Adding an external report to the database. Adding an external report to the 1s 8.3 enterprise database external reports

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In the top menu go to Service->->.

After this, the directory list form will appear. In the top menu click Add.

The window for adding a new report appears. Press the button Open.

Select the file with the desired report and click Open. After adding the file, if necessary, change the name of the report (how it will be displayed in the list). Click OK.

As a result, the new report appears in the list.

After this, the report can be used, adding is completed. To open this report later, we also go to Service->Additional reports and processing->Additional external reports.

For BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, ERP 2.0.

To add an external report in 1C:Enterprise 8.3 configurations in a managed interface (using Accounting 3.0 as an example), let’s enter the corresponding section of the program:

It is necessary that the option to use additional reports is enabled, follow the hyperlink:

In the list that opens, click the button Create:

After this, a file selection dialog box with a report will immediately open, in which you need to select the desired file (in my case, it is a file with a plan-actual cost analysis).

Now you need to configure accommodation(the place in the program where the report will be available):

Randomly select the desired section of the program from the list:

Now you need to record the changes in the external report card:

Now open the report from the program interface:

The list is still empty, click Customize the list:

In the selection form, tick our report:

Now it appears in the list:

By button Execute The report form opens:

The need to customize external reports may arise in cases of prompt changes to the corresponding reporting forms. After all, government bodies that approve the relevant forms do not always take into account the fact that business entities need time to prepare the reporting form. Author - S.A. Kharitonov.

In standard configurations for 1C:Enterprise 8, produced by 1C, regulated reporting forms are included in the configurations and are released along with configuration releases. However, when the need arises - for example, a new edition of the reporting form comes into force - the 1C company releases such reporting forms in the form of external reports "1C: Enterprise 8" (files with the *.erf extension).

The use of external reports is a temporary solution that should only be used until a configuration release is released in which the necessary changes will be built in. Therefore, certain restrictions are imposed on the use of external reports:

  • when releasing an external report, it is specified which configuration release it can be used with;
  • the external report is not guaranteed to support previous configuration releases;
  • When a user is working with a configuration, more than one version of an external report cannot be used;
  • opening a report form takes a longer time compared to a report implemented as a configuration object;
  • uploading report data in electronic form is much slower, etc.

A list of external reports issued for a specific configuration release can be seen on the configuration page of the 1C:Enterprise 8 user support site at (in the section Free information you need to click on the number of interest in the column with version numbers) or in the form Update information(called by button Update information top team uniform ), if the regulated reporting alert service is enabled in the information base.

In the same form, you can click on the name of the external report to download it to your computer.

As a rule, reports are distributed in the form of a RAR archive. To work with an external report, the archive must be unpacked.

The archive, along with the external report file, contains a text file describing the purpose of the report and how to connect it.

If an external report is intended to replace a regulated report that already exists in the configuration, it can be connected to the infobase by simply opening the report in 1C:Enterprise mode (menu File - Open).

When opened you will be asked a question Register an external regulated report in the information base? After answer Yes the external report will be registered in the infobase and immediately opened to create a new report.

If you answer No, the report will not be registered, but will also be opened to create a new report. It will be possible to perform all actions with such a report - creation, filling, printing - but the created report cannot be saved in the infobase.

If the external report is a new type of regulated report, the report will not be able to register automatically in the infobase: this mode must be enabled manually. Connection instructions are also available in the text file contained in the archive obtained from the 1C website.

To use an external report, the user must indicate that for this regulated report, not an internal configuration object, but an external report will be used.

To register an external report as a new type of regulated reports in the directory Regulated reports necessary (see Fig. 1):

1) go to the directory group in which the new type of report will be located;
2) create a new directory item by clicking the button Add in the top command panel of the directory form;
3) in the form of a directory element, fill in the name that will be issued in the directory Regulated reports and in the list of report types of the form Regulatory and financial reporting. It is also advisable to fill out a description of the type of report;
4) switch Use set to file and specify which file should be used as an external report. After pressing the button OK in the file open dialog, the full name of this external report will be indicated in the file field of the dictionary element form.

Rice. 1. Register an external report

After pressing the button Write down the external report is saved in the infobase, after which the full name of the external file is replaced with text The report has been uploaded to IB.

The same thing happens when you press a button OK, while the form of the directory element Regulated reports closes.

For those directory elements for which external reports are used, the line (external) is added in the form of the directory list after the name of the report.

After the external report is loaded into the infobase, the external report file itself is no longer needed and can be deleted.

Working with a regulated report that uses an external report is no different from working with a configuration object, except for the “slow response” when opening and when downloading reporting data in electronic form.

As a sign of an external report, a red information inscription is displayed on the right side of the top command panel External report.

You can revert to using the "internal" configuration object at any time. Use To do this, in the form of a directory element for the required regulated report, you must select the switch to position an object

and save the directory element.

