting resources (sites). Collecting not just sites, but their addresses. We collect these resources for subsequent spam. You can parse anything - guest books, forums, blogs, wikis, the main thing is that you can leave your message in them with a link to your door.
A query is what we enter into a search engine.
The results are those sites that the search engine returns to our request.

Next, I would like to note that the most important thing in parsing is the ability to use a search engine correctly. Therefore, you need to know the query syntax. I'll focus on Google because... it has the largest database compared to other search engines.
Google query syntax.
1) inurl: "xxx" - the search engine will return all sites at the address of which it finds xxx; instead of xxx we can insert any other word, for example guestbook, forum, etc.
2)intitle:"xxx" - the search engine will return all sites in the title of which it will find xxx. Again, instead of xxx there can be any word.
3)site:.xxx.com - the search engine will return all pages from the domain xxx.com; instead of xxx.com there can be any domain of any level. This could be jopa.mail.ru or, for example, simply.ru; if we just leave .ru, the search engine will give us all sites from the domain zone .ru. Instead of .ru there can be .com, .org, .net, etc.
4)intext:"xxx" - the search engine will give us all sites in the text where the word xxx was found. Instead of xxx - any word.
5) “xxx” - the search engine will give us sites in which the word xxx was found (it was found everywhere in the URL or in the text or in the title, it doesn’t matter).
6) - “xxx” - the search engine will give us all sites excluding those in which the word xxx was found. After the minus there may also be inurl:"xxx" intitle:"xxx" site:.xxx.com intext:"xxx", etc.

***You can write the same thing without quotes, but I strongly recommend always using them, because... quotation marks shows Google the severity of the request, and therefore it will not return any rubbish that, in its opinion, also fits the request.

It is very important not only to know the syntax of queries, but also to be able to combine them correctly. This is what we will do now. In fact, everything is very, very simple.

There are a huge number of guest books in the world, but roughly speaking, they are all divided into two main types: similar and non-uniform. Guest letters of the same type are guest cards that have the same endings and the same required fields to fill out.
Here are examples of some of the same type of guests.
Why are these guest rooms convenient:
1) Easy to parse
2) Easier to analyze (if 10 guests of this type are not spammed, then all the others most likely will not be spammed either)

So, I would advise beginners to start by collecting exactly the same type of guests.
There are a huge variety of types of guests, and accordingly there are also different types of guests.

Let's start parsing. First, we need to decide what type of guest book we want to collect and with what (in the sense that you can’t collect much with your hands;) When I started, I used the AllSubmiter program. It has a built-in parser. The program, like all others, is paid, but without a trial period. And if you don’t crack this program, then it only performs the functions of a parser, heh, and that’s exactly what we need because if we download it and do not activate it, then only the parser will work, the parser collects all URLs from the page excluding internal Google links, the parser filters out duplicate domains and duplicate links.
Get AllSubmiter here
For the new type of guest we are creating a new database.

Let's give her a name.

Now let’s get started, I’ll show you with a specific example how to assemble a database using an allsubmitter. Let's collect, let's say the guest type - gbook.php?a=sign. These guests have the same endings. When you type inurl: "gbook.php?a=sign" in Google, there are ~ 10.5K of them. But Google does not return more than 1000 results from a query, what to do, how to collect more than 1K? To do this, it is necessary to narrow the request many times, making sure that the search results do not exceed a thousand sites, so that we can collect all the results. An analogy could be that you can’t take off all a girl’s clothes at once in one fell swoop, first one, then the other, then the bra, etc. As a result, she will still become naked, and the one who will fuck will be the one who took off all his clothes, and not the one who, having tried to take off everything at once in one fell swoop, took off only his cap and thought that you couldn’t take anything else off of her. What I mean is that parsing does not end with the collection of guests for the request inurl: "gbook.php?a=sign", but it begins with it. It is advisable to make a request even like this
inurl:"gbook.php?a=sign" -"error" -"warning" , this way we remove some of the bad non-working sites.
After we have created a new database and allsubmitere, enter google.com in the browser and enter the request there. (It is necessary to set it in Google - “give 100 URLs per page”, this will speed up the collection of allsubmitters by the parser), this is what we see

Then click OK, then in the browser program “Back” and do the same with the 2nd page of the search results, then with the third, etc.

Having done this, let's create another query, for example >>
inurl:"gbook.php?a=sign" site:.com, i.e. Let's collect all the guests from the domain zone.com, again we'll do the same collection procedure (see pictures)
then another request
inurl:"gbook.php?a=sign" site:.net
inurl:"gbook.php?a=sign" site:.biz
inurl:"gbook.php?a=sign" site:.org
In general, you can select all types of domains.

The submitter will only add unique domains to the database, so don’t be afraid to make any requests, there will be no duplicates J

Then you can make queries like this
And then make something like this
inurl:"gbook.php?a=sign" - inurl:"guestbook/gbook.php?a=sign" -inurl:"gbook/gbook.php?a=sign" -inurl:"gb/gbook.php?a =sign" -inurl:"guest/gbook.php?a=sign"
those. weed out what has already been parsed

You can combine very different queries together, you can use “-”
To filter out what you have already parsed, the main thing is to make as many requests as possible.

Where to look for new types of gests? Typically I used two methods:
1) Ready-made guest books are often distributed on the Internet, and if they are distributed, it means they are widespread, i.e. for everyone, that is, many install them on different sites, etc. You just download these gests, upload them to Freeshnik and see what they end with, and then you look at this ending in Google, if a large result means there is room to collect it, a small one means these books are not popular and there is no point in collecting them.
2) You can look for new types of gestures in the backs of competitors, everything can be said to be ugly, etc., but very, very many people do this, although IMHO it is better to combine the first and second methods.

Of the normal automatic parsers, I highly recommend the Mango parser (253880089 - his asya), it is inexpensive, but very quickly and efficiently collects, filters for duplicates and deletes PHP sessions + distributes them across PR.

That’s it, write all your questions and suggestions here, I’ll try to answer everyone.

© vadiuha. All rights reserved


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