The external report itself is not deleted from the infobase, so the opposite action is also possible. To delete a report from the infobase, you must do the following: Regulated reports 1) in the directory
find a regulated report for which an external report is connected - such a report will have a line (external) added after the report name; 2) open the directory element for editing with the button;
Change current element 3) in the external report selection field, click the button X (Clear) . After pressing it the text The report has been uploaded to IB
cleared, this is a sign that the report will be deleted from the infobase; OK.

4) close the directory item form by clicking the button

The report is deleted while saving the directory item. If necessary, the report loaded into the infobase can be saved to a file on disk. To do this, in the form of a directory element Regulated reports Upload external report to file. A standard file save dialog will open. By default, the name of the file is the name of the corresponding configuration object.

It is important to note that in one user session with an infobase you cannot use more than one version of an external report: for example, if the user is already working with a regulated report, which is an external report, and has loaded it into the directory Regulated reports another version of this external report (for example, with added autocomplete), to use this version of the report he needs to end his session in 1C:Enterprise mode, and then immediately start a new session.

Working with software products supplied by 1C involves not only entering and systematizing primary information (filling out directories and timely entering documents), but also creating various printed forms based on this data. For these purposes, a special object has been created - reports. Reports in 1C help to analyze the current situation in the company in terms of various indicators and provide the opportunity to make competent management decisions based on this information.

Reports and processing

Generally speaking, there are no significant differences between these two types of objects:

  • They may contain layouts of printed forms;
  • They may have procedures in their modules for making changes to information;
  • They can be internal or built-in;
  • External reports and external processing in standard configurations are stored in the same directory.

You can conditionally divide the report and processing according to the principle of use. Layout is necessary to display information in a user-friendly form, processing is created to make changes to the database. Additionally, in the output tables, you can specify the main layout scheme, which will serve to form the appearance of the returned documents, as well as settings for storing parameters.

The objects physically considered in the article differ from external processing by file extension:

  1. External processing – epf;
  2. External report – erf.

External and built-in reports

If you look closely at the tree of any configuration in 1C, you will notice that there is also a reports branch (Fig. 1)

There are practically no differences between external and internal processors. Moreover, any ert file can be embedded in the configuration and vice versa, the built-in mechanism can be uploaded to an external resource. For example, if we want to make changes to the standard “Analysis of Contributions to Funds” processor, we must call the context menu of the corresponding object and select the submenu “Save as external...” (Fig. 2)

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The reverse action is called by the “Replace with external” submenu, but for this the configuration must be open for change.

The only difference between a built-in object is that it can be accessed from the program code of modules; for an external report this is quite difficult to do unless you add it to the appropriate reference book.

Creating an external report

You can create an external report only in the Configurator mode; for this you will definitely need knowledge of the built-in programming language and, most likely, the ability to work with the language and the query designer.

Basically, the programmer has two options to assemble the data extracted from the database tables:

  1. Use the mechanism of the data composition system (DCS);
  2. Programmatically fill out a spreadsheet document using a pre-prepared layout.

In the second case, the developer will have to independently think through the interface, selections, groupings and other things that can be created in the access control system as the user works.

But, regardless of the selected mechanism, you need to start from the “File” menu, the “New” submenu. The developer is presented with a menu for selecting the object to be created (Fig. 3).

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Here we see:

  • A name that summarizes the purpose of the object as accurately as possible;
  • Synonym and comment are intended for complete description;
  • Basic layout scheme – here you can specify the scheme that will be used to print the report;
  • The “Open diagram…” button opens the designer of the processing result;
  • Window for describing forms, details and layouts.

By clicking the “Actions” button, you can open the module of the object being created.

Layout diagram

Using ACS to create a report greatly simplifies the developer’s work:

  1. There is no need to think through and create the shape of the object;
  2. Selection, groupings, columns of the displayed form can be dynamically changed in user mode;
  3. It is possible to create and store several options for generating the final table.

This is why data layout schemes are becoming increasingly popular in modern solutions. If you click the appropriate button, the ACS designer opens in front of the developer. (Fig. 5)


The schema is stored in object layouts.

In addition to internal and built-in reports, there is another possibility for storing and accessing these objects - the “Additional Processing” directory.

Registering external objects in the database

For managed forms, on which modern 1C software products are based, the form for registering external processing in the database has changed significantly.

If earlier (on regular forms) it was enough to create a new element in the corresponding directory, specify the type of stored handler and determine the path to the ert format file, then on managed forms registration occurs from the module of the registered object.

To do this, the External Processing Information export function must be defined in the handler module. (Fig. 6)

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Figure 6 shows an approximate set of commands that will allow you to register a file in the directory.

In addition to the function with information, here are presented: another procedure (Add Command) and a function (Get Command Table). Their contents are shown in Fig. 7

